Ogame Leagues

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    • Ogame Leagues

      I'm coming back to the idea of grouping players with similar strength in a single universe , i'm not sure it is a good idea but i'm sure the merging of the universes will not solve our problem of dying universes . Maybe with this one we'll have an increase of interest from players , and keep them in the course for the top 1 for a longer time.

      See the discussion here : Concept - Valent

      basic concept:

      make universes based on points and group players by level :

      universe Alpha : starting players

      ----> when player top1 reaches a given amount of "indestructible" points ( for example 1.000.000 ) he is invited to migrate to the next universe. He may chose to stay in Alpha but his points will not grow and he will not be able to attack much lower players .

      Universe Beta : level 2 universe
      - -->Player top 1 reaches a given amount of points ( 10.000.000) , he is invited to migrate to universe gamma.

      and so on

      Each universe will be highly competitive , basically ensuring the fresh universe feeling on each migration
      Gives a superior sense of accomplishment , see the joke below:
      Display Spoiler

      A gamer dies and he is sent to hell . After a while the Devil goes to God and tells him: please take to you that mad man you sent to me - He is running through all the hell, killing my poor devils and screams where is the next level!

      Each player will get at least once to be no 1 ( if is not leaving very soon)
      Effective noob protection ( keep different ranks in separate universes) and not simply make them untouchable and annoy active players

      alliance will have less cohesion since not all players can "ascend" in the same time to the next level universe
      for small communities it is possible not to gather a sufficient amount of players to comfortably fill in the universes based on ranking
    • Valent wrote:

      alliance will have less cohesion since not all players can "ascend" in the same time to the next level universe
      but a stronger player can pull a few mates by opting to stay at current uni level. alliances lose players constantly to normal (inactive) attrition. and former mates can gather as they move up. freezing points while parked at lower tiered uni is key however when a player does finally move up all his points restored?

      This proposal has many advantages and inherently addresses the cluttered (perma-inactive) clutter issue.

      I like it. Can it be implemented logistically? :thumbup:
    • I as well like this idea.

      If it could be done this is something that should be done.

      However by what Point amount would it be decided that you are to move up?
      Would it be a forced move up?
      What steps would their be to prevent someone from camping at 99.99% of the required points and just destroying everyone else to troll?