Wiki meeting 27.11.

    • Wiki meeting 27.11.


      We will have a wiki meeting on friday, 27.11. at 9:30 pm (german time).

      If you want to work on wiki, if you have questions or if you are interested at all - please show up (IRC #ogame.origin) or contact me that you can't.
      I need to set a wiki crew and i need to know who i should count on.

      Meeting will be pretty short. Only few info from me and then questions from you.

      Best regards

    • Summary
      1. Topic: Team building - Please pm me in next few days if you want to work on wiki guides (so i can add you as crew)
      2. Topic: Where to see guide progress: Wiki guides timeline
      Note: Please use only plain text! (no colours, fonts, bold)
      3. Topic: Misc (questions)
      What wiki team do?
      - work on updating guides and tutorials and getting it ready for wiki


      Display Spoiler
      [27-11-2015] <21:30:42> <@Icegirl> Hello everyone
      [27-11-2015] <21:30:45> <@Atina> o/
      [27-11-2015] <21:30:46> <@Valent> hi
      [27-11-2015] <21:30:51> <@Mastro> hey ther
      [27-11-2015] <21:30:54> <@Mastro> *e
      [27-11-2015] <21:31:01> <@Icegirl> oh cool. i missed you :D
      [27-11-2015] <21:31:19> <@Icegirl> ok are you all ready?
      [27-11-2015] <21:31:59> <@Atina> maybe
      [27-11-2015] <21:32:30> <@Icegirl> i will be short today
      [27-11-2015] <21:32:39> <@Icegirl> 1st topic: Building team
      [27-11-2015] <21:33:05> <@Icegirl> Since our summer break, we didnt work on wiki.. some people who were working are not around anymore
      [27-11-2015] <21:33:14> <@Icegirl> so.. we will have to do this again
      [27-11-2015] <21:33:48> <@Icegirl> i need to know who is planning to work for wiki (not jump in once per month with 1 line as comment) so i can count on you and write down names as wiki crew
      [27-11-2015] <21:34:16> <@Icegirl> some of you are doing nice work already with finishing guides, and giving ideas
      [27-11-2015] <21:34:47> <@Icegirl> but still, i want you to tell me clearly if you want to do it or you are just going to be visitor so i know who i can rely on when it comes to work
      [27-11-2015] <21:35:00> <@Icegirl> could you please pm me with your decision in next 2-3 days
      [27-11-2015] <21:35:27> <@Icegirl> any comments/questions?
      [27-11-2015] <21:35:57> <@Shole> Everything is fine from my side :)
      [27-11-2015] <21:36:39> <@Icegirl> any1 else?
      [27-11-2015] <21:36:47> <@smokeme> hello
      [27-11-2015] <21:36:52> <@smokeme> i m here
      [27-11-2015] <21:36:52> <@smokeme> :D
      [27-11-2015] <21:37:05> <@Icegirl> ok.. lets continue.. you can ask later xd
      [27-11-2015] <21:37:11> <@Shole> lol
      [27-11-2015] <21:37:21> <@Icegirl> 2nd topic: What/where should i see what to do?
      [27-11-2015] <21:37:31> <@Icegirl> board.origin.ogame.gameforge.c…ine-for-kingdom-of-guides
      [27-11-2015] <21:37:31> * cedricpc (~17pwet71@cedricpc.user.OnlineGamesNet) has joined #ogame.origin
      [27-11-2015] <21:37:50> <@Icegirl> this is thread with info
      [27-11-2015] <21:38:06> <@Icegirl> i even posted general thread to announce tasks but obviously it wasnt that clear xd
      [27-11-2015] <21:38:15> <@Icegirl> if you want to know detailed progress, check last post
      [27-11-2015] <21:38:16> * @Valent (valent@valent.admin.OGameOrigin) Quit (Ping timeout)
      [27-11-2015] <21:38:48> <@Icegirl>
      [27-11-2015] <21:38:59> <@Icegirl> this is board with all guides
      [27-11-2015] <21:39:40> <@Icegirl> check my last post to see last version (some guides are already updated so first post is final and its noted in my last post that i included it in first post)
      [27-11-2015] <21:39:53> <@smokeme> ok
      [27-11-2015] <21:39:55> <@Icegirl> some threads are in progress still
      [27-11-2015] <21:40:17> <@Icegirl> you are free to choose guide you want to work on
      [27-11-2015] <21:40:40> <@smokeme> i will work at tutorials
      [27-11-2015] <21:40:49> <@Icegirl> note: please use plain text (no colors, bold, strikeout, fonts)
      [27-11-2015] <21:40:57> <@smokeme> till i will finish with all of them
      [27-11-2015] <21:40:59> <@Shole> lol
      [27-11-2015] <21:41:08> <@Icegirl> okay
      [27-11-2015] <21:41:09> <@smokeme> yes
      [27-11-2015] <21:41:24> <@Icegirl> 3rd topic: Misc (questions, discussion)
      [27-11-2015] <21:43:03> <@Atina> what wiki team do?
      [27-11-2015] <21:43:18> <@Icegirl> work on updating guides and tutorials
      [27-11-2015] <21:43:23> <@Icegirl> and getting it ready for wiki
      [27-11-2015] <21:45:16> <@Icegirl> any more questions?
      [27-11-2015] <21:46:14> <@Icegirl> DeLord
      [27-11-2015] <21:46:21> <@Icegirl> cedricpc
      [27-11-2015] <21:46:51> <@smokeme> nop
      [27-11-2015] <21:47:08> <@Icegirl> ok then please start working as soon as you can :)
      [27-11-2015] <21:47:23> <@Icegirl> and feel free to poke me if you need anything
      [27-11-2015] <21:48:45> * @Shole gives a cookie to Icegirl
      [27-11-2015] <21:52:46> <DeLord> =)
      [27-11-2015] <21:52:52> <DeLord> interesting
      [27-11-2015] <21:53:10> <DeLord> but I guess this is a very time consuming thingie, and time I do not have that much :X
      [27-11-2015] <21:53:17> * Valent (valent@valent.admin.OGameOrigin) has joined #ogame.origin
      [27-11-2015] <21:53:17> * ChanServ sets mode: +o Valent
      [27-11-2015] <21:53:51> <@Icegirl> nobody is being forced on something he/she can't do
      [27-11-2015] <21:53:58> <@Icegirl> every help is more than welcome
      [27-11-2015] <21:54:09> <@Icegirl> we all have rl jobs, uni, family and stuffs
      [27-11-2015] <21:54:15> <DeLord> yeah sure
      [27-11-2015] <21:54:18> <@Icegirl> and work according to time we have