A better idea than the fleet escape :)

    • A better idea than the fleet escape :)

      Firstly, I want to apologize for my bad English, I hope you can understand my proposal :P

      Well I'll give my opinion about the fleets escape and I propose another idea which I think is better, because I have fear that the fleet escape is implemented :fie: , besides that I am convinced that my propose is a better solution for the noobs to stay longer in ogame :D .

      First of all I doubt that the fleet escape would help a noob player to stay longer, ok, will do it for a while, but what happen when you kill your fleet?, as WeTeHa said "the bigger part of the mostly new players turn their back on OGame after having the first real loss in the game", so despite all this, the player stop playing ogame and leave ogame, that's why the fleet escape I don't consider it a good idea, I think that the "key" or "the secret" for a player to stay more time is return a portion of the fleet that was destroyed.

      Well my suggestion is that when a player has a great loss, you return a percentage of its fleet destroyed in resources i mean only metal and crystal (such as debris), obviously i can't say what percentage he could return, because this would have to prove or to decide carefully.

      If you realize this would be much better, keep novice players more time to give them a percentage of its fleet destroyed in resources and also this would make them learn from that experience and therefore take better care of your fleet, so we will have more experienced players , whereas the fleet escape, will not do that, because when the noob player to feel a great loss without the possibility of recovering it, leave ogame.

      I know this idea is very similar to the Francolino proposal, actually I really liked his proposal, but not in the form that arises :P .

      Francolino proposal declared fleets as "damaged", that is why the player gets a portion of its fleet, to better explain here is the Francolino proposal: Use the lost resources of a combat

      But I think it would be more realistic and much better than when a player loses his fleet will return a percentage of it but only in metal and crystal as I mentioned, I say realistic because it is more in line with ogame and because in battle report only exist "surviving ships" and "destroyed ships" the concept of "damaged ship" not think that exists in ogame, plus as we all know when a fleet is destroyed 30% of it goes to debris but what happens with the remaining 70% ?, we could take that as an excuse to justify the recovery of resources, this does not mean that 70% recovered, that was just a description of the event :P and say it is much better because when recovering resources, give to the player the option to decide whether reinvested in fleet again and be more careful or change your style of play and invest in mines or research.

      The idea is simple, first we need to identify when will the event, one example would be when a player loses more than 80% of its total fleet, or 70% or 90%, etc. (these are only examples, as I mentioned this would have to prove).

      Finally that recovered resources could be in a class of storage, these resources don't past the 50% mark of refund, because there has to be a punishment for not being careful and these resources will not be able to be looted by other players and when the owner claims it, you could add a button to do this function or create a small section or menu to easily manage these resources or something (these are very general ideas, I accept suggestions :P ), below shows an example of how this could be (is just one example, as i said accept seggestions ^^ ), this could be displayed when you clicking a button (like jumpgate) or create a special section for this in the menu or implement that in one of the menu option (for example above of the "resources settings"), etc, etc... the important is the concept:

      1. there are the total resourses refund, after lost the fleet (this resources can't be looted, to avoid loss in possibles attacks).
      2. here you put the amount of resources that you want to get, this resources automacally will be added to your storages (these resources obviously can be looted), the rest of resources will be safe so you won't have to do cargos to transport these resources.
      3. ovbiously this button makes the action :P , with all this you have the comfort to spend all those resources when you want, without the risk of lost in some attack

      I hope they like it, accept opinions and criticisms, I think this might be a better idea than the fleet escape.

      The post was edited 7 times, last by Demon457 ().

    • It´s certainly a better feature than the fleet escape, but then again that´s not very hard ;) All kidding aside I think Francolinos suggestion is alot better than this one. Getting resourcers back for noobs isn´t the same thing as getting a part of their fleet back. You say that the concept of damaged ships doesn´t exist in ogame, which is correct. However I don´t understand why there couldn´t be and why it would be unrealistic. To be perfectly honest, damaged ships returning to its owner makes much more sense than resources that are magically protected from other players. :)
    • Azgaroth wrote:

      It´s certainly a better feature than the fleet escape, but then again that´s not very hard ;) All kidding aside I think Francolinos suggestion is alot better than this one. Getting resourcers back for noobs isn´t the same thing as getting a part of their fleet back. You say that the concept of damaged ships doesn´t exist in ogame, which is correct. However I don´t understand why there couldn´t be and why it would be unrealistic. To be perfectly honest, damaged ships returning to its owner makes much for sense than resources that are magically protected from other players. :)
      +1 Resources would not be nearly as useful as a percentage of the fleet back. If you can adjust your idea to include that too though, I would be all for this :D
    • Well i like this more then getting the fleet back. The fleet back does make some problems with the portion that becomew random event for other players, while this is local and specific to the planet( wouldnt make it moon based, because it can be hard to move the resources ) the crash has taken place. This also gets the noob/player think harder what to build and where/what he did wrong. And gives him an option to chose shall he build fleet or shall he build mines/research.

