- Info : O-Table collects your spy reports and create a sortable table with advanced filter functions.
- Author : OddWH
- Ogame : 6.1.7
- Website : No website, but a french thread : Here
- Support : Here and Here (FR)
- Download : openuserjs.org/scripts/OddWH/O-Table
- Screenshot : See Below
- Browser : Chrome (Tampermonkey), Firefox(Greasemonkey), should work on opera too (Tampermonkey)
- Compability: AGO, Improve V6 + every scripts that doesn't change spy reports
- Languages : French/English
[align=justify]O-Table is a script that create a summary board with all your spy reports. The scripts is close to RaidFacile (from ogame V5) as you can accumulate on it as much reports that you want. So if you have 10 pages of spy reports, you can collect every page and create one board. You can sort it as you want, display the rows you want, and hide every spy reports you don't want by applying filters on them.
Advanced features like Profits MSU or the second wave generator helps you to find in your spy reports the best attacks to do.
And you have some others features, like :
- Colorize data by using criterias
- Hide Spy reports by using criterias
- Open attack in a new tab
- Information board (helps you to know what you will get if you fill your slots with attacks)
- [...]
The script is currently in French/English, but by setting manual parameters, you can make it work in every language. If you find a bug in your language, please send me what you got and a screenshot of your spy report, as I'm not able to test in others servers by myself.
[quote]To use the script :
1) Go in your messages
2) Collects your spy reports with "Get Messages" Button
3) Display your collected messages with "Display Board" Button
4) When you don't need your spy reports anymore, push "Empty Script" button[/quote]
My goal is to put in this script the same features I've done in my Excel, RaiderTab (you can find it in the tolerated tools section), and add some others extra features.
If someone come here and want a feature, you're free to post your suggestion, and I'll study it :)[/align]
Screenshots :
@To the reviewer : As the code is made of a lot of functions, I created an excel file where you can find schemes, that could help you to see how the script works. You can find it here : drive.google.com/file/d/0B0tYY…6WWlZUFE/view?usp=sharing
On it, you have a simplified and a complete sheet.
Thank you

Changelog 0.14.1 :
- [Display] : On the options, deleted "new" icon on the option line used to delete spy reports that has less than x profits.
Changelog 0.14.0
[Feature] : It's now possible to hide a spy report if the profits are smaller than X (possibility to choose between standard or MSU resources, and with or without DF included)
[Display] : The column used to sort the table is colorized (red = smaller to bigger, green = bigger to smaller)
[Display] : Script version is now shown on the bottom part of options
[Code] : Fixed a naming issue on radio buttons
Changelog 0.13.0 :
[Feature] : Possibility to choose how to sort by default the table
[Bug] : Less script displaying issues at initialisation
[Fixing] : For displaying lines containing fleets or defs, operators are now "<=" instead of "<"
[Display] : tooltip showing the amount of necessary small/heavy cargos on attack buttons
Changelog 0.12.1 :
[Bug] Removes the pop-up displaying an error
Changelog 0.12.0 :
[Feature] : Travel Time Column (with a tooltip that summarize the SC/LC travel time, travel time + back, arrival clock, back clock)
[Feature] : Arrival time column
[Feature] : Back time column
[Feature] : Profits per hour column (standard or MSU)
[Feature] : Colorize the value in profits/hour if the profits are bigger than....
[Feature] : It's now possible to change the text size inside the spy report board (useful when you want to display more columns)
[Options] : Manually set your amount of galaxies/solar systems for your universe
[Bug] : Large cargo attack button had no mission set, so the button was always in transport mode
[Bug] : When the universe had more than 9 galaxies, the coord sorting was wrong
Changelog 0.11.0 :
[Feature] Spy button : By clicking on player name, you can spy the coordinate behind the current line (like when you spy from the spy report). When you click, the player names becomes orange for 1 second, to help you to know when it's the best time to spy again (to avoid errors).
[Code] : modification of the way to collect player status : instead of saving the player color inside the raw message, a value is now saved and this value is read by the code when creating the HTML board.
Changelog 0.10.1
[Bug] : New fix for the spy report Age error (testing phase)
Changelog 0.10.0
[Feature] Simulate function : When you click on the fleet or defense amount, you are redirected in a fight simulator
[Feature] Recycle button : When you click on it, you are redirected to the fleet 1 page, with pre-selected amount of recyclers and coordinates
[Options] Added 5 news fields to for the fight simulator :
- Weapons technology
- Shield technology
- Armour technology
- Universe fleet Debris field ratio
- Universe defense Debris field ratio
[Options] Possibility to send now 5 and 15% more ships
[Bug] Fixed : When the player name had "[" or "]" inside, the script had some problems to get the good coordinates
[Bug] Fixed : Servers with different timezones had spy reports Age issues
[Bug] Fixed : When you clicked on attack button of a line that was corresponding to a moon, the attack was for the planet instead of the moon
[Display] "Empty script" button is now renamed in "Empty Table"
The post was edited 12 times, last by OddWH ().