What for is account data?

    • What for is account data?

      I do not understand tool tips for data.. and how it is used and is it shared?

      Account data (resources/ships and building/research levels)15.10.2013 20:58:00

      OGame API database:
      • Player database (status and details)
      • Universe database (planets and moons)

      is my account data shared somewhere or with someone? I do not want it to be shared... is it used only for calculations?
    • Hello,

      In general you can see and use only the account values of the active planet / moon for the current page - for example if you are on fleet dispatch I, you know the amount of ships for this planet/moon - but nothing else. Therefore a script / addon have to store them for later access on other pages.

      AGO stores everything separatly for each account on your browser. Nothing will be shared, even if you use the Backup/Synchronize feature