Dev Post: Wreck Fields - The "Wreckoning" - discussion

    • 1. no res needed, only time to repair and the % is limited to the new building
      2. It´s connected to your shipyard/nani on the planet and for sure to the server speed

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • 1. No you don't have to. You just need ressources to build the Spacedock.
      2. The speed is linked to your shipyard/nani, not to the Spacedock. It maxes out at 12h and then scales down.
      e.g. if your WF contains 200 Rips and 200k SC the times would be the following, when considering these normal buildtimes in shipyard (RIP: 45m SC: 1s):
      RIPs would take 150h to build, but the WF maxes out at 12h, now the system scales everything down to the max time. The Repairtime of a RIP won't be 45minutes anymore, it would be 3,6 minutes. Now this also factor also gets applied to the SC, instead of having to wait 200k seconds for all SC, you will only have to wait 16k seconds, so you would get ~12,5 SC every second repaired.

      Origin Admin
      OGame-Tech Chief
    • What's the point to implement this new system if you have to put this rule aswell?
      Generated wreck field size depends on the DF setting on the server to avoid exploiting. You can increase the wreck field size by upgrading the space dock. Some examples: A 30% DF server results in 31.5% WF, the rest is destroyed completely. A 70% DF server results in 13,5% WF, the rest is destroyed completely. In other words: Without a space dock, 45% of the what does not go into the debris field is put into the wreck field. With a space dock higher than level 1 you increase the initial value of 45% in small steps. (These values are subject to change).

      I've a test serer account on bermuda and I've reached the level 5. To uprgrade to level 6 i ask 312k of energy....ike a gravitonic research and the price for the dock stock isn't worth at all.
      Please change it, thanks
    • Cat Broken wrote:

      What's the point to implement this new system if you have to put this rule aswell?
      Generated wreck field size depends on the DF setting on the server to avoid exploiting. You can increase the wreck field size by upgrading the space dock. Some examples: A 30% DF server results in 31.5% WF, the rest is destroyed completely. A 70% DF server results in 13,5% WF, the rest is destroyed completely. In other words: Without a space dock, 45% of the what does not go into the debris field is put into the wreck field. With a space dock higher than level 1 you increase the initial value of 45% in small steps. (These values are subject to change).

      I've a test serer account on bermuda and I've reached the level 5. To uprgrade to level 6 i ask 312k of energy....ike a gravitonic research and the price for the dock stock isn't worth at all.
      Please change it, thanks

      As soon as you lost your fleet it is worth it ... I guess ...
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • iguypouf wrote:

      Bah, if the space dock level 5 changes from 31.5% to... say 35%, this cost is really enough... And don't forget that this have to be done on all of your planets !

      And just to mention ... those values are still in discussion, we will adjust stuff with the next releases. :)
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • Please have in mind, that the version on the Live Testservers are in alpha status. Several stuff might change during the developement process. The Building costs are currently wrong there. The Tech-Team will provide a fancy table, when the costs are changes, so you can have an overview :)

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • So for what i understand from now on theres is many times when the fleets are balanced that it doesn't worth atacking cause we will probably loose more points then the defender and the defender will get more profit then u.... STOP THIS MADNESS WHEN U STILL HAVE TIME.... Or at least if the reason to this implementation it's to help newbies put it only available for the acc's with less then 500k points.
    • Well, nice to see that at least temporarily the wreck fields do not touch the demolishing system. Let's see how it works and how the game evolves with this.

      In any case
      Please note that we reverted the changes for demolishing buildings. For the time being demolishing will stay unchanged. We are aware that some people use demolishing for resource saving. We do not feel that this is how resource saving should work, and will change this in the future by offering an alternative.
      I don't want to alter the subject of discussion, so do not answer, but please, just think about it for yourselves:

      Why? I mean, it's something that I don't think anyone ever cried about. It's just part of the game, and no one questioned it. Wether you have jumpgate building slowly in the moon to have a few extra deuterium in case you need it, or saving for a bigger building. For me, saying what you just said is (no joke here) exactly as if you said “you cannot spy allies to create activity because we don't feel that this is how creating activity should work”.

      In any case, let's see what purposes do you show in the future, and let's hope it's good. Again, let's hope this wreck fields also work :)