Pinned New API for retrieval of combat reports

    • Good :)
      It seems to be a good idea.
      It will solved the langages restriction of each CR converter that need a copy/past

      I was looking to adapte my cross-community script to convert CR into BBcode, it seems to works well, but I wasn't able to know which ships belong to which player (when ACS)
      But with this AP, it will be much easier (and won't bug when gameforge change some class or anything in the html code.) :)

      ** OgameTech **
    • Version 6 just got more awesome with this new API for third parties convertors to make it easy for us. Two quick questions for you!

      Will this API also enable those third parties to access the Harvest Reports as it's technically part of a combat report for the total summary of an attack and how many profits/losses did the attacker/defender made?

      Wonder if you might do the same thing for Mine Production, IPM attacks and Espionage Reports between V6 and V7?
    • Hello Chemita,

      I don't know if this is the right place to ask this or if you are the right person.
      I've been on IRC and people told me to post here.

      I'm a developer and I'd like to create an android application.
      The thing is, the API provided by gameforge is a joke and I got a few questions :
      _ What the hell is this xml *sniped*? This is not 2005 anymore. Give me some JSON.
      _ Why is the 'api' is read only ? How come we could not authenticate or POST data to the server ?
      _ Can I use the ogame name and ogame's resources if I don't make any profit from the app and disclose that everything belongs to the GF ?

      The only way I've found to accomplish my goal is to scrap html pages and forge requests based on what I can reverse engineer from the browser.

      I'm quite angry because I want to make things right but I feel like I don't have the right tools provided.

      I'm looking forward to hear from you.

      Have a good night.
    • Stego wrote:

      I don't know if this is the right place to ask this or if you are the right person.
      I've been on IRC and people told me to post here.
      This might not be the right place for a general talk about the Ogame API.
      This thread belongs to the current announcement about ongoing API changes.

      Alltough i will answer some questions: (Maybe we can go on in the linked Thread below.)

      Stego wrote:

      I'm a developer and I'd like to create an android application.
      The thing is, the API provided by gameforge is a joke and I got a few questions :
      _ What the hell is this xml *sniped*? This is not 2005 anymore. Give me some JSON.
      This API was created to give tool developers a better accessabilty to "public" universe informations.
      Since those Tools are for the browser or in web in most cases, there is no problem about the format. And it should not be to difficult to convert XML to JSON.

      Stego wrote:

      _ Why is the 'api' is read only ? How come we could not authenticate or POST data to the server ?
      I think readonly was/is enough for the usage the API was created for at that point of time.
      The API was never structured for a communication to Android or other mobile Devices, so there was simply no need for a request system.

      Maybe Chemita can say something mor to the other questions.

      Something for you to read:
      OGame API

      This is the Ogame API Thread in our User Projects section.
      XML vs. JSON is an neverending war, i think.
      Both standards have pro's and contra's.
    • Eximius wrote:

      Will this API also enable those third parties to access the Harvest Reports as it's technically part of a combat report for the total summary of an attack and how many profits/losses did the attacker/defender made?

      This should indeed be possible, most CR converters also use harvest reports.
      The API shouldn't be limited to only combat reports when released.
      As the dev post suggest the API could be extended in the future.
      But from the start it should definitely be possible to retreive harvest reports.

      TheViking wrote:

      This is the Ogame API Thread in our User Projects section.
      XML vs. JSON is an neverending war, i think.
      Both standards have pro's and contra's.

      I think this should be taken into consideration for the new API.
      It should indeed be a different thread, but it's important to think this through, maybe via a poll.
    • Yeah the poll will fix all now :D

      First of all we should see if there is someone out, who will ingetrage the api in an international tool before we think about extend it already ^^

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.
    • JSON Format

      I am going to like JSON really much, because its an really slim Dataformat. Any Web Oriented Project can use JSON parser to decode Values. I like it more than XML because XML is so unhandy and large! ;) You can update JSON Files partially and load only changes from the JSON File instead of transporting the complete file again!
      If you go to JSON it would be really easy for you to make a split between Data and Presentation Layer! You can change Presentation indipendend from the Data behind it! JSON is really fast instead of your JSCript code I reviewed in the past. The servers react really slow and the CDN is overloaded!!!
    • troniac wrote:

      I am going to like JSON really much, because its an really slim Dataformat. Any Web Oriented Project can use JSON parser to decode Values. I like it more than XML because XML is so unhandy and large! ;) You can update JSON Files partially and load only changes from the JSON File instead of transporting the complete file again!
      If you go to JSON it would be really easy for you to make a split between Data and Presentation Layer! You can change Presentation indipendend from the Data behind it! JSON is really fast instead of your JSCript code I reviewed in the past. The servers react really slow and the CDN is overloaded!!!

      The new API will return JSON, check devpost

      Indeed JSON is nice but when using Javascript XML is very accessible via DOM querying.
      Which is very easy to use and much easier to find certain elements.

      From dev post
      In general, if you can provide us with an idea and what information you would need to make it happen, it would help us in the decision making process on our side. If you already have a site/application, feel free to point out where you are having issues retrieving data.

      Something my addon UniverseView does is read the research levels from a player in a spy report and save it.
      Afterwards, in the galaxy, he can see a specific player his research levels, like engine level's.
      To update them he'd need to spy him again.

      In this case i'd be very nice to get the spy message via an API containing the tech id's and level's.
      Another solution could be, to make the message more readable for Javascript. (maybe a little bit offtopic)
      Now it's just a plain list of text and level's, which is pretty hard to read, it's almost a guess using relative numbers for querying and regexes for matching tech names.
      Adding the tech id to every list item would be a massive improvement.
      Via this way it'd be easy for Javascript to query a specific tech from within the spy report via a certain identifier and thus get its corresponding level.
    • Warsaalk wrote:

      Adding the tech id to every list item would be a massive improvement.
      Via this way it'd be easy for Javascript to query a specific tech from within the spy report via a certain identifier and thus get its corresponding level.

      On the V6, you can use the images class to know what reserch it is (same with combat report)

      But yes, it could be usefull to have a class/ID/name on the html tags containing each level

      ** OgameTech **
    • vulca wrote:

      On the V6, you can use the images class to know what reserch it is (same with combat report)

      But yes, it could be usefull to have a class/ID/name on the html tags containing each level

      That's indeed a new way to find a certain tech, but still not a solid and good solution.
      The list element should contain an attribute with the id of the tech and maybe even the level as you're saying.
    • Why do you need bith values for an CR ?

      I can understand that you need it maybe to recalculate how much everyone get from the loot, but both values are not part of an CR :)

      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.