Firstly, I want to apologize for my bad English, I hope you can understand my proposal
Well I'll give my opinion about the fleets escape and I propose another idea which I think is better, because I have fear that the fleet escape is implemented
, besides that I am convinced that my propose is a better solution for the noobs to stay longer in ogame
First of all I doubt that the fleet escape would help a noob player to stay longer, ok, will do it for a while, but what happen when you kill your fleet?, as WeTeHa said "the bigger part of the mostly new players turn their back on OGame after having the first real loss in the game", so despite all this, the player stop playing ogame and leave ogame, that's why the fleet escape I don't consider it a good idea, I think that the "key" or "the secret" for a player to stay more time is return a portion of the fleet that was destroyed.
Well my suggestion is that when a player has a great loss, you return a percentage of its fleet destroyed in resources i mean only metal and crystal (such as debris), obviously i can't say what percentage he could return, because this would have to prove or to decide carefully.
If you realize this would be much better, keep novice players more time to give them a percentage of its fleet destroyed in resources and also this would make them learn from that experience and therefore take better care of your fleet, so we will have more experienced players , whereas the fleet escape, will not do that, because when the noob player to feel a great loss without the possibility of recovering it, leave ogame.
I know this idea is very similar to the Francolino proposal, actually I really liked his proposal, but not in the form that arises
Francolino proposal declared fleets as "damaged", that is why the player gets a portion of its fleet, to better explain here is the Francolino proposal: Use the lost resources of a combat
But I think it would be more realistic and much better than when a player loses his fleet will return a percentage of it but only in metal and crystal as I mentioned, I say realistic because it is more in line with ogame and because in battle report only exist "surviving ships" and "destroyed ships" the concept of "damaged ship" not think that exists in ogame, plus as we all know when a fleet is destroyed 30% of it goes to debris but what happens with the remaining 70% ?, we could take that as an excuse to justify the recovery of resources, this does not mean that 70% recovered, that was just a description of the event
and say it is much better because when recovering resources, give to the player the option to decide whether reinvested in fleet again and be more careful or change your style of play and invest in mines or research.
The idea is simple, first we need to identify when will the event, one example would be when a player loses more than 80% of its total fleet, or 70% or 90%, etc. (these are only examples, as I mentioned this would have to prove).
Finally that recovered resources could be in a class of storage, these resources don't past the 50% mark of refund, because there has to be a punishment for not being careful and these resources will not be able to be looted by other players and when the owner claims it, you could add a button to do this function or create a small section or menu to easily manage these resources or something (these are very general ideas, I accept suggestions
), below shows an example of how this could be (is just one example, as i said accept seggestions
), this could be displayed when you clicking a button (like jumpgate) or create a special section for this in the menu or implement that in one of the menu option (for example above of the "resources settings"), etc, etc... the important is the concept:
I hope they like it, accept opinions and criticisms, I think this might be a better idea than the fleet escape.

Well I'll give my opinion about the fleets escape and I propose another idea which I think is better, because I have fear that the fleet escape is implemented

First of all I doubt that the fleet escape would help a noob player to stay longer, ok, will do it for a while, but what happen when you kill your fleet?, as WeTeHa said "the bigger part of the mostly new players turn their back on OGame after having the first real loss in the game", so despite all this, the player stop playing ogame and leave ogame, that's why the fleet escape I don't consider it a good idea, I think that the "key" or "the secret" for a player to stay more time is return a portion of the fleet that was destroyed.
Well my suggestion is that when a player has a great loss, you return a percentage of its fleet destroyed in resources i mean only metal and crystal (such as debris), obviously i can't say what percentage he could return, because this would have to prove or to decide carefully.
If you realize this would be much better, keep novice players more time to give them a percentage of its fleet destroyed in resources and also this would make them learn from that experience and therefore take better care of your fleet, so we will have more experienced players , whereas the fleet escape, will not do that, because when the noob player to feel a great loss without the possibility of recovering it, leave ogame.
I know this idea is very similar to the Francolino proposal, actually I really liked his proposal, but not in the form that arises

Francolino proposal declared fleets as "damaged", that is why the player gets a portion of its fleet, to better explain here is the Francolino proposal: Use the lost resources of a combat
But I think it would be more realistic and much better than when a player loses his fleet will return a percentage of it but only in metal and crystal as I mentioned, I say realistic because it is more in line with ogame and because in battle report only exist "surviving ships" and "destroyed ships" the concept of "damaged ship" not think that exists in ogame, plus as we all know when a fleet is destroyed 30% of it goes to debris but what happens with the remaining 70% ?, we could take that as an excuse to justify the recovery of resources, this does not mean that 70% recovered, that was just a description of the event

The idea is simple, first we need to identify when will the event, one example would be when a player loses more than 80% of its total fleet, or 70% or 90%, etc. (these are only examples, as I mentioned this would have to prove).
Finally that recovered resources could be in a class of storage, these resources don't past the 50% mark of refund, because there has to be a punishment for not being careful and these resources will not be able to be looted by other players and when the owner claims it, you could add a button to do this function or create a small section or menu to easily manage these resources or something (these are very general ideas, I accept suggestions

- there are the total resourses refund, after lost the fleet (this resources can't be looted, to avoid loss in possibles attacks).
- here you put the amount of resources that you want to get, this resources automacally will be added to your storages (these resources obviously can be looted), the rest of resources will be safe so you won't have to do cargos to transport these resources.
- ovbiously this button makes the action
, with all this you have the comfort to spend all those resources when you want, without the risk of lost in some attack
I hope they like it, accept opinions and criticisms, I think this might be a better idea than the fleet escape.
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