Search Results

Search results 1-17 of 17.

  • Retro server some information

    SUCO - - OGame


    Dear players, A year ago, we were very pleased to offer you the chance to play the old OGame retro version again on a dedicated server. Started as a hobby project within our development team, we put a lot of efforts and tears into the retro universe, offering you the opportunity to experience the “good old times” again. However, as time goes on, we were faced with several more critical issues within this version, also affecting the game play and your entertainment on this universe. Sadly includi…

  • Dropzone – Renegades wanted!

    SUCO - - Origin


    RoM_DZ_News_.jpg At Gameforge there’s nothing we love more than games – and now our latest passion has landed: Dropzone! This game is the perfect blend of adrenaline and strategy, of MOBA and RTS, of cerebral tactics and blistering action… and it’s available on Steam right now! Head over to Steam today and check it out for yourself! Watch the trailer: Your Exclusive Gift As a Gameforge player, we have a special welcome gift for you: a coupon for a Vision Tower Cus…

  • WBB4.1 change

    SUCO - - Feedback & Discussions


    Any opinions about the new forum ? Any problems ? Like, don't like ?

  • Moderation restiction lifted

    SUCO - - General


    Quote from ErikFyr: “Quote from unloaded: “Quote from Valent: “It wasn't me :)” So who was it :miffy:” My guess is Shole :P” Bad guess

  • Access to pillory

    SUCO - - Archive


    The bans and the ban reasons are between the team and the player in case. All games have removed or never had a pillory for public. You don't actually need the pillory to be able to play the game. So there is no problem at all here. Thread closed.

  • The portal should be available for users on Pioneers today around 14:00 if everything goes well. So go out and test it.

  • FAQ about account conversion to Portal

    SUCO - - OGame


    Why do I need a Gameforge account? In future all Gameforge games will be merged on one portal with additional information and content. At the same time, the account management for all games on the portal will be standardised. This has the advantage of meaning each player only needs one account to log into the portal and thus also all associated game accounts. This means login will only be possible in future with a Gameforge account. If you have an old account, you can continue usin…

  • Dev Post: Wreck Fields - The "Wreckoning"

    SUCO - - OGame


    ​Feel free to go and suggest your ideas what possible name should maybe be on our facebook page and be eligible to win some coupons. OGame facebook

  • Dev Post: Wreck Fields - The "Wreckoning"

    SUCO - - OGame


    The "Wreckoning" discussion thread In the link above you can discuss about this.

  • Dev Post: Wreck Fields - The "Wreckoning" Here you can post your opinion about The "Wreckoning"

  • Hex Shards Of Fate

    SUCO - - OGame


    <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns=""> Hex: Shards of Fate /* Hex: Shards of Fate */ table { border-spacing:0; } td { border-collapse: collapse !important; mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } table { border-collapse: separate } .ExternalClass * { line-height: initial !important; } *{ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } .ExternalClass { width: 100%; background-color: #010101; } td.tcbg { background-pos…

  • Startpage update

    SUCO - - Test Server


    We will update the start page for the pioneers, to make the switch to SSL in hard way and also a change for all the connected servers. They will also switch to SSL. It will take place around 14:30. This might disable antigame and infocompte, and you will need to manually change it to http in url. The addons will be updated at a later time. Enjoy.

  • Remove summer pictures

    SUCO - - Archive - User Project's


    Nice tool. They will be removed anyway this week.

  • 6.0.0-RC6 Changelog

    SUCO - - Archive - OGame Planet


    coming today: 6.0.0-RC6 Changelog - Database fix for reporting messages in Backend - Occurrences of notices in Buddylist fixed - Change buttons in mobile view - Tweaked Mobile Backend - Optimized possibility to report Alliance Applications - Registration changes for Mobile Backend - Internally changed X-9 and X-10 Ship Names to K9 and Kit10. - Turn off Economy messages by default (Building + Research) - Added reporting to Buddy requests - Remove Patchnotes in Tablet Menu - Design changes for Mes…

  • OGame 6.0.0-RC3Quote: “- Cosmetic fixes for scrollbar - Fix for Firefox Pagination bug - Fix for NodeJS not working when switching between SSL and non SSL - Fixes for Alliance round messages - Fix for not taking alliance rank into account with alliance messages. - Fix for chocolate. Will not melt in Bomber cockpits anymore. - Fix for negative honor fight displays - Fix for displaying expedition combat reports in shared tabs - Only show debris button if the fight actually generated debris (In Com…

  • Napredak u OGame može se postići dobivanjem bodova tako što trošite resurse. Jedna važna komponenta dobivanja resursa osim proizvodnje vlastitih rudnika je krađa resursa od drugih igrača. Te resurse možete dobiti napadom na druge planete; pogledaj sljedeće poglavlje <<Napadi>>. Jedna važna stvar koju morate provjeriti prije samog napada da li su resursi vrijedni truda i da li obrana i brodovi mogu biti pobjeđeni od tvoje flote. Jedini način za vidjeti to je špijuniranjem mete. Da bi koristili ov…

  • Tutorial 04: Istraživanje

    SUCO - - HR BA - Balkan


    Ako želite napredovati u OGameu, ne možete se ograničiti na građevine i borbene jedinice. Također trebate uložiti vremena u istraživanja. Zbog stjecanja novog znanja kroz istraživanje, bit ćete u mogućnosti graditi jače brodove i kolonizirati više planeta. Zato se uvijek sjetite ulagati u istraživanja dok gradite svoje carstvo da ne zaostanete u usporedbi s drugim igračima. ==Snaga znanja== Sistem istraživanja u OGameu je ustvari pravocrtan i lako razumljiv. Prva stvar koju morate napraviti je i…