AntiGame Origin v6 - Galaxy Bug

  • AntiGame Origin v6 - Galaxy Bug

    hi there.

    since the upgrade to ogame version 6.3.0 there is some issue with the galaxy view.

    i am not talking of the well known issue with the planets, alignment or some.

    this is regarding the possibility to have an extended menu when mouseover the planets or moons.

    f.e. i am not able anymore to mark planets as farms.

    also it takes really long until the mouseover menu appears (i think this is ogame standard).

    right before the update the menu appears just right after mouseover the planet/moon without any delay.

    is there already any solution for?

    i have this issue since about 5-7 days.

    already tried to reinstall the extension (i am using the latest google chrome and currently AGO

  • Simply put all the old planets that I mark as a target in the former version of AGO can not remove beings.

    new it's just a visual abomination
    This is an ugly scare

    Just a question like that in passing this version 6.3 of AGO thou tested before putting it online I have never seen so many bugs in this same module time the most unstable beta of the time to Francolino
  • Laskov wrote:

    This is an ugly scare
    Instead of posting troll comments regarding AGO, just stop using it at all, it will solve all problems you have.
    This is third thread i check today and third troll comment from you.
    Said you to be patient and that your Bug report on Empire page will be fixed probably in some of next versions of AGO.

    hyteq wrote:

    is there already any solution for?
    Regarding main issue which is this thread opened for.
    We didn't updated all features for Galaxy page, there was option to update part of it and to release it or not to update it currently. So this version contains most of fixes, planet tool tip and moon tool tip are coming in next version. For planet its fixed already but for moons we are waiting for ogame developers. Will come soon.

    So far what i can tell you is be patient. :closed3: