Discussion around the merchant rates

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  • Aknor wrote:

    Merchant has unbalance the relationship between fleeters and diggers because these lasts can now play without fleeters and without to be annoyed by fleeters. By solding their deut production to merchant acount, digger kill fleeter and all activity in a universe.
    That's totaly true !
    The relationship between miners and fleeters is degrading.
    The corner stone (the strong point) of Ogame is the relationship between all kind of players and this relationship has deteriorated since the introduction of the merchant.
    Some players invoke even a war between miners and fleeters !

    I saw a difference between french players and the other ones : in France we choosed ACS for Kassiopeia because we love this way of playing.
    We give a big importance to the relationship between the players and this relationship is dying, except maybe in some alliances like mine where we help our fleeters.

    I think, as other players talking here, that it's very important for the GF to modify something in this feature !


    Remark : the bad use of the merchant (just to improve the rank of miners, ignoring totaly the fleeters) is a recent modification of the players' attitude.
    I think Marlenus's universe would have had the same problem as ours, ultimately (if his universe had been populated enough to date)

    Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
    et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
  • Hm...in general we added the merchant after really long discussions and with the distribution of res we noticed in the given universes (at that time). For sure we can think about the given exchange rate but as mentioned by several opinions in this thread the ratio is also chosen by the players. They can not abuse this feature on their own, they always need someone who give them the res instead of using it for himself.

    And yes...it is a popular feature. It is used a lot even if not everybody runs into the board to post "hey I used it again". ^^
    - - - WTH was here - - -


    ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
    yeah my girlfriend too :P
  • WeTeHa wrote:

    For sure we can think about the given exchange

    I think it's very important to do so !

    For the moment the GF gives advantages to individualist players and in my case, being the responsible of a big alliance I regret such a thing ...

    Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
    et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
  • but that is the problem of your rules in your alliance and not a problem of all player

    the merchant highly favors miners. but as you know miner strategy is worse than any mix or fleet tactic. so i feel its kinda working good because it favors the unfavored ;)
  • Hi !

    So I think that even if some of you are not impacted (in empty universes), you can understand that in the more populated ones, the merchant rates can be an issue.

    As it was said, this
    discussion is useless unless we can propose an acceptable solution that could bring as many - or more - people to use some DM.

    I don’t see any proposal going in this direction on this thread except one (obviously, it is not coming from me )

    It’s on Aknor post above (21st January), the proposal 3 : “a various merchant rate”. It would basically allow everyone to have an interest in the merchant (not only miners), by linking its rates to the commercial balance of the universe.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by NusaDua ().

  • why do you always accuse the gameforge that they only look on the money?

    what would happen if they wouldn't look on the business? have you ever thought about it?

    YES, ogame would be closed! Somebody has to pay the development and the server and the maintenance. So we have to pay for ogame.

    And before starting to flame on my post please think about your attitude to games. Do you buy no games in a year? Don't you pay 13 euro monthly fee for world of warcraft? Don't you go to the cinema and pay 6-8 euros for a film?

    PS: And if you really have time and if you are really interested in browser games than please go ahead and look how bigpoint or zynga make their money. In relation the gameforge is a sheep and they others are the wolves... So I for myself like how ogame makes money and I am willing to share my part on the future of ogame when paying some DM.
  • I am paying for DM too... Never said I wasn't... What I just said is that no evolution will be done if it impacts GF incomes. Everyone is adult enough to understand that this is a fact.

    Nevertheless, I believe we can keep looking for improvements. In this case, the last proposal I mentioned, from another user, is offering to update the rates, and at the same time, I think, bring more people to use the option... no ?

    The post was edited 1 time, last by NusaDua ().

  • Couldn't we introduce a rule that says something like: "Trading below 2,8:1,8:1 is forbidden?"
    Instead of modifying the merchant, we modify us.
    That way, almost everybody has the same rates for all resources. Nobody will buy/sell to make profit, but because he needs that type of ress.
    Life? Don't talk to me about life...
  • I see that just now :
    Discussion around the merchant rates

    EDIT - 15/07/2011

    I have updated the title of the topic, as the first idea (lower down the rates) is not a realistic possibility.

    The goal would be to find and discuss reasonable and acceptable alternatives to the current merchant rates.

    Acceptable means : without impacting GF incomes. ;)

    So please, is this sentence so important for the GF ?

    without impacting GF incomes

    As I explained the relationship between fleeters and miners has been enormously modified by these merchant rates and I think it's a big problem we must solve.

    Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
    et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
  • I don't know Asterix2, I would have loved to see the merchant rates simply decreased but... if you read between the lines, Weteha says that this feature is very successful as it is now.
    I think our proposals must be realistic and take into the account a real fact : the merchant is a huge source of revenue for the GF.

    We need to be smart and find an alternative range of rates or another mechanism, so the people will use the merchant as much as today, but without destroying the commercial balance in the new universes, or impacting the player’s ranking like now. Can we find such a proposal ?