[Selling Deuterium] for mix

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    • [Selling Deuterium] for mix


      I am ready to sell up to 10k deuterium preferably in 2nd galaxy, however I can also fly up to 1st or 3rd if needed.
      I would rather sell for a 50/50 mix at 2.5/1.5/1 rate if somebody buys at least 5k (one cargo).

      If you are interested in buying less, I'd like to increase a rate to 2.75/1.75/1 as it is not very smart to use a slot for a small amount. If you live close to me in 2nd galaxy, we can of course discuss this matter in the game :)

      Btw. I presume that it's fine that a small amount of fuel will be used for flight, as it is not reasonable to use 2 cargos for 5k deu.

      Please contact me in a game (nickname: shomei)
    • Deuterium is sold. Please DO NOT close this topic, as I will probably use it in the future for Deuterium sale :)

      I found out that I underestimated my rates since I got more than 10 messages in less then 15min. with various offers. The rates will be adjusted accordingly to the demand at OGame free market :)

      Greetings on behalf of "Old School Miners"

    • Hello!

      Old School Miners sells the best quality deuterium again :) I think I can figure out even up to 20-30k this time.
      As the deuterium goes cheap for metal I suggest the following trading rates:
      • 3:1 if you pay with metal
      • 1.5:1 if you pay with crystal

      I can take a mix of 2/3 of metal and 1/3 of crystal. It would be unreasonable to ask for too much crystal, as the demand is pretty high right now. If anybody is interested, just write me a PM in a game. I can deliver all day and all night in all galaxies, as Old School Miners became experts in delivery terms.

      Update: 24/06/2016 00:23 // 20k left :thumbsup:

      The post was edited 2 times, last by shomei ().