OgDroid (Ogame client for Android)

    • Hi kricek,
      With your lastest version...

      Ogame destruction of solar plant = android "Deutterium Synthesizer in progress" and "Solar Plant in progress" =p

      indead of "destruction in progress"

      In addition, when I switched to another position, the dropdown in the top become "empty". All other button become grey

      I can just logout and log in again to get the same result.
    • OMG ZraX, you're right... I'm sorry... Is it a new one?

      I check it right now.

      I've just added a new version, containing ba.ogame.org, with all its universes...

      Sorry again.
      I'll check asap if no new server has been "forgotten"...
    • sedilbur wrote:

      In addition, when I switched to another position, the dropdown in the top become "empty". All other button become grey

      I can just logout and log in again to get the same result.

      This is a known issue. See the Google Project Page for all known issues. You can post bugs/issues here by yourself, so they become on Kricek's to-do list :)
      At the "Issues" section, you can add an issue by yourself.

      So, let's spam his to-do list 8o
    • Just wanted to ask (as suggested in french board) if I was allowed to use official pictures inside my app and, moreover, if I was allowed to put these pictures right inside the app, so the user doesn't have to download it during play...

      you can

      keep in mind, you should think about a way to check if graphics are still up2date. Otherwise players could miss some improvements.

      WeTeHa decision
    • New version available!

      "Changelog :"
      - Lightened the package: 3,9Mo => 760 Ko !!
      - Implemented "Delete" function in message view
      - Improved technical functions
      - Fixed bug in getting data about station screen
      - Implemented new version of "Station" screen
      - Fixed bug that made game login into an account, when it was remembered, even if the user changed account.
      - Changed tabs size in order to gain space.
      - Changed the behavior of the text fields, in "Login" screen. You can now press "Next" button on your keyboard, when inside "Login" field, to switch to "Password" field.
      - Modified database to include moon data.
      - Changed the behavior of the "Login Screen": No more auto-login. Now, in case of remembered user, fields are pre-filled and you just have to click on "Connect" to login. This fixes the fact that you had to "Disconnect" then relaunch the app to change account.
      - Started implementation of moon browsing. At the moment, you are only able to see if a colony has a moon at its coordinates: You have now an icon at concerned lines, in the planets list.

      To download the lastest version: code.google.com/p/andr-o-game/downloads/list

      Coming soon: a PERMANENT link will be created, which will allow you to have always the lastest version, with lastests changes, without having to wait for me to post the lastest version... It will be automatically updated when I'll work on the project... I'll keep you informed.

      Don't forget you also can follow me on twitter, to have new of the app more often...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kricek ().

    • At the moment, the app may find a new version by two ways: Automatically, at the start of the app, or by selecting "Check for updates" menu, in main screen. What do you prefer? 7
        - Automatically, at the start of the app (4) 57%
        - By selecting "Check for updates" menu, in main screen (3) 43%
      For those who are interested, maniacode, from the french board, added a server that will provide a brand new version of the apk each time I work on it and compile it.


      Notice: I may be working on something and haven't completed it, so not sure the lastest file won't crash. But you will be able to download the very lastest apk file at any time.
      Notice 2: I'm implementing the "Check for updates" functionality and an automatic check for update at the start of the app. You may find it in the lastest version.

      For those who want to know when compilations are done (live) or for any question or support, maniacode also created the channel #andr-o-game on irc.
    • Hey kricek,

      thanks for the app. That is what I was looking for. :)

      I`m missing the "Update over Android Market" in the poll. Could you add it, please?

      Also there are probably some problems with small resolution smartphones ( as mine ;) ).
      I´ve added some photos, where you can see the porblems with the resoution.

      1. Photo: The small space in the fleet-tab
      2. Photo: The small mail-symbol
      3. + 4. Photo: After a logout of the server. Maybe adding an exeption handling could do a re-login

      My phone resolution : 320 x 240 Pixel
      • fleet.png

        30.6 kB, 240×320, viewed 397 times
      • overview.png

        29.26 kB, 240×320, viewed 326 times
      • conect_lost1.png

        27.83 kB, 240×320, viewed 286 times
      • connect_lost2.png

        21.44 kB, 240×320, viewed 294 times
    • For those trying to install the latest version from comet.pierre.jaury.eu/androgame , sorry for the inconvenience, the signature process is now working and you should be able to install it (there is still no automatic testing nor validation process, so keep in mind that it might and will crash sometimes - just poke me on the irc channel if the packaging itself is broken). You might as well get info about builds on comet.pierre.jaury.eu:8010 (please don't play with the forced builds or i will have to disable them ^^ ).
      I might try and come up with a danish translation sometime as well.
    • Hi everyone!

      I know lots of people have troubles with my app and I'm really sorry for that.
      At the moment, I'm trying to know, first, what's the problem, because mails I receive are nearly empty and don't give me any clue... :/

      I''m trying to do my best to mak AndrOgame usable again.

      For those who could tell me more about their crashes, could you please come to iRc, channel #andr-o-game
    • Users from AR Com (Argentina) are reporting some problems in the resources, planets and buildings visualization when the use the app: they aren't able to see anything (everything appears empty or in lvl 0 for buildings).