      And as explanation of getting resources and not portion of the fleet, it can be explained by destroyed fleet being spread too thin ( too close to the planet / fallen to the planet / whatever) for the ordinary recys to collect. So the player , when he gets online , can request that those resources be delivered to him, and i guess with some time delay or maybe even gradually he can have those resources. But i wouldn't go past the 50% mark of refund, because there has to be a punishment for not being careful.

    • i dont understand, how you do more like the idea of getting back parts of your lost fleet as ressources.


      you are fleeter!(for miners there is no difference in getting back half of their cargos or getting back the ress and rebuild the cargos)
      event: you loose a big fleet...

      1) ...and get half of it back in ressources.

      a)you want to play as a miner from now on:
      will you be able to save/build all those ress at a time?
      - i think you'll just become a target again, because of all those ress on your planet(unless you rebuild all of it in fleet/def, because thats the only way to save your ress from getting stolen when you allready have a building and a research in progress and no cargos there)

      b)you want to play as a fleeter again:

      it takes you a long time to rebuild all that fleet

      2) ...and half of your fleet returns to you

      a)you want to play as a miner from now on:
      ok, now you have fleet here, that you won't need, when you are going to play as a miner.
      BUT: you can get an other player to destroy your fleet and you will get the debris+half of that fleet again(that way you keep 80% of the points of your fleet and you have some ressources to build, repeat that a couple of times, allways then when you need the ressources...(if somebody is saying that is destroying my defense, because i have to destroy my fleet on one of my planets: "you are fleeter!" i wrote that at the beginning :) and otherwise: get yourself a colony without def and do it there!)
      AND: you can actually control when you will get how many ressources out of destroying your fleet!

      b)you want to play as a fleeter again:
      you are happy, to have half of your fleet back

      i don't know what is better now?!? :D

      edited: just for better visibility :D
    • why would you do that unless you have a moon on every single planet? with a bit of bad luck you will not even get the db if you do it at somebody else's planet(yes, you can slow down your fleet, that it will be right in front of your recyclers, but with bad luck somebody will see your recyclers coming back on your planet and this way finds out, when they will be at the db...i don't need to say, that he will just need to time his recs 1-2seks before yours and the db is gone...)

      anyways...that is not to discuss in this thread...
      (my former post was just trying to show the different possibilities of the "francolino idea" and the "Dick idea" after you got your fleet crashed)
    • icecold wrote:

      i dont understand, how you do more like the idea of getting back parts of your lost fleet as ressources.


      you are fleeter!(for miners there is no difference in getting back half of their cargos or getting back the ress and rebuild the cargos)
      event: you loose a big fleet...

      1) ...and get half of it back in ressources.

      a)you want to play as a miner from now on:
      will you be able to save/build all those ress at a time?
      - i think you'll just become a target again, because of all those ress on your planet(unless you rebuild all of it in fleet/def, because thats the only way to save your ress from getting stolen when you allready have a building and a research in progress and no cargos there)

      b)you want to play as a fleeter again:

      it takes you a long time to rebuild all that fleet

      2) ...and half of your fleet returns to you

      a)you want to play as a miner from now on:
      ok, now you have fleet here, that you won't need, when you are going to play as a miner.
      BUT: you can get an other player to destroy your fleet and you will get the debris+half of that fleet again(that way you keep 80% of the points of your fleet and you have some ressources to build, repeat that a couple of times, allways then when you need the ressources...(if somebody is saying that is destroying my defense, because i have to destroy my fleet on one of my planets: "you are fleeter!" i wrote that at the beginning :) and otherwise: get yourself a colony without def and do it there!)
      AND: you can actually control when you will get how many ressources out of destroying your fleet!

      b)you want to play as a fleeter again:
      you are happy, to have half of your fleet back

      i don't know what is better now?!? :D

      edited: just for better visibility :D

      True, but we are talking about loosing your fleet. You should not be able to get half of it just like that, i do believe that there should be some kind of work involved in rebuilding your fleet. Sure, it will take time and lots of work, but you can rebuild it as you wish. And learn something in the process.

      The novice player wont get killed for a lot more that then an advanced HOF, so when you look at the problem considering resources, he will be quite able to spend 50M when he is at 300-400k points. Or atleast he will be able to build cargos to move that ress.

      And btw, this feature is meant to keep noob players in game, not help top fleeters get their monster fleets back. Protection atm offers escape for smaller fleets only, i doubt that any top fleeter would be able to escape. And i believe it was meant to be like that. Atleast i see it as such. Sure, fleeters quit after big crashes, but you got big by knowing what to do, so you will know what to do with the resources if you stay.
    • thank you all for your comments :D

      Architect, first thank you for your comment, you argues good points in favor of the idea, I could not explain it better.

