We reached 10k players today ! Thank you all !

  • retirado_off wrote:

    gameforge open your eyes

    Yeah! Go Gameforge! Listen! Look!
    1 Universe for all coms
    Old inactive deletion (no deletion on next day, or 2-3 days, so all accounts are deleted only after >35 days)
    3.6k accounts just created (guessing startfarms) and never logged in.
    I hope it will have some active users over time and it contain not that much (oh retro, i want to see it > never log in again)

    Because of that we are thinking of an manually deletion of inactive players to generate space.


    P.S.: 2009 when RD arrived in ogame.de the Gameforge needed at least 2 servers. The first server was full within 2 days and the second some days later.
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • JoKy wrote:

    retirado_off wrote:

    gameforge open your eyes

    Yeah! Go Gameforge! Listen! Look!
    1 Universe for all coms
    Old inactive deletion (no deletion on next day, or 2-3 days, so all accounts are deleted only after >35 days)
    3.6k accounts just created (guessing startfarms) and never logged in.
    I hope it will have some active users over time and it contain not that much (oh retro, i want to see it > never log in again)

    Because of that we are thinking of an manually deletion of inactive players to generate space.


    P.S.: 2009 when RD arrived in ogame.de the Gameforge needed at least 2 servers. The first server was full within 2 days and the second some days later.

    Mormaly universe 2000 acoounts created, 1000 accounts inactives after 2 months, the rest of 1000 accounts, 500 are moonaccounts or multis

    Universe retro, 10k accounts... well its possible than 70% of this accounts are inactives but even so, still beter not?

    P.S: In 2005, when the universes opened at 14:00 pm, you needed to tell a friend that you created my account because at that time i was in highschool... and if i expected to get home no had places

    okey, this isnt like 2005-2006 but its enough at least for me

    regards :miffy:
  • retirado_off wrote:

    JoKy wrote:

    retirado_off wrote:

    gameforge open your eyes

    Yeah! Go Gameforge! Listen! Look!
    1 Universe for all coms
    Old inactive deletion (no deletion on next day, or 2-3 days, so all accounts are deleted only after >35 days)
    3.6k accounts just created (guessing startfarms) and never logged in.
    I hope it will have some active users over time and it contain not that much (oh retro, i want to see it > never log in again)

    Because of that we are thinking of an manually deletion of inactive players to generate space.


    P.S.: 2009 when RD arrived in ogame.de the Gameforge needed at least 2 servers. The first server was full within 2 days and the second some days later.

    Mormaly universe 2000 acoounts created, 1000 accounts inactives after 2 months, the rest of 1000 accounts, 500 are moonaccounts or multis

    Universe retro, 10k accounts... well its possible than 70% of this accounts are inactives but even so, still beter not?

    P.S: In 2005, when the universes opened at 14:00 pm, you needed to tell a friend that you created my account because at that time i was in highschool... and if i expected to get home no had places

    okey, this isnt like 2005-2006 but its enough at least for me

    regards :miffy:

    2000 accounts in one community.

    This server is international.

    If you sum the total of players in all new universes (opened in the same day), maybe you will surprise :)
  • JoKy wrote:

    Because of that we are thinking of an manually deletion of inactive players to generate space.

    Good idea actually :thumbup:

    It`s just nice to see that number in one uni (10k).

    When Gameforge opened some new unis on few communities (.br, .cz, .de, .en, .es, .fr, .hu, .it, .nl, .pl, .ru, .tr, .us) on 21/03/2016 , I was just wondering how many players will play. So, if you do the math, 13 Communities with new unis and average of 1.5k new players per uni, you will get the number of 19.5k players (this is just approximately number, because IDK correct average per community).
    So yes, this number of 10k is a success, but let`s wait few months to see where this number is going..
  • Danimanza wrote:

    retirado_off wrote:

    JoKy wrote:

    retirado_off wrote:

    gameforge open your eyes

    Yeah! Go Gameforge! Listen! Look!
    1 Universe for all coms
    Old inactive deletion (no deletion on next day, or 2-3 days, so all accounts are deleted only after >35 days)
    3.6k accounts just created (guessing startfarms) and never logged in.
    I hope it will have some active users over time and it contain not that much (oh retro, i want to see it > never log in again)

    Because of that we are thinking of an manually deletion of inactive players to generate space.


    P.S.: 2009 when RD arrived in ogame.de the Gameforge needed at least 2 servers. The first server was full within 2 days and the second some days later.

    Mormaly universe 2000 acoounts created, 1000 accounts inactives after 2 months, the rest of 1000 accounts, 500 are moonaccounts or multis

    Universe retro, 10k accounts... well its possible than 70% of this accounts are inactives but even so, still beter not?

