v6 feedback

    • v6 feedback

      What about all those messages tabs?
      i got used to 'all in one tab' messages
      i dont like this new message tab, with like million tabs and sub-tabs.
      This is just crazy and I totaly flat out hate this new messageing filter

      Messages tabs are excessive and annoying. Furthermore, espionage reports
      automatically get marked read, causing you to end up with a mess of 20
      READ reports in your 'inbox', unable to distinguish used from unused
      etc. Quite annoying, too.

      But if they dont fix messages..im gonna be mad lol.
      I use to read one spy report at the time and yep..this new thing will be annoying
      and i hope to God they link the 'go' with enter.

      There are now 6 tabs in the inbox, two of which consist of 5 sub-tabs each. So you now need to find your messages in a mess of 14 tabs and that :censored: is crazy.

      V6 has allready come to ba.ogame.org and you know what, wery first thing that people complained about is messageing filter, nobody likes it. Fix it for the love of God, make it available to disable that message filter in options like chat.

      The alliance broadcasts now require you to pick a receiver which is one more click to send them. Fix that also make it default if you dont pick rank message is send to all players in aliance.

      Like my good friend told about new v6
      Let's sum it up:



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