Announcement Overview & Rules

    • Overview & Rules

      Welcome to the OGame Origin board!

      • This is the international board for all OGame communities whose purpose is to generate better information, communication and discussions regarding OGame.
        - For more details read User's guide through Origin (which is available in a few different languages).
      • Public IRC Channel :
        - IRC Server:
        - Port: 6667
        - Channel: #ogame.origin

      • This is a support board for the OGame communities.
      • The whole forum is included in the Terms and conditions of OGame.
        - Therefore German Laws apply on the whole Forum. It also means that the OGame Origin Owners are not responsible for any posted pictures or links that are copyrighted.
      • The main language of this board is English, but other languages are welcome.
        - You may add your native language in each post as a second part, preferably in spoiler tags.
        - In areas like the Localization Area, native languages are allowed. Please use the relevant language prefix in such cases.
      • Be pleasant and support OGame and the Orgin Team that is here to help you.

      All content is free
      • Everything written on the Origin Board is open to everyone worldwide!
        Results of this international cooperation are translated into all languages Gameforge provides and are available to the communities, so YOU are allowed to hand them down to your community.
      • Feel free to copy and paste anything or link it on your national board!
        If you need help putting something on your national board, please contact their moderation team for assistance.

      Registration and Access
      • Users may register one account only.
        - Please activate your account with the link that will be sent via email at the conclusion of your registration.
        - If you don't receive an email, use the IRC channel #ogame.origin to talk with a Board Supporter or Administrator
      • Access may be removed at any time on a temporary or permanent basis
        - The Origin Team reserves the right to warn, censor, or ban users and remove any content at any time with or without notification.
      • Guests :
        - Guests can only see the News and Public Sections.
      • Registered users :
        - They also have can post and contribute to all sections of the board.

      • Registered users can apply to any of the following groups (profile -> usergroups) :
      • OGame :
        - Member of an OGame team with a signed DPA.
        - Please use your @OGame.tld email address. Otherwise tell us who you are in the application.
      • Tools & Skins :
        - For active developers of OGame tools and add-ons.
        - Please tell us what projects you are responsible for and also what coding knowledge you have.
      • For a full membership overview see: Board & Team

      Your OGame Origin team.