    P.S: In 2005, when the universes opened at 14:00 pm, you needed to tell a friend that you created my account because at that time i was in highschool... and if i expected to get home no had places

    okey, this isnt like 2005-2006 but its enough at least for me

    regards :miffy:

    2000 accounts in one community.

    This server is international.

    If you sum the total of players in all new universes (opened in the same day), maybe you will surprise :)
    If the communitys were warned about the retro server opening day, just like any other universe that opens, perhaps we would see 15k players.
    Almost every community announced the retro server opening after the server were online. Two cases that I know was ogame.org and ogame.pt, but I believe most of domains only announced afterwards. If it weren't for the players in the specific community I wouldn't joined in the first day, and there are many players out there that only join a new server if they start in the opening day, something that didn't happened cause there was no credible word about the opening fo the retro server, just a handfull os players that tested it 2-3 days before, not a single GA information were released in those 2-3 days.
  • Danimanza, you forgot 2 or 3 points tho:
    1) No advertisement 1 or 2 weeks before the server launch
    2) No email calls (while we had it back in time, maybe still for the new servers, idk)
    3) No iPad application players (separate portal) which make about 50% of the newcomers (if not more) on the new servers
    4) Quebec have troubles loggin in (for french-speaking people)
    5) This server has been announced in November, went live at the end of May, 2016. Some people who already quit the game and stopped checking the forum just gave up waiting (no hope is better than the sensation of false hope in marketing)

    Well, this being said, I'm pretty confident GF will never go back and instead keep going further making Ogame a pay2win game as:
    -Even back in the days of commender (I think 1.5€ per 15 days), a whole community having it ON make GF earns less than with 2 or 3 crazy folks going huge in AM (in Izar only, our top1 spent about 10k€, a lot of other players were over 1k€).

    Let's say 10k players over 2 years spend 3€ a month => 30k€/month of raw income for GF 180k€/year/universe income for GF per year.
    While we can assume the real number was maybe more of about 300 - 400 players, well make the calculation yourself

    Now let's take a 100 folks, 1 will go crazy 10k€ at start and then spend about 100/200€§month and let's say 50 other players are on a consistent 100€/month + another 100 players using 25€/3months as they get their officer on => 88k€/year/universe
    While previous value (oldschool) was over-estimated, this one is ways undervalued as some other players will also go up to 400 / 500, without even talking about the fleet-rebuy after someone gets RCs

    As GF (like every XXIth century company) is looking for profit first, the "new" ogame is much more profitable than the old one :)
    Univers 7.fr & 44.fr old player (stopped in early 2007)
    Oldschool Universe - currently active
    HoF Hunter
  • Gwenn Ha Du wrote:

    Danimanza, you forgot 2 or 3 points tho:
    1) No advertisement 1 or 2 weeks before the server launch
    2) No email calls (while we had it back in time, maybe still for the new servers, idk)
    3) No iPad application players (separate portal) which make about 50% of the newcomers (if not more) on the new servers
    4) Quebec have troubles loggin in (for french-speaking people)
    5) This server has been announced in November, went live at the end of May, 2016. Some people who already quit the game and stopped checking the forum just gave up waiting (no hope is better than the sensation of false hope in marketing)

    Well, this being said, I'm pretty confident GF will never go back and instead keep going further making Ogame a pay2win game as:
    -Even back in the days of commender (I think 1.5€ per 15 days), a whole community having it ON make GF earns less than with 2 or 3 crazy folks going huge in AM (in Izar only, our top1 spent about 10k€, a lot of other players were over 1k€).

    Let's say 10k players over 2 years spend 3€ a month => 30k€/month of raw income for GF 180k€/year/universe income for GF per year.
    While we can assume the real number was maybe more of about 300 - 400 players, well make the calculation yourself

    Now let's take a 100 folks, 1 will go crazy 10k€ at start and then spend about 100/200€§month and let's say 50 other players are on a consistent 100€/month + another 100 players using 25€/3months as they get their officer on => 88k€/year/universe
    While previous value (oldschool) was over-estimated, this one is ways undervalued as some other players will also go up to 400 / 500, without even talking about the fleet-rebuy after someone gets RCs

    As GF (like every XXIth century company) is looking for profit first, the "new" ogame is much more profitable than the old one :)

    That's very optimistic. We actually don't get 10k active users... and if we were... i don't think that every of them would pay 3€ per month for commander features. Most of them would like to play for free :)
  • APW wrote:

    It`s just nice to see that number in one uni (10k).

