That's totaly true !Aknor wrote:
Merchant has unbalance the relationship between fleeters and diggers because these lasts can now play without fleeters and without to be annoyed by fleeters. By solding their deut production to merchant acount, digger kill fleeter and all activity in a universe.
The relationship between miners and fleeters is degrading.
The corner stone (the strong point) of Ogame is the relationship between all kind of players and this relationship has deteriorated since the introduction of the merchant.
Some players invoke even a war between miners and fleeters !
I saw a difference between french players and the other ones : in France we choosed ACS for Kassiopeia because we love this way of playing.
We give a big importance to the relationship between the players and this relationship is dying, except maybe in some alliances like mine where we help our fleeters.
I think, as other players talking here, that it's very important for the GF to modify something in this feature !
Remark : the bad use of the merchant (just to improve the rank of miners, ignoring totaly the fleeters) is a recent modification of the players' attitude.
I think Marlenus's universe would have had the same problem as ours, ultimately (if his universe had been populated enough to date)
Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.