Question about developing a script

    • Question about developing a script


      I have been checking other scripts based on JS using GreaseMonkey or similar, and I'm starting to kind of change them.

      In my case tarting from this script Plug in GreaseMonkey for information on bashing
      I have done in localhost several modifications of the .js file. Most part of them are visual, about where to position the div that is shown and stuff like that. I noticed that it uses an ajax call to retrive all mesages and the it "parses" it (I'm still getting on that part) to analize if is from the last 24h or older, and then draws it. Uses cookies to work. Understandable Javascript code. Its a good job :)

      I'm thinking in analising the fleet movement page to draw something like a visual flow between planets.

      Anyway, I don't want to get banned of course, neither do anything illegal. If my work becomes another script, I want to share with the community.

      Here are my questions:
      - ¿Is there any "universe test server" or something, where I can join and play with my own scripts, based on other scripts (to be on the legal side)?
      - If i release my first version of that script, ¿wich are the steps? ¿Where I have to post it?

      Thanks for information!
      Do the fleet save! Always!
    • First of all you can't just use ("steal") someones code and use it as it is yours.
      You can rewrite it or ask that developer if you can use his code... otherwise its not ok.

      energyzen wrote:

      Anyway, I don't want to get banned of course, neither do anything illegal. If my work becomes another script, I want to share with the community.
      You can develop scripts and use it at our test servers without getting banned.
      Not tolerated scripts can't be used at live servers.

      energyzen wrote:

      - ¿Is there any "universe test server" or something, where I can join and play with my own scripts, based on other scripts (to be on the legal side)?
      Test servers are on:
      Universe 680 is for developers only, you can contact me on Irc to get htaccess.

      energyzen wrote:

      - If i release my first version of that script, ¿wich are the steps? ¿Where I have to post it?
      First step after you developed it is to request toleration.
      You can do that by making thread in this section: New Tools
      After you post it, you will need to wait some short time that script be checked and approved if everything is ok. If something is forbidden, and your script gets forbidden you will get future steps what you should fix if you want that it be tolerated.

      After toleration of tool you tool will be on this list:
      Ogame 6.0 Tolerated Addons, Tools, Scripts & Skins
      And could be used at any OGame community.
    • Hi again,

      thanks for the quick and detailed answer. :check:

      I'll check the test server asap. :check: ¿Can you give me server and irc channel to reach you?

      I'll try to follow the steps later when I'm done. :check:


      But I dont agree with your first sentence :grumble:

      I think there is no copyright on greasemonkey scripts, there is no concept of "property", its pure javascript code without encryption.

      Anyway, I had tried to reach all devellopers of scripts I'm basing on, but some are inactive since 2012,2013... and I can't reach them. But i'll keep trying.
      I thinked on quoting the scripts I base on, but permission? Como on, once its coded and published on the net you cant avoid if someone modifies it, its sharing not stealing.

      Thanks again!
    • energyzen wrote:

      Can you give me server and irc channel to reach you?
      You can also contact other admins or supporters.

      energyzen wrote:

      I think there is no copyright on greasemonkey scripts, there is no concept of "property", its pure javascript code without encryption.

      Anyway, I had tried to reach all devellopers of scripts I'm basing on, but some are inactive since 2012,2013... and I can't reach them. But i'll keep trying.
      I thinked on quoting the scripts I base on, but permission? Como on, once its coded and published on the net you cant avoid if someone modifies it, its sharing not stealing.
      Well when developer publishes it, he publish it under some licence. Some licences are allowing you to use them and modify them, and some nope.
      Here is one nice website where you can read more about licences, which licences allows what and which not:

      So after submitting your tool, your tool will go trough detailed inspection phase where everything will be checked, using code which is protected by licence and developer didn't gave you permission to use it... it would be one reason to get your tool forbidden. :)