Hey all,
Only a small implemantation to the game.
In the Research menu > Intergalactic Research Network, player could see bellow the text "Researchers on different planets communicate via this network." next info which will tell about planets that are attached together using the current level of Intergalactic Research Network.
Like this:
Researchers on different planets communicate via this network.
Current level is allowing to work together for xx (x = how many planets) planet Research Labs. These planets: "planet1","planet2", "planet3",..(planet1-x = planet names) are conected right now, to join another planet you need to research next level.
Hmm ?
Only a small implemantation to the game.
In the Research menu > Intergalactic Research Network, player could see bellow the text "Researchers on different planets communicate via this network." next info which will tell about planets that are attached together using the current level of Intergalactic Research Network.
Like this:
Researchers on different planets communicate via this network.
Current level is allowing to work together for xx (x = how many planets) planet Research Labs. These planets: "planet1","planet2", "planet3",..(planet1-x = planet names) are conected right now, to join another planet you need to research next level.
Hmm ?