OgDroid (Ogame client for Android)

    • OgDroid (Ogame client for Android)

      Hi everyone!

      Here's my Android App: OgDroid
      With this app, you can browse your space kingdom from anywhere, with your Android phone.
      Keep in mind that this app is not finished yet. Its development is still in progress. So you may encounter crashes. Don't hesitate to tell me when, how and where...

      What works (or seems to work :)):
      - Login on ANY server, ANY universe
      - Getting ressources amount
      - Getting "Resources" and "Facilities" buildings list
      - Getting list of "Researches"
      - Getting list of "Defenses" and "Ships"
      - Switch between your colonies
      - Launch and cancel buildings, researchs
      - Increase resources live

      What still have to be written :
      - Read messages
      - Browse Galaxy screen
      - Launch defense and fleet construction.
      - Improve fleet sending
      - Write and Send messages
      - Translations (The app is only in English at the moment)
      - Bug fixes (with your help...)

      To download the app go to the market and look for "OgDroid Beta".
      Or, for lazy people, just click on the link below ;p
      Link to the Android market

      For any comment or bug report, you can join the #androgame channel on IRC here:

      You can also follow me on Twitter by clicking on the image in my signature. I often post tweets when updating a new version, or to tell what I'm working on, etc...

      What do you think ?

      Tolerated for further development, by Francolino

      "Please notice that this app stores your account login data"

      The post was edited 45 times, last by kricek ().

    • Hi everyone!

      Just to tell you that I didn't give up this project.
      Sure, it has not been updated for days but I worked a lot on the interface to gain space and make it nicer.
      But as I was woorking on that, bugs came and I have to solve them.

      Moreover, I'm working to minimize network traffic to increase angain and again the speed of my app...

      I will post an update very soon, I promise.
    • Hello kricek :)

      You can start public tests and usage, your app is "temporary tolerated". Temporary, because it's still in development - It changes nothing for you and users, we sign it as "tolereted".

      Well,please tell me when you are ready to take out the public version.

      -> Moved to team section
    • Quoting from ORG board :

      Francolino wrote:

      Jwils wrote:

      Mind putting it on the market? Not that I dont trust a stranger on the internet but I am sure a lot of others would be more willing to grab it form the market instead of downloading it from that site.

      For now i told him to offer only the download link in the first posting, because it's an early stage now.

      But i talk with him about adding to the market - I agree, it's much easier for all.
    • Hi Kricek,

      First of all, thank you for your contribution. It is a really good idea to do.

      I tested your app just a few minutes ago on an Archos 10. (I suppose Android Froyo)

      No crash for my 1, 2 minutes of testing but: (I know it is a beta version but if I could suggest you some features...)

      1° No autorotation capabilities. I have a very large screen so I don't care about whatever the position of the screen but I would appreciate a landscape view xd
      2° Unable to find a logout button.
      3° In the overview tab, it can be usable to get current fleets movements. I think that even a miner has a fleet to care about, don't you ?
      4° Unable to find Moons.
      5° Unable to find messages IG fonctionality.

      But at all, it will be a very GOOD APPS when it will be finished.

      It is possible to include to following in your developpement sheets ?

      1° Ability to move a fleet to an other position (moon or planet) ?(In case of attacks)
      2° Ability to move ressources from one position to an other one ? (with PT or GT ?)

      I think that your app is more a "miner" app, so I will not suggest you to implement raider fonctionality. But it is possible I'm wrong.

      again thank to you for your app.
    • @HelpLess: It would be great! So I wouldn't need to hange the link each time I make an update... ;)

      1 - I locked it because of the nasty result I had, on little screens... I'll take care of this...
      2 - You have a "Logout" function in the menu (after pushing the physical "menu" button)
      3 - You already have a view that shows n-1 fleets: scroll up the icon at the bottom of the screen. It doesn't work properly but it's present... ;)
      4 - The Galaxy view isn't completed indeed... And... to be honest, I think a lot of "How to show each line" (planet name, player, etc...) I'm working on it but if someone has a idea, ...
      5 - Messages are not implemented yet... You just have an icon that shows you if you have messages... It will surely be implemented in next version, as lots of people asked me... ;)

      This app is not for miners only... I'd like people can play to Ogame from its phone, as a miner orevent a Raider...
      If you have ideas, don't hesitate to tell me... Just remember I can't include in my app something that isn't already in Ogame... ;)
    • Kicek-> I will retest it as soon as possible ^^

      I updated my android recently and now I have an error message when I tried to login my account.

      The application AndrOgame (process com.jejedroid.androgame) has stopped unexceptedly. Please try again."

      I don't know if it can help you but my firmware version is 2.4.19 (Android 2.2.1)

      I tried again a lot of times but It doesn't want to work ='(
    • New update!

      I added an Android framework and I'm now working with it.
      I helped to fix some bugs during "Getting data..."

      You may now not have to uninstall the previous version, as I don't modify the database anymore.

      As always, don't hesitate to tell me if you have some troubles, I'll do everything to fix them...

      @sedilbur: I hope this version does work now on your device... Keep me informed.

      Edit : Forgot to say: fixed the bug which caused crash when parsing ships or defense with number > 1000
    • New update!

      - Fixed bug noticed by silas in which the app couldn't initialize because of the directory of the database that didn't exist.

      - Moved database to external storage.

      As the database has been modified, you will have to remove the app and install it again.
    • Hi,

      What does it mean "external storage" ? external card storage or Internet storage ?

      Do you plan to use a kind of "bug tracker" that people can see/view to follow your developpment progress and help you to centralize every bugs/new features ?
      (f.e: easy-bugs.com/)

      I think there is also bugzilla...