Messages with probes shooted in the first round

    • Declined

    • As Valent says, if you take any probability you know there is a fleet there.

      If you take 0% and you have a weak spy technology you know that you can send many probes and they are going to come back (without losses because defenses don't increase that %)

      Also, you have to know that those messages are there because there has been a battle, and with that a message is created.
      If you cannot see any content because probes have been defeated is a diferent thing. & SGO
      Origin Supporter

    • If you won´t get the message and instead you get a full spyreport, we can just remove the espionage report and it´s level. Then i only need to crash 1 probe or 1 light fighter on a target and get "all" the informations i need.

      I think you don´t understand why it works like that, because then you won´t create such "idea".


      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • I don't know if you answer to me or another people on this thread.

      I never proposed to change the spying system.

      I just say that today ( to take your example ), if I send a probe with " Spy " mission on a target and saw nothing, I receive :

      > one empty spy report, with res and a sentence " spy defence rate 100% "
      > one fight report, with " probes shooted on the first round "

      I don't want to see more than now in the report; I just proposed to NOT RECEIVE the fight report, because its useless. I know with my spy report that there is a good chance that I've loosed my probes ( and when the report show 100%, its not a good chance, its reality ), so I've a lot of times to click on the " you have new messages " to see that its fighting reports of my probes, and delete all of them. When I've to keep real fight reports, its really boring and sorry, what can be an usage of this ?

      Of course, I NEVER ASKED to see all the contents of the planets on fight reports but just :

      Conditions :
      > Fleet : only probes
      > Mission : spy
      > Fight : probes lost on first round
      Consequence :
      > Do not send fight report

      I hope its more clear.

      ON my long Ogame Career, I'm sure I've deleted at least 150.000 probes lost report, and I've never read one of them :|