      ArchitecT wrote:

      this is local and specific to the planet( wouldnt make it moon based, because it can be hard to move the resources ) the crash has taken place.
      totally agree, I will add it to the main post. ^^

      ArchitecT wrote:

      This also gets the noob/player think harder what to build and where/what he did wrong. And gives him an option to chose shall he build fleet or shall he build mines/research.
      well said, this is one of the benefits of this idea, because it gives the possibility to change the style of play, after a big hit, as you say the noob player think harder what are going to build.

      ArchitecT wrote:

      But i wouldn't go past the 50% mark of refund, because there has to be a punishment for not being careful.
      another point on which we agree. :D

      icecold wrote:

      1) ...and get half of it back in ressources.
      a small detail, percentages are only examples, can be modified, could be by voting, or testing, i don't know :P (only one thing is sure: do not pass the 50% mark of refund).

      icecold wrote:

      a)you want to play as a miner from now on:
      will you be able to save/build all those ress at a time? - i think you'll just become a target again, because of all those ress on your planet(unless you rebuild all of it in fleet/def, because thats the only way to save your ress from getting stolen when you allready have a building and a research in progress and no cargos there)
      good point, to avoid that, i think that could be added a button, when your clicks, display a window (like jumpgate or like a merchant, when you exchange resources), that window show the metal and crystal refunded, there you can get your resources as you like and spend, i explain better with this pic, what i mean :P .

      1. there are the total resourses refund, after lost the fleet.
      2. here you put the amount of resources that you want to use, this resources automacally will be added to your storages, the rest of resources will be safe
      3. ovbiously makes the action :P , with this you have the comfort to spend all those resources, without the risk of lost in some attack

      icecold wrote:

      b)you want to play as a fleeter again:
      it takes you a long time to rebuild all that fleet
      As I said before will not have to spend all the resources on the same day, you can spend bit by bit.

      icecold wrote:

      2) ...and half of your fleet returns to you
      a)you want to play as a miner from now on:
      ok, now you have fleet here, that you won't need, when you are going to play as a miner.
      BUT: you can get an other player to destroy your fleet and you will get the debris+half of that fleet again(that way you keep 80% of the points of your fleet and you have some ressources to build, repeat that a couple of times, allways then when you need the ressources...(if somebody is saying that is destroying my defense, because i have to destroy my fleet on one of my planets: "you are fleeter!" i wrote that at the beginning and otherwise: get yourself a colony without def and do it there!)
      AND: you can actually control when you will get how many ressources out of destroying your fleet!
      That is the proposal Francolino, but I'm also in favor of it and only I will say that the percentages may be modified, are only examples, obviously would have to balance that, as i said is a good idea.
    • Well, if you get back the fleet in metal and crystal... it just takes a couple of follow ups to make the crash complete... and even more attractive for fleeters to make follow ups, since the rest of the fleet now is on the planet -.. without that much power to fight back...
      Beside... you still have to rebuild - cargos to transport the res, for exmpel....

      Sorry, don't like this idea ( well yes - like it better than the fleeing fleet)

    • restlesz wrote:

      Well, if you get back the fleet in metal and crystal... it just takes a couple of follow ups to make the crash complete... and even more attractive for fleeters to make follow ups, since the rest of the fleet now is on the planet -.. without that much power to fight back...
      Beside... you still have to rebuild - cargos to transport the res, for exmpel....

      Sorry, don't like this idea ( well yes - like it better than the fleeing fleet)
      Check the whole tread, the owner of crashed fleet would have to request the resources , they are not just given as soon as the battle is finished
    • restlesz wrote:

      Still doesn't like the idea
      Please look at the pic I put in the post number 9, you will not have to build cargos to transport these resources because these resources are safe all the time, with the objetive that the player can spend these resources gradually, i will add that example to the main post. :D
    • Has nothing to with whether the rest is safe or not - it's about the time it takes to rebuild. If you get back 49% of you fleet, as suggested in Francolinos suggestion - you can fly - ress to another planet or in combat right away. With this idea, you are still back to scratch and rebuild is time-consuming. And use the res gradually.... that's just... :dash:
      To get a aceteble replacment for the fleeing fleetsystem, where the idea is that you still have you fleet, the best idea is Francolinos. Your idea is basicly a bad ripoff. The idea with the fleeing fleet IS that the crashed player STILL HAS HIS FLEET... Not ress to rebuild. With getting back the ress, he's still "out of the game" for a while untill he has rebuilded. IF he bothers to do so.... Besides, if he's in an ally, I know that a lot of players (higher ranked than the crashed one and with the "old" system) send ress to a crashed allymate, to help rebuilding. The reason for people leaving the game after a crash, is mostly because they don't want to spend a lot of time rebuilding...
      No, really don't like the idea.