02. Data & Settings

    • 02. Data & Settings

      latest update: 10.10.2013

      • Look up the basic settings for your OGame universe and for AGO.
        You can manually bring them up to date or restore them.

      • The font colour for databases is changing in dependence of the currency:
        [PLANET]brand new[], [GREEN]up to date[], [ORANGE]update available[], [RED]error[]

      • The date of the latest update is shown beneath.

      • [2.1.1|Check and update all data & settings now] Update data & settings
        • [EXPLANATION]
          The research levels, OGame labels, server settings and databases will be checked and updated.

      • [2.1.2|Reset data & settings] -
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Select the features-section you want to reset and confirm it.
          Press the "update all data & settings" button after resetting an DataBase.

        • [HINT]
          Resetting may solve some problems of AGO.

      • [|Server settings (<server> + <univers> + <language>)]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          A short overview of the current server settings is shown beneath.
        • [HINT]
          The settings are listed this way:
          progress speed / flight speed , Galaxy range and size, debris creation ratio, debris loss ratio, RapidFire presence, ACS presence, top player level

        [|Change to the next top-player level for expeditions] Change
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Press the "Change" button to change to the next top-player level for expeditions.
          If so, this setting will be coloured green and you'll see the next level changed in the shown server settings above (last value).

      • [2.1.4|Account data (resources/ships and building/research levels)]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Stores several information about your account, that are needed for some calculations like in the Infopanel or the Calculator.

      [2.2|Ogame API database] Enable
      • [SETTING]Enable[] enables or disables the features of this subsection.

      • The APIs are required for some features of the Infopanel and for the Infobox (coordinates of the currently selected player).

      • If enabled, AGO will use the OGame APIs.
      • Press the "update all data & settings" button to bring them up to date.

      • [2.2.1|Player database (status and details)]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Provides known information about all player in this universe:
          player name, player status and alliance id for every player id

        • [HINT]
          The player API is updated once a day.

      • [2.2.2|Universe database (planets and moons)]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Provides known information about all galaxies in your universe:
          player id, planet name and coordinates for every planet id
          moon name and moon diameter for every moon id

        • [HINT]
          The universe API is updated once a week.

      [2.3|Backup & Synchronization]
      • Save your settings online to the antigame.de server or the browser server.
      • Save your settings offline to your local drive as a text file.

      • "Options" means only the settings you can set up inside the AGO options menu.
      • "Data & settings" means all databases and the settings you can set up inside and outside the AGO options menu.

      • Use it to synchronize a profile on different devices.
      • Use it to takeover all data & settings for another account.

      • [2.3.1|Methode for backup and synchronization] Browser Sync
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Select the method how to backup/restore/synchronize the data & settings:
          [OPTION]-[] disables this feature
          [OPTION]Server[] uses the antigame.de server
          [OPTION]Browser Sync[] uses the browser Sync feature ( Google Sync, Firefox Sync or Opera Link)

      • [2.3.2|Optional name for the backup set (4-30 letters)]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Just an optional name for your backup file.
        • [HINT]
          In case of any problem you may request to get delivered your backup-file by giving the optional name.

      • [2.3.3|Restore options only]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          If enabled, AGO will just restore all the settings from inside the AGO option menu instead of all possible data & settings.

      • [2.3.4|Restore data & settings] Restore from <Methode>
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Once you saved your data & settings on a server, you can restore them by pressing this button.
        • [HINT]
          The methode is changing in dependence of the first setting in this section: [SETTING]Methode for backup and synchronization[]
        • [TIP]
          Enable [SETTING]Restore options only[] above, if you want to restore/synchronize the options only.

      • [2.3.5|Backup data & settings] Backup to <Methode>
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Save your data & settings on a server for being able to restore/synchronize them.
        • [HINT]
          The methode is changing in dependence of the first setting in this section: [SETTING]Methode for backup and synchronization[]

      • [2.3.6|Select data & settings or options to show in textbox below] -
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Select the feature-section for which you want to get the backup-text to be shown in the textbox below.
          You can copy the shown text and save it to your local drive as a text file.
          Paste the local backup-text in the textbox below to restore them.

      The post was edited 58 times, last by fl00ri: originally by TheViking ().

    • Select the method how to backup/restore/synchronize the data & settings:
      [OPTION]-[] disables the backup/restore/synchronize feature
      [OPTION]Server[] uses the antigame.de server to backup/restore/synchronize
      [OPTION]Browser Sync[] uses the browser server to backup/restore/synchronize

      Select the method how to backup/restore/synchronize the data & settings:
      [OPTION]-[] disables the feature
      [OPTION]Server[] uses the antigame.de server
      [OPTION]Browser Sync[] uses the browser Sync feature ( Google Sync, Firefox Sync or Opera Link)

      • [2.3.3|Restore options only]
        • [EXPLANATION]
          If enabled, AGO will just restore all the settings from inside the AGO option menu instead of all possible data & settings.

        • [TIP]
          Use it to restore/synchronize only the mainoptions of a profile on different devices

      • [2.3.4|Restore data & settings] Restore from <Methode>
        • [EXPLANATION]
          Once you saved your data & settings, you can restore them by clicking onto this button.
          The methode is changing in dependence of the first setting in this section: [SETTING]Methode for backup and synchronization[]

        • [2.3.5|Backup data & settings] Backup to <Methode>
          • [EXPLANATION]
            Save your data & setting for being able to restore/synchronize them.
            The methode is changing in dependence of the first setting in this section: [SETTING]Methode for backup and synchronization[]

          • [2.3.6|Select data & settings or options to show in textbox below] -
            • [EXPLANATION]
              Select the feature-section for which you want to get the backup-text to be shown in the textbox below.
              You can copy the shown text and save it to your local drive as an offline backup.
              Paste the local backup-text in the textbox below to restore them.