Terraformers formula change

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    • Hi. We still think about it to change the formula...but more or less for some other changes in the future. :P Most probably with just more fields per level at the moment...but maybe this thought could be changed...
      Knowing that the GF is now thinking about the formula of the terraformer is a very good news !
      both for old and new universes.

      Thank you for having said it :)

      From our side we continue to think about it also.

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • That sound very good...I like people who claimed "you have just a lack of strategic in the beginning..." but I would like that people remember some changes who dramaticaly transform (good way or not) the game for many players.

      1) MIP moon's defenses has been allowed (so you needed more SILO level into each PM,colo)
      2) Increasing scope of MIPs (so you need more SILO level and you always need defenseyard to rebuild)
      3) Decreasing Hangars storage (at low hangar level)

      So please, let me tell you that some changes in Terraformer will enjoy the game for many players. Of course, who choices to have every "big colony" at the beginning are now more flexible with the game...I agree with that. But we have all the same PM restrictions don't you ?

      I hope that this kind of modification will come soon.
    • I'm playing on OGame.fr, and I really don't think the terra formula has to be changed. Why? because you choose the planets (and their sizes): if you're happy with a planet with 111 or 123 slots, then keep it. Otherwise, you will try again.
      What must be changed is the size of the home planet (and only it). 163 slots is really not enough, especially with the new storage policy...
    • kendiraton wrote:

      I'm playing on OGame.fr, and I really don't think the terra formula has to be changed. Why? because you choose the planets (and their sizes): if you're happy with a planet with 111 or 123 slots, then keep it. Otherwise, you will try again.
      Of course, as you now, I don't agree.
      There, you're forgetting the old players surprised by the last modifications !

      By cons I agree with the second part of your post (except : "and only it" ) :
      What must be changed is the size of the home planet (and only it). 163 slots is really not enough, especially with the new storage policy...

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • I want to propose my own terraformer formula.

      I want to give a few more fields to low and middle terraformer level. And give a lot fields to high level.

      I think to give a lot of fields to high level could introduce a new sort of strategy in the game. You can see in picture planets in 1 2 3 and 12 13 14 15 places are very small. And nobody wants to have a planet in these places. But with my TF formula, a middle or big player who wants to have max energy or max deut could colonize a small planet and build a big terraformer if he wants to keep the planet.

      With this,all places can be colonized with a high TF so players wish to have a big deut product colonize in 13 14 15, build a high terra for exemple.

      TF formula: 0,5X TF lvl² + 4,5X TF lvl

      Fields per level:

      Lvl _Actual _ New formula_Energy (X1,7)
      1 ____ 5 _____ 5 (1000)
      2 ____ 10 ____11 (1700)
      3 ____ 15 ____18 (2890)
      4 ____ 20 ____ 26 (4913)

      5 ____ 25 ____ 35 (8352)
      6 ____ 30_____45 (14198 )
      7 ____ 35 ____ 56 (24137)

      8 ____ 40 ____ 68 (41033)
      9 ____ 45 ____ 81 (69756)
      10____50 ____ 95 (118586)

      The post was edited 3 times, last by PPL1 ().

    • French people are speaking about the new change of the terraformer's formula in the forum of Ogame.fr

      And a lot of players think the change is good but it's not enought.

      So, two importants things:
      -we ask GF for modified the new formula and add REALLY more fields per level than the actual.
      -We ask GF for implement the new terra formula in ALL the universe, not just the latest opened.


      I hope that this kind of modification will come soon.