Dev Post: Wreck Fields - The "Wreckoning"

    • Dev Post: Wreck Fields - The "Wreckoning"

      Dear players,

      after some re-iteration over the upcoming wreck field feature, we are now happy to update the Test- Cluster (Bermuda, Origin) with a first playable version of the feature. We have made quite a few changes based on tests and user/community feedback and are confident that this new system creates a better player experience.

      This is still in a very early stage, so please remember that this is a very early look at the finished feature. Bugs and design issues are to be expected!

      Here is a broad bulletin list of the new wreck field feature:

      • A new building "Space Dock" can be constructed on planets. It enables repair orders for wreck fields and enlarges the wreck field size when upgraded.

      • Losing a fight creates a wreck field only for the defender fleet on his own planet. (If you hold/defend a planet no wreck field will be generated! We consider joining ACS an active decision, so no wreck fields for you!).

      • Units that don't count towards a wreck field: Defense units, spy probes and solar satellites.

      • Having the wreck field feature enabled will not change the debris field settings.

      • Untouched, wreck fields will burn up in the atmosphere after 72 hours.

      • They are only generated if more than 150.000 resource points are destroyed and at least 5% of the fleet were destroyed. (These numbers may change until we release the feature).

      • Planets have the wreck fields, even if the fight happened on the moon.

      • Repair orders on your wreck field can be started immediately. They cost no resources and take up to a maximum of 12 hours to finish.

      • After a 30 minute timer you can reinstate finished ships by pressing a button.

      • Not reinstating your finished repair order auto- reinstates the ships automatically after 72 hours.

      • Generated wreck field size depends on the DF setting on the server to avoid exploiting. You can increase the wreck field size by upgrading the space dock. Some examples: A 30% DF server results in 31.5% WF, the rest is destroyed completely. A 70% DF server results in 13,5% WF, the rest is destroyed completely. In other words: Without a space dock, 45% of the what does not go into the debris field is put into the wreck field. With a space dock higher than level 1 you increase the initial value of 45% in small steps. (These values are subject to change).

      • Existing wreck fields stack when new fights happen on the planet if the parameters for creation are met.

      • Removing wreck fields can be done by by burning them yourself.

      Please note that we reverted the changes for demolishing buildings. For the time being demolishing will stay unchanged. We are aware that some people use demolishing for resource saving. We do not feel that this is how resource saving should work, and will change this in the future by offering an alternative.

      We are still in the process of refining numbers and are currently looking for constructive feedback on the general feel and design of the feature. We hope to see you on the test servers for a first look! Our public test servers can be found on Pioneers!

      Finally, for a small glimpse into the future, we have also started concept work on our next project: Redesigning the new player experience (a.k.a Tutorial). More information on this will follow. We also intend to give the space dock more functionality in the future, and will post updates here as we progress with these features.

      Raid safely,


      The post was edited 1 time, last by DevLaTron ().