International Universes

    • Resources and Facilities

    • International Universes

      First of all sorry for my English probably i will have some mistakes in the translation :huh:

      It is known that the number of players in all comunities is decreasing more and more.

      For example:
      The last universe in Spain Vega (x5) only has 5.2xx players.
      In France Wasat 57xx and in Germany Vega 5.9xx players more or less.

      So I think that it would be a good idea if GF will create universes for players from different countries. The universes would have more players, maybe they could have 13k or 14k players in the begginins like in the past. So the will became more atracttives and funny and probably bring more people. Besides, this idea don´t influence in MO users, they keep buying the same MO, or much more, if the universe is more competitive.

      This are my main reasons and I think is a good and neccesary idea. I´m waiting for your opinion. :)
    • Well, it's more or less what it is now, especially with the recent domain change that moved everything to Maybe instead of doing this, letting people choose a language in-game for the UI and an addition to the rules that while the language used in-game has to be English/other local language, the rule doesn't apply if both users agree on speaking another language. Not sure if that should be extended to alliance external areas.

      Overall, good idea, though it kind of is working already, .us player living in Europe here for example (never been to the states either).
    • That... is a good idea, however it would have to be advertised well, and be somewhat special. A x1 uni would definitely be unsuccessful. Orion in .us has kind of failed, as it opened 11 days ago and has just around 1,5k players. Maybe a 2x speed with 50% DF or def to DF would work. That or a 5x speed, heard they're player magnets.
    • It depends.

      If the main purpose is to receive players that are interested to meet some foreign players, or to represent their own country in a tournament, a X1 is a really good idea.

      If the main purpose is to receive hardcore players, a X5 is better.

      However, I think that in Origin, you cannot choose your interface language, everyone has the game in English; its a kind of thing to change to have a lot of players.
    • this could work with few modifications...
      for example in SKILL SF2 (GF game, FPS), when you download a downloader you chose which language of interface you want to have, and then all players play on same server(s)...
      which makes the game international.

      something similar should be made for this international server.
      for example make it as a login to be possible to be made from (for example), Spain, ORG, USA, Germany, France, Danmark, Turkey.
      and if player logs in from Spain login page his interface is made in Spanish, if he logs in from Germany his interface is made German. but also make it possible if i open acc on ORG my acc can be accessed from Spanish login page as well, but if i login from Spanish login page i get Spanish interface.
      Now you ask what about ingame language? make it official that every server from which is accessible its official language, and compose a team from all those communities..
      GF login portal could be a tricky one here, maybe make an option on portal to say in which language you want your game to be showed, or make portal figure out from which domain did you login last and show it that way.

      other option is origin, could be made international... why not...
      but starting something from scratch is very very hard.
      one option how to make this work for multiple languages on origin is: you give an option to player to choose language of his interface during registration of acc and option in acc options if he wants to switch it later on.