ogame adaption to speed generalisation

    • Usability

    • ogame adaption to speed generalisation


      I'm well aware that most new univers are going to be speed universes. On a *4 universe this is starting to be troublesome to ghost for long periods when you dont want to put the vacation mode on (for recherche purposes for example). Currently the longest stationnary ghost you can do is 5 days 3h (hyper 7, RIP and 4 galaxies away) and eventually double that time if you can be online to click it back.

      It would be welcome to be able to get a longer stationnary ghosts by adding the possibility to launch fleets on a lower then 10% speed. For example 5% or 1%.

      In order to not unbalace the game I would suggest that the deuterium consumption isn't modified below the 10% speed.

    • even if you can fleetsave for several days, is very important to login at least once a day to the game. If you fleetsave for longer periods of time and don't login each day, it is very possible to forget to return at the right time and lose your fleet & resources in the process. When i say very possible i mean almost sure it will happen this one day.

      now you can activate vacation mode even if you have researches or buildings in development - this can't be a problem or you can always use half/ complete buttons that are very profitable when it comes to very long finish times
    • erm sorry to be crude valentine but your answer doesn't make any sense unless you take the players for brainless people who can't plan a few days in advance or if your answer was meant to be an apology of the P2Win (FC).

      When I'm going abroad for multiple days I dont plan to check on a daily basis my ogame account.

      "must log in each day" is that lobotomisation attempt :lol: Seriously ogame is already addictive enough. And even when you log in each day you still risk of losing all your fleet and resources especially in speed universes.
    • When I'm going abroad for multiple days I dont plan to check on a daily basis my ogame account.

      Then i think you should not choose a speed universe, it´s simple as it is.

      When you are able to select e.g. 3% or 97% of fleetspeed it will be a mess for fleeters to recalc fleet arive times or even it will be impossible to catch a fleet. If you are some more days not around and want to fleetsave for less deut, I don´t think you idea is the solution.

      A NO from my side, with the current way to play OGame.

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • he wasnt talking about 97%
      he was talking about 1%;2%..9% and then the known 10-100% steps.

      i dont see a problem as fleeter

      edit: he even said less: 1% and 5% so even less numbers to worry about for interceptions.
      1% would make own df save even in 5x speed possible which would probally lead to alot more interceptions.
      i fully support the idea ._.
    • "Fleeter" ...

      I don´t like the idea :)
      To have those individdual % settings only below 10% is an inconsistent behavior and my written parts are still fullfilled > NO

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • i dont see the harm - can someone enlighten me?

      ppl would be able to fleetsave own df over night in speeduniverses > nice reduction of deu consumption
      in contrast to the beliefs of the guy that brought you 'esp counter chances are not random' retiming someone wouldnt be a mess especially if only 2 percentages would be added.
      i actually think it would lead to more interceptions.
      most definitely there would be more opportunities because intercepting someone from colo save is difficult at the moment - oh wait, its impossible
    • Just to state it again. This proposition is in no way destined to reduce deut consumption for fleetsaving. The only thought behind it is to have more options for longer fleetsaves.

      To have those individdual % settings only below 10% is an inconsistent behavior and my written parts are still fullfilled > NO

      Individual? Just 1 or 2 options accessible for anyone. Where is it individual.

      Incosistent behaviour. It would only make attacks on MB easier to organize in fact. More time to intercept. so More time to come near with a flying colony or to intercept with RIPS or just to attack with a lower speed to reduce the deut consumption.