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  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    chemikos - - Bug Reporting


    Quote from Panda Rosso: “There is no bug. OWiki is written by players, noone of it is official, same as every tools. Everyone think that the wiki were right, now we all found that it is not, it as to be >1%, and that's all. No bug nor error in code. Just the brutal truth: People maybe be wrong! ” Agree, people maybe wrong, but official information (not OWiki) on polish board say, that in this case Cruisers should be able to destroy Deathstar.

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    chemikos - - Bug Reporting


    I didn't say that you have a problem.

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    chemikos - - Bug Reporting


    So you don't understand what the problem is.

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    chemikos - - Bug Reporting


    Quote from Sarsaparilla: “like LFs will bounce off a large shield dome... CRs will bounce off a deathstar... ” Can you explain why? Or you just know that?

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    chemikos - - Bug Reporting


    Maybe yes, but due to information what is on it is bug, so I asked. Quote: “shield <= 100 * attack ” EDIT: Trashsim shows winning in 4-5 rounds.

  • Cruiser vs Deathstar bug?

    chemikos - - Bug Reporting


    Browser-extensions / Addons: Please deactivate them! No Support with Addons. Bug description -------------------------------------------------- - On which action did the bug appear: attack - How does the bug show itself: - Screenshot to show the problem better (only if needed and please only upload the needed sections, not your whole desktop) (Pictures need to be embedded via https URL) -------------------------------------------------- General data for the bughunt ------------------------------…

  • It's not fair. I wanted to have all planets on 15th position, first colonized 3rd positon builtd terra 12lvl (!) to have more fields and what now. I spent a lot of resources to make this. I could spent them for something else. Bull shit!

  • Reserach, Stuff Bug

    chemikos - - Bug Reporting


    Hi, I have found an interesting bug. Let's see Spy Report sr-no-106-e106e70ba506c3b169e3b31528948d37b43a8de5 Quote: “Research Espionage Technology 1 Computer Technology 3 Weapons Technology 2 Armour Technology 3 Energy Technology 2 Combustion Drive 4 Impulse Drive 3 Laser Technology 4 Astrophysics 3 ” Can someone expain how it is possible to have Astophysics with Espionage Technlogy only on 1st lvl? Normally we need 4th lvl. When Staff is active we get 3 lvls more to spying, but it shouldn't be …

  • Fuel usage

    chemikos - - Archive - Suggestions


    @TGWo - yes, double effect. Now we get the same profit for each level of drive research (10%, 20% or 30%). For high levels, the profit is too small compared to the costs, so I propose such a change. Let's take CD - 20, ID - 18, HD - 15 Then we get 60%, 56%, 48% less fuel usage. To get it we have to pay: metal: 1 271 386 000 crystal: 1 703 912 000 deuterium: 983 032 800 It is not cheap, I don't think that profits will be to high. Thanks for replies.

  • Fuel usage

    chemikos - - Archive - Suggestions


    Thanks for all replies...

  • Fuel usage

    chemikos - - Archive - Suggestions


    Hi, I have idea how to change fuel usage. Let's make 4% less for each level of drive research. Same as Ion technology give less deconstruction costs. Formula: FU = fu - [(D-a)*0,04 * fu] FU - Fuel usage fu - basic fuel usage D - drive lvl a - constant, different for earch drive; 5 - Combustion Drive, 4 - Impulse Drive, 3 - Hyperspace Drive -- (we can talk about value of constant 'a') For example: Large Cargo, fu = 50 I. Combustion Drive = 2 FU = 50 - [(2-5)*0,04*50] = 50 - [-3*0,04*50] = 50 + 6 …

  • Translation bug

    chemikos - - Bugs & Questions


    I reported this over year ago and still you didn't change it. Why?

  • Labs and IRN

    chemikos - - Archive - Suggestions


    As we know when somethig is researching we can't upgrade any labs. I suggest to create a checkbox where we can set planets used by IRN. So on other planets we can upgrade labs. I think it isn't hard to do that. chemikos

  • @Imperor - bigger planets on 13th, 14th, 15th position is great idea, but only for new universes where you can build account like you want. Players on old universes will not delete planet costs about 10M+ points for higher duterium production. Make new planet? For me it means make 27 lvl astro. Even if I play x5 eco it is not cheap. @NoMoreAngel- I had an idea about gravitons but polish crew didn't like it. In short way: shorter researches by 10% (or less) per lvl combine with laser technology (…

  • Only two people like (or dislike) this idea?

  • Translation bug

    chemikos - - Bugs & Questions


    Hi I've found a translation bug in information about creating moon. English:Quote: “ A moon was formed around the planet with a diameter of 8.660 km” Polish:Quote: “Księżyc o powierzchni 8.660 km został uformowany. ” Should be:Quote: “ Księżyc o średnicy 8.660 km został uformowany.”

  • As all know we can increase production of metal and crystal by upgrading plasma technology. But not deuterium, I wonder why not? You can say that we can choose deuterium production level by choosing planet number in a solar system. I think it is not enough. I have an idea how to make Deuterium Synthesizer more efficient. We have only to change a little formula for deuterium production. Now we have: (EC*(10*(LVL)*1,1^(LVL))*(1,44-0,004*T);0) ES - eco speed LVL - level of Deuterium Synthesiezr T -…