message espionage report bug in AGO

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    • message espionage report bug in AGO

      Following message comes into AGO after update


      Espionage reports are not available - check OGame option 'Show full spy report'Homepage

      Full spy report is set, never had any problem before.

      And where are all the setting gone, very few now ????

      Not an improvement, and it is very slow on firefox now. :minigun:

      .:: Moved from Bugs and Complaints by Mario: (02/20/2014 | 22:35:57) ::.
    • No it is not avaible. (notification of ago update)

      Do the bug get addressed and fixed.

      Your solution do not work, because it is depending, that there actually is a espionage report present in messages.

      Seeing an orange text all the time, is pretty annoing. :cursing: ?(
    • And you believe that it's a fun to see"reports" from people who aren't able to read a changelog ?

      - You can disable the update notification message
      - You can disable the notification about unavailable espionage reports.

      See the changelog or the screenshot below.

      For me it's working as it should.

    • Then we have a problem Francoline.

      All above menu "common", in your picture

      Do not show up on my screen, there fore I can not check it.

      The message shows, but not the line after, where you can "hide the notification of this message"


      Found a solution, that worked: (so the orange messages do not show every time)
      But the settings is not there incl. update notification.

      Uninstalled AGO, deleted the cookie, installed AGO.

      So is fixed for now.
    • 1 and 2 done in bug report, no change.

      I uses Firefox version 24 (have no intentions to update it, too many problems) and latest AGO version on windows 7.

      The option to hide the notification, do not show up neither in general (common) or in message settings.

    • I remember similiary display problems in the Options menu and FF version 23 or 24 - fixed for everyone with updating Firefox.

      If you have "too many problems" with updating from FF 24 to FF 27, there is something completly wrong with your browser installation. Please see Firefox - AGO won't work, missing features or strange behave.

      Please - each half year you have such troubles because you are always a few versions behind the most recent release - I am sorry, but i can't and won't spend time here, sooner or later you are updating your browser as well. Report problems only with the newest browser release.
