Deorbit or deaktivate Solar Satellites

    • Implemented
    • Resources and Facilities

    • Deorbit or deaktivate Solar Satellites

      Hi everyone,
      In my opininion it would be nice to have the possibility to destroy your Solar Satellites. Especially in the Redesign with the lower storage capacity the teraformer is more important than before and you need the Solar Satellites to build it. However, you don't need them anymore if you don't want to continue building the teraformer. If you don't want to have your satellits around your planet because they attract other players to the debris field, the only possibility to get rid of them is to get attacked by a friend. The Problem is, that if you have a lot of defence on your planet you will loose a lot of points.
      It also seems kinda odd that you have the ability to destroy moons but you can't destroy a satellite that's orbiting your planet...

      I have two ideas:

      1. Deaktivate Solar Satellites:
      Solar Satellites can be deaktivated and are now (or 30% of them) in your Debris Field.


      2. Deorbit Solar Satellites:
      Solar Satellites can be deorbited and will be destroyed when reorbiting the atmosphere. There would be no debris field or any refund.

      I would prefer Number 2. The first time I needed a big amount of Solar Satellits was, when I researched the Gravitiation Technology. I didn't do this on a planet where I had a lot of defence, so I asked a friend from my alliance to destroy my Satellits which he did. I think, that OGame is way more fun when playing together with other players than doing everything by your own. If you could deaktivate the Satellites to your debris field on your own like in Number 1, you wouldn't have to work together with others which would do more bad than good. In Number 2, you will loose a lot of resources when deorbiting your satellites, so to get the resources you would still need the help of a friend. However, if they are on a planet where they are no use to you and where you would loose more because of the destroyed defence than you would win by the debris field, it would be fine to have this ability.

      To implicate this idea in the game, there should be a button on the Solar Satellite page (in your buildings or shipyard menu). This button should open a pop-up window which will then give you a box where you can type the number of statellites you want to delete from your planet. I wouldn't recommend to have this box directly on the page without the pop-up because it could be mistaken with your building box (especially new players might have a problem with that). So basically the same way as with the missiles in your Missile Silo.

      I hope that you like the idea :)
    • good idea but doesn't work on a MMO.

      if you can destroy ur sats without help from other players you can play the game as a singleplayer which is not intended.

      That's why I said, that I would prefer the second of my ideas. If you want the debris field, you have to let a friend destroy your satellites. If you have a lot of defence you would loose a lot of points so you woudn't ask someone to destroy your satellites, you would just leave them there. But this can attract other players who might want to destroy your satellites for the debris field because they would actually make a win out of this. So in both cases, you would be attacked and 30% of your defence is gone. This wasn't a big problem before the redesign because the teraformer wasn't that improtant then. Now with the smaler planets and the lower storage capacity this situation changed and the Solar Satellites should be adjusted to this new situation.
    • building graviton on your main planet (or bunker) is fail. build it on the least defended planet where it's worm.

      don't think that players need help with graviton. there are enough possibilities without giving an enemy a good target.
    • in the last patch the solar satelites have been changed because they where to good. why do you want to change them now in the other direction?

      and why do you need terraformer for graviton? lab 12 + nani 6 + robotics 10 + yard 12 equals something like 40 fields...
      while writing this post i saw the table with the planet sizes and yes thats problematic ^^ only 206 maximum fields on position 4 is a problem.

      maybe it is a good idea to increase terraformer fields or decrease the prize...
    • I'll have to disagree with this idea. As a fleeter I find that destroying graviton sats is a vital form of crystal income. Fleeter must know how to calculate (from the levels of nano and shipyard) the last possible attack time to gain the most profit. It would be sad if the defender could just take down his own sats and leave the attacker only with deuterium expenses.

      The sats are also the only viable option to make power in lategame and destroying them from another highlevel player is an important way to annoy and disrupt normal game behaviour. Using massive number of satellites should always contain a risk of luring hostiles at them. It is (and should continue to be) up to the defending player to build just enough defences to make attacking unprofitable. Then another player may still destroy the satellites for disruption, but cannot do that frequently.
    • Forger wrote:

      Using massive number of satellites should always contain a risk of luring hostiles at them. It is (and should continue to be) up to the defending player to build just enough defences to make attacking unprofitable.

      That's exactly why I have proposed this idea. If you build the teraformer you need energy, so you have to build satellites. After that, your satellites are at your planet with no use. So to decrease the risk of beeing attacked and to restore the ratio between satellites and defences you have to get rid of your satellites which isn't possible at the moment.

      @marshen: I never said that I would need teraformer for graviton or that I had this idea because of graviton or to make graviton easier. What I said was, that I like the idea of destroying the satellites without refund more than destroying them to the debris field because I don't want to make graviton easier!
    • Option 1 is ruled out entirely.
      Option 2 is also unreasonable for attackers.

      Well, then Option 3:
      To deorbit a solar satellites you have to pay 500 deuterium for eachsatellites.

      Option 4:
      To deorbit a solar satellites you have to pay 500 deuterium and 300 crystal for each satellites.

      Player with great defense can be constructed so high Terraformerstufen and afterwards get rid of the satellites. All others should choose the conventional way.
    • Raicheron wrote:

      Well, then Option 3:
      To deorbit a solar satellites you have to pay 500 deuterium for eachsatellites.

      This sounds good. It would also be easy to justify this in the game (they need the fuel for the deorbit burn). I can't see a way to justify your option 4. But if your 500 deuterium turns out to be not enough, the number could easily be increased...