[Old] Applications for API Keys

  • Hello,

    i want testing the new API for me and not for a specific dev tool.

    But i give u the informationen that u need. :)

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience
    i learning media designer in germany and so i can be programming in html/java/css and php. But me php must be refresh, so the api is the best way.

    - The scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International.

    - Valid EMail address.

    - The IP from which your tool will connect to our servers. (Limited to 1 during testing).
    PM ;)

    - Are you willing to "open source" some of your source code for others to benefit from? (Example: Providing a library for a specific programming language)
    Iam not sure but when the script is good, yes ;)

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).

    (14.02.2016) Valent: key requested

  • A short description of the tool you want to create or a link to an existing tool you already have / want to update:
    See PM

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience:
    None, if you don't count a semester using Matlab in univerity

    - The scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International:
    International, but not public

    - Valid EMail address.
    See PM

    - The IP from which your tool will connect to our servers. (Limited to 1 during testing).
    See PM

    - Are you willing to "open source" some of your source code for others to benefit from? (Example: Providing a library for a specific programming language)
    If someone asks yes, but I don't think someone else would benefit that much

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    Already doing that^^

    (14.02.2016) Valent: key requested

    Origin Admin
    OGame-Tech Chief
  • My application was made December 4th... I can understand people have other things to do, but 2.5 months is a bit over the top, wouldn't you say?

    Worst of all, this is only for a simple key generation. That key supposedly then only works for the test uni, after which GF needs to examine and validate your tool. How long will that process take? 5 years?

    Anyways, my patience has reached its end, you can remove my name from the list. I'm sure it'll lighten whoever's doing this key generation's workload by a lot!
  • A short description of the tool you want to create or a link to an existing tool you already have / want to update:
    See PM

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience:
    Web developer / AntiGameOrigin developer

    - The scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International:
    Personal, maybe team internal

    - Valid EMail address.

    - The IP from which your tool will connect to our servers. (Limited to 1 during testing).
    See PM

    - Are you willing to "open source" some of your source code for others to benefit from? (Example: Providing a library for a specific programming language)

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
  • A short description of the tool you want to create or a link to an existing tool you already have / want to update:

    First I will create a google chrome extension that will fetch informations on my account when I visit a page (buildings, fleet, galaxy...) and all messages with API KEY. All informations will be send to a private server (in my house or in a datacenter) with a secured connexion.
    All informations will be stored and process in order to generate a dashboard with basic informations (points, benefit, losses...) and an other with strategic informations:

    - Players that is spying me the most in last few days
    - Activity time of player based on probing messages (only if I have many spy on last days)
    - Order to build buildings to optimize production
    - Alerts messages if a new planet/moon is in my system

    - A short description of your developer / programming experience:
    Software Engineer

    - The scope of your project: Personal, Alliance, Community or International:
    Personal/french the moment, perhaps Alliance if the project is working

    - Valid EMail address.
    See PM

    - The IP from which your tool will connect to our servers. (Limited to 1 during testing).
    See PM

    - Are you willing to "open source" some of your source code for others to benefit from? (Example: Providing a library for a specific programming language)
    I have some open source package. Perhaps if something is massively re-usable I can opensource specific package.

    - Are you willing to help with extended testing? This may require you to provide us with more contact information. (IRC contact and approximate online availability).
    Why not...
  • Hi !

    I need an API key for a little project for my alliance.
    This project consists of share spy record between members, and to compute productions of targed planets.

    So, this is an internal project, and I don't plan to open-source it, but I can maybe share the PHP classes use to access the API ?

    For my developpers skills, I'm a student in 3rd year in computer science, but what's better than code to show my skills ?
    The IP :
    My email : quatrevieux.vincent@gmail.com
    And Thanks a lot for this API !

    The post was edited 1 time, last by v4vx ().

  • It´s about low priority and not enough time to handle it currently.

    The developer, who created the API and also handle the request is very busy and currently also in vacation. It is currently not automized, so he has to add those keys manually and also document all manually. It´s the same developer, who manage the retro universe and fixed the lag problems on live and is also doing bugfixes and implementing new stuff in OGame.

    We poked him several times to add keys and he will do it, when he can find time and got the priority for it. Until that you have to wait.

    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
  • sry JoKy but this cann't be true or in hard words: are you fu*king kidding me/us?

    1) Only one dev is able to do this?
    2) Projects around ogame are less important, than retro universe?
    3) Even if we count 3 min per key - 90min dev-time couldn't be spend?
    4) Why don't you have allready build a tool to do such things?

    i can't even tell how disapointed I'm at this point - I'm glad that you reported in here - but I'm to sad and not willing to undersand what you wrote.

    poor ogame, poor gf
  • troll mode is totally forbidden here and will not help speed the process, it will cause only annoyance and is ruining the very goal of this board.

    The OGame team is doing its best to make OGame better , you should know what effort implies this and if you don't know, you should give them the credit.

    We make a point of pride for being the only board without warnings and bans , please help us to remain free of these. Thank you!
  • jeeukko wrote:

    Thank you, JoKy. It's much more nice to wait when we know why it's taking so long. :)

    That was the intention of my post.
    Making it transparence is better then just write nothing :)

    After some discussions we will change the application process a bit.

    I got several generated API Keys now from the developer. They are all valid on the livetestservers.
    Will hand them to the Origin Team so they can manage your applications.

    This will speed up the process a bit.


    Btw.: So far API Keys in use > 42 ! :)
    Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.