New Offline Combat Simulator? [Looking for a development team]

    • New Offline Combat Simulator? [Looking for a development team]

      Hey guys,

      Unfortunately SpeedSim is not supported anymore. So I planned to implement a new offline combat simulation tool - based on some parts of the original SpeedSim-Kernel. But the Kernel is partially out-dated referring coding style, so this work will be hard and take much time!

      So I am looking for support! Well, I plan to work with the following Languages/Techniques. So, if you are familar with at least one of them, feel free to join the team :)
      • C++11, because original SpeedSim was written in C++ for performance issues. C++11 is another step in the evolution of C++ providing up-to-date language-features.
      • Gtk aka Gimp Tool Kit. The original SpeedSim just works on Windows. But this is not necessary. With the use of a cross-plattform GUI toolkit, the simulation tool can be ported to Mac and Linux system (which is fine, because I am using Linux only). Of couse there will be a Windows-Version ;)
      • Glade. It is a GUI-Designer which allows you to work at the GUI design without having to actually write code!
      So I am looking for you if:
      • You are a programmer with knowledge in C/C++ programming (writing C++ code is not too hard for a C-programmer).
      • Or you are a programmer with knowledge in C-like languages (like C# or Java; it might be a bit difficult but manageable).
      • Or you are familar using Gtk in the domain of C++ code.
      • Or you are familar with Glade and like to design the new simulators GUI. This is an important job, too!
      Short to say:
      • I am going the revive the abandoned SpeedSim-idea.
      • If you are a programmer or GUI designer, feel free to contact me :)
      So that's it at the moment. If there are some grammatically or orthographically mistakes, please be so kind to mention: English isn't my mothertongue (I really looked up this word xD)

      Feel free to discuss about my project :)

      Kind regards
      Polymorph from

      /EDIT: First approchas handling GUI-Dev and Ini-Files can be found here

      The post was edited 1 time, last by polymorph: stripped bold-tags .. where ever they came from oO ().

    • _HeDo wrote:

      Nice idea, but why bothering with an offline simulator when tools like OSimulate exist?

      Well, I prefer offline simulators to online equivalents. But I guess none of my reasons could convince you - else OSimulate wouldn't be a pure online sim ^^ (So I don't start argumenting from my subjective point of view)

      _HeDo wrote:

      I think you are undervaluating the project because the simulation engine is just part of the work, the GUI will eat up most of the development time.

      The huge workload for GUI development is actual what I estimated. That's why I'm looking for a dev team to speed up development.
    • _HeDo wrote:

      I'm curious, I can't see the reason why offline > online :)

      Not at all, but for me^^ Some (not many but lots of ^^) other people might think so, too. So it's mainly a thing of subjective perspectives.

      Just to mention a reason (personally for me!) why I prefer offline sims: I'm working on a slow machine. So each browser tab causes (minor or major) lags to the system. Offline speedsim didn't do so. Well, maybe this reason is not good enough for common discussion - but at least for me it is :)

      Kind regards
    • Personal, i prefer online simulators - of course, because of the simple usage with AGO ;-)

      But during all those talks with OGame users, maybe 10% of them prefer offline simulators (higher speed, no limits, no ads ....) - So i am sure there are enough interested OGame users.