Overview [need update !]

  • Overview [need update !]

    • The new content of Ogame Tutorial is - a wiki which includes a game wiki, tutorials and support information and propably a national part for every community. Here are some details :
      - It's an OGame Origin project.
      - This is the ingame Help link at the footer next to "Forums" and "Rules"
      - Guests without registration see NO editable content - If someone clicks on "Help" he don't wanna read the wiki help first.
      - Registered users can apply to the "wiki-staff" to create and translate content. (maybe we give the edit access all registered users )
      - The Origin crew have the same tasks in the wiki - leading the national wiki team and content.
      - The national part is propably editable by eveyone. ( need to be discussed)
      - The wiki chooses the general language from the browser settings automaticaly and you can change it later.
      - The default language is english if there is no translation.
    • This is our test & template site : ---> this is outdated
      - wiki.francolino.de
      - The registration is deactivated, if you really wanna help there, please ask me or another mate from the wiki team to get an account.
      - A design example http://wiki.francolino.de/First_steps/de

    • Parts of OGame Wiki
      - Tutorials & Information
      - Support information
      - Game wiki
      - Fan projects
      - National wiki
    • Questions, suggestions and discussion
      - Use this thread please : OGame Wiki - Discussions & Suggestions

    User projects
    • You can find in Project Translations tasks for user tools
    • - Inside the "Fan Projects" part every (good) user project gets an own page to give a summary of the project and special things.
    • We are still looking for other solutions how to include user projects.
      - Use this thread please OGame Wiki - Discussions & Suggestions

    see board.origin.ogame.gameforge.com/index.php/Team/


    Main parts
    • Basic Tutorials :
      - Basic tutorials for beginner
      - Based on the work from Alex deLarge - ogameuniverse.de/einleitung-tutorial.html

    • Advanced Tutorials :
      - Advanced and special tutorials.
      - Board for discussions and development Advanced Tutorials
      - Complete advanced tutorials list Advanced Tutorials list
    • Fan Projects :
      - Everything from the users - Tools / Skins / Websites or any other projects.
      - Details need to be discussed.
      - Board for discussions and development - missing and coming

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Valent: updated the post , needs revision ().