    When Gameforge opened some new unis on few communities (.br, .cz, .de, .en, .es, .fr, .hu, .it, .nl, .pl, .ru, .tr, .us) on 21/03/2016 , I was just wondering how many players will play. So, if you do the math, 13 Communities with new unis and average of 1.5k new players per uni, you will get the number of 19.5k players (this is just approximately number, because IDK correct average per community).
    So yes, this number of 10k is a success, but let`s wait few months to see where this number is going..
    This is a lie. About 15k in your 19.5k player are your botb. Like Imparator12412876312.
    This universes players aren't bot. And than you did not make your advertisement so nobody knows this universe because you can't earn money from this universe.
    We know that trusting gameforge is just ...
    You dont like anything if it is not concluding too much money.
    But we are trying to having our fun with our old universe,in my opinion you are still making your ways to closing this universe. We can clearly see that from your messages.
  • Danimanza wrote:

    retirado_off wrote:

    JoKy wrote:

    retirado_off wrote:

    gameforge open your eyes

    Yeah! Go Gameforge! Listen! Look!
    1 Universe for all coms
    Old inactive deletion (no deletion on next day, or 2-3 days, so all accounts are deleted only after >35 days)
    3.6k accounts just created (guessing startfarms) and never logged in.
    I hope it will have some active users over time and it contain not that much (oh retro, i want to see it > never log in again)

    Because of that we are thinking of an manually deletion of inactive players to generate space.


    P.S.: 2009 when RD arrived in ogame.de the Gameforge needed at least 2 servers. The first server was full within 2 days and the second some days later.

    Mormaly universe 2000 acoounts created, 1000 accounts inactives after 2 months, the rest of 1000 accounts, 500 are moonaccounts or multis

    Universe retro, 10k accounts... well its possible than 70% of this accounts are inactives but even so, still beter not?

    P.S: In 2005, when the universes opened at 14:00 pm, you needed to tell a friend that you created my account because at that time i was in highschool... and if i expected to get home no had places

    okey, this isnt like 2005-2006 but its enough at least for me

    regards :miffy:

    2000 accounts in one community.

    This server is international.

    If you sum the total of players in all new universes (opened in the same day), maybe you will surprise :)

    Venga ya dani nose de que lado estais los del team nose si quereis que esto vuelva a ser lo que un dia fue o al menos parecido

    10k de usuarios teniendo en cuenta que no se le ha dado publicidad, que no hay sac, que no hay soporte ante bugs y seguis pensando que es un fracaso... yo creo que os pensabais que no iban a jugarlo ni 2000 personas y ahora os estais sorprendiendo... los registros no dejan de crecer... claro que no se van a jugar todas esas cuentas ni por asomo, pero sin la astrofisica y con 2000 usuarios ya va a estar 10 veces mas entretenido que cualquier otra universo que se haya creado en los ultimos tiempos... que es un universo internacional? claro eso tb lleva propuesto bastante tiempo, la fusión de comunidades es la última opcion que les queda para llenar universos, eso o empezar a hacer las cosas bien de una vez

    no me apetece estar pensandolo en ingles asique copio el texto tal cual en el traductor y que sea lo que Dios quiera (sorry for my english)

    10k users considering that has not been publicized, no sac, there is no support to bugs and keep thinking it's a failure ...
    I think I thought you were not going to play or 2000 people and now we madness surprising ... the records do not stop growing ... clear that they will not play all those accounts even remotely, but astrophysics and 2000 users will already be 10 times more entertaining than any other universe that has been created in recent times ... which is an international universe? of course it also takes some time proposed, the merger of communities is the last option left to fill universes, that or start doing things right once
  • eschepolos wrote:

    APW wrote:

    It`s just nice to see that number in one uni (10k).

    When Gameforge opened some new unis on few communities (.br, .cz, .de, .en, .es, .fr, .hu, .it, .nl, .pl, .ru, .tr, .us) on 21/03/2016 , I was just wondering how many players will play. So, if you do the math, 13 Communities with new unis and average of 1.5k new players per uni, you will get the number of 19.5k players (this is just approximately number, because IDK correct average per community).
    So yes, this number of 10k is a success, but let`s wait few months to see where this number is going..
    This is a lie. About 15k in your 19.5k player are your botb. Like Imparator12412876312.
    This universes players aren't bot. And than you did not make your advertisement so nobody knows this universe because you can't earn money from this universe.
    We know that trusting gameforge is just ...
    You dont like anything if it is not concluding too much money.
    But we are trying to having our fun with our old universe,in my opinion you are still making your ways to closing this universe. We can clearly see that from your messages.

    ImperatorsXXXXX are not bot. That players are people who registered by advert sites. They get a default nick
  • Guys u are all making a mistake there... this game is 10+ YO and its a freakin browser game its doomed and if GF guys obviously trys to make upgrades to esrn more prophit of this but in 2016 no mobile app only pure p2win and endless hours its just natural that it dont work anymore, gf has a lot of games to earn a reasonable amount of money or is not for example they only have 2 and a half incompetent devolovopers that arent able to mske a working code able to work in modern envirinments so they just call the lack of skill and ppl a feature.
    :XXD: Your fleet has been crashed :XXD: