Revitalization game and attracting new players

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  • Revitalization game and attracting new players

    Combinatii de cum sa arata un Univers se pot face N...
    Eu cred ca revitalizarea jocului nu tine de lansarea unui univers cu x viteza sau xCR.
    Daca se implementeaza Univers circular si galaxii circulare cred ca se poate umbla cu succes in joc si anume:
    - motoarele ca si cercetari trebuiesc eliminate- viteza egala la toti cei care ataca sau se apara la nave.
    - tehnologiile laser si energie nu mai au de ce fi cercetate odata ajunse la un nivel - hai sa stimulam intr-un fel continuarea cercetarilor si dupa ce am indeplinit o cerinta ptr nava sau deblocarea altei cercetari asa cum tehnologia plasma ajuta la productia de metal si cristal... de ce nu si ptr deuteriu
    - imbunatatirea productiei fiecarui tip de resursa prin o cercetare specifica
    - o idee ciudata dar care cred ca ar prinde bine: uppgradarea navelor prin introducerea de obiecte care le pot fi atasate
    Ex: la transportator, sa poti cerceta/cumpara/gasi un obiect tip container care atasat la transportator sa-i mareasca capacitatea de stocare de la 25.000 la 27.000 sau mai multe tipuri.
    la vanator usor, punem mai multe tipuri de arme care sa poata modifica rolul lui in functie de necesitati... atac, defensiva, fooder.
    - exista o cladire care nu-si are rostul! Hangarul aliantei. Pot fi introduse mai multe facilitati care sa ajute fiecare tip de jucator (fleeter, miner, raider sau testos)
    - o protectie adevarata a noobilor; in primele 3 zile de la deschiderea unui univers, se pierde cel mai mult din interes ptr joc- cel care baga bani in joc, trece pe primul loc, ataca urgent pe totii, si pune stapanire pe acel Univers. Cred ca o limitare a atacurilor la 7 zile de la creerea unui cont lasa un timp unui nou jucator sa se acomodeze, sa inteleaga aceasta strategie, sa reuseasca sa faca ceva sa se apare sau sa atace.
    - Tutorialul, sa ofere o provocare zilnica ptr orice jucator-recompensata.
    - Limitarea beneficilor celor care baga bani ptr a putea da o sansa si celor care nu isi permit tot timpul sa cheltuiasca bani. Stiu ca aici e un subiect sensibil insa un spor de 20% la conturile cu bani fata de cele fara ar fi suficient si s-ar putea ca cel fara bani, prin cunostinte sa joace de a egal cu ceilalti.
    - grafica jocului trebuie imbunatatita si prin introducerea filmuletelor in joc. O idee: raportul de lupta sa fie prezentat intr-un scurt filmulet, mesajele de la flota sa aiba asa o prezentare vizibila. (vezi si tu acolo cum coboara niste nave si descarca aia la resurse in caz de transport, cum vin tehnicienii pe pista sa repare navele dupa desfasurare)
    - pentru atacuri 100 % din navele distruse in Cr insa posibilitatea ca un procent din nave sa scape intregi si o parte sa poata fi reparate cu costuri mai mici decat construirea unora noi (in o perioada de timp limitata)
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    Revitalization game and attracting new players
    Combinations of how to show a Universe can make N ...
    I think you revitalize the game not launching a universe with x speed or XCR.
    If the universe is implemented circular and circular galaxies believe it can successfully walk into play, namely:
    - Research engines like eliminate- must equal speed to all those who attack or defend the ships.
    - Laser technologies and energy no longer be investigated why once you reach level - let's somehow stimulate further research and after I met a requirement ship or unlock ptr other research as plasma technology metal production and help crystal ... why not ptr deuterium
    - Improving the production of each type of resource in a specific research
    - A strange idea but I think could use: uppgradarea ships by introducing objects can be attached
    Ex: the carrier, you can research / buy / find a container object that's attached to the carrier to increase storage capacity from 25,000 to 27,000 or more.
    to bruise easily, put several types of weapons that could change his role as needed ... attack, defense, fooder.
    - There is a building that does not need any sense! Hangar alliance. Can be entered more facilities to help every type of player (fleeter, miner, raider or test)
    - Protection of Noob true; in the first 3 days of the initiation of a universe, it loses most of interest ptr game- who put money in the game, go first, urgent attack on all, and take over that Universe. I think limiting attacks to 7 days from the creation of an account for a new leave a player to adjust, understand this strategy to succeed to do something to defend and attack.
    - Tutorial, provide a daily challenge any player ptr-rewarded.
    - Limiting benefi ts who put money ptr to give a chance to those who can not afford to spend money all the time. I know this is a sensitive issue but an increase of 20% to accounts from those without money would be enough and might as the free money to play with equal knowledge with others.
    - The graphics have improved by the introduction of the videos in the game. An idea: battle report to be presented in a short video messages from the fleet to have such a visible presentation. (See also there you go down that some ships and download resources in case of transport, such as roadway repair technicians come after carrying vessels)
    - 100% of ships for attacks Cr destroyed the possibility that a percentage of ships to escape full and part can be repaired at less cost than building new ones (in a limited time)
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