Tutorial 11: Interplanetary Missiles

  • Tutorial 11: Interplanetary Missiles

    Attacking a player with ships is not always the best possibility. Interplanetary missiles are a powerful weapon against planets with a lot of defensive structures, a so called bunker. By all means they are a strategic facility to make small targets more lucrative, for example by eliminating several plasma turrets. They will be sent from your own planet and will destroy a certain number of adverse defensive structures – but they also can be destroyed by self deploying anti-ballistic missiles. (When IPM's are detected your ABM's will auto deploy) The defenses which were destroyed by interplanetary missiles will not be rebuilt, that represents the force of those missiles, besides the penetrating power.

    How do I get those missiles ?
    To build interplanetary missiles you must have a missile silo level 4 on a planet ( total