Depopulation suggestions

    • Depopulation suggestions

      I open this thread to discuss different ideas that could increase the number of players so please leave comments and I hope Gameforge will listen to us and implement some of them ingame.

      My suggestion is to remove account deletion after 35 days if there is no DM purchased.Many players raid inactives ,especialy on depopulated universes where even top players do that because they have no other targets.Some people raid inactives just because is easier than raiding active players and just mining is too boring.Inactives are important for the economy of the universe so why should they disappear?
    • improved suggestion

      Well, I think there should be at least a few limits to the deletion of accounts.
      Lets say that there wont be deleted any account, if the population of the universe is below 5000 user
      and/or the targeted account has at least 50.001 points (above noob protection).
      There could also be a rule for the amount of planets (e.g. at least 3 colonies).
      So all visitors, who just want to take a look and stop playing after a short period of time will still be deleted as before...

    • Well I hope the mobile app will increase the active players.
      This is something they should have done earlier, but developing it is not simple, this can't be done right in 1 night.
      It'll make OGame more attractive in a world where smartphones and tablets are the most used devices.
      This will also increase the activity of a single player, OGame will be easier to access.

      Also this could create a whole new way of playing OGame.
    • vulca wrote:

      In some universes there is so many inactiv that it's hard to colonize new planets ...
      And they ask to delete inactives with DM (or at least moved it elsewhere)

      Anyway, i don't see how increase the inactives will bring back new actives
      Some universes are so empty that you can't find 10 planets in the entire galaxy,I'd rather want to see some inactives than empty space.

      People would have something to do,not just boring mining.

      Leaving inactives there for those who want to raid them is a sufficient argument IMO.
    • NoMoreAngel wrote:

      badkarma wrote:

      - Grab an inactive account (randomly)

      Not possible in OGame, because every inactive player in OGame with more than 35 days got DM on it. So he paid for it and it is illegal to give it to someone else.

      When the account is given to someone else, wouldn't it possible to make a system that gives the original owner a code, giving GF credits, usable on another GF game or, worst case scenario, on another ogame account ?

      The account wouldn't stay inactive, the original owner would be able to use the money he spent, everybody would be happy.
    • No, the user has to be able to get his account back. Imagine if you had something come up that made you not come online for a month (you v-moded), and then find out that your account was just handed to someone you don't know, possibly don't know how to play, and you only got back a 3 euro coupon for the DM you had on the acc.

      I agree with the idea not to delete inactive accounts above a certain size, assuming they're not v-moded. Inactives may be a nuisance when setting up a new planet, but they're the lifeline the lower accs need if they ever are to catch up to the top 10. Exponential growth and all that.
    • stark wrote:

      I open this thread to discuss different ideas that could increase the number of players so please leave comments and I hope Gameforge will listen to us and implement some of them ingame.

      My suggestion is to remove account deletion after 35 days if there is no DM purchased.Many players raid inactives ,especialy on depopulated universes where even top players do that because they have no other targets.Some people raid inactives just because is easier than raiding active players and just mining is too boring.Inactives are important for the economy of the universe so why should they disappear?

      I do not believe that the account deletion after 35 days is responsible for empty universes, in my eyes is missing players the new with Ogame begin just after some time the incentive to run the game on. Therefore, one should consider how to make it more attractive Ogame again.
      Right now, I would, however, the account deletion after 35 days to remove from the game, as this would lead since the game no Ordinary longer be possible. Because at some point, the still active players no longer targets would probably be in the game and in the end to stop playing
    • The best idea you could possibly do is offer a private debris field to the ppl that are smashed :)

      best suggestion yet for keeping ppl interested

      most who leave have this happen to them

      You could give a defences debris field that only defenders can access^
      or a 30% debris field of some sort so they have something to rebuild with if they experience ship annialation

      ( you dont want tot ake away from the attacker in the process of coarse)

    • Most smashed fleet debris are collected by the attacker as a fleet smash is usually a good player who knows how to time attack to collect it right after they hit

      and adding a defenses lost debri field to the defender would only give back defensive structures res lost

      Not sure how that would cause pushing to give the defender res back from his defenses..he paid for them to begin with :)
    • I think knowing that you can double your production raiding inactives is a good stimulent to not give up after you lose your fleet.And the feeling that you can do something to get more resources and grow faster makes the game more interesting,even if you don't smash fleets but just small raids on inactives;some people are happy with that.
      Maybe this ideea won't bring new players but could make players who already play not to give up so fast because they are too bored.And I am sure this would change the game to the better and is easier to accept by gameforge than non-profit universes(wich I would love to see but I hardly think will happen too often)

      PS:sorry for my bad english
    • you would have to reprogram a second debris field somehow...could just add second label when you rolll over it "Defensive debris" :)

      you could get 20% if you drop 1 rank or more and 35 % if you drop 5 ranks or more

      go as far as you want 50 % if you drop 10 ranks or more

      (and those are percentages of defensive structure ressources spent lost)

      :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
    • Optimus Prime wrote:

      you would have to reprogram a second debris field somehow...could just add second label when you rolll over it "Defensive debris" :)

      you could get 20% if you drop 1 rank or more and 35 % if you drop 5 ranks or more

      go as far as you want 50 % if you drop 10 ranks or more

      (and those are percentages of defensive structure ressources spent lost)

      :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
      You could think that some of the debris fell on the planet and you can colect it from the surface.You get a special item that increases the production so that in 1 hour you get 30% or 40% of what you lost.Anyway,that item sould be used only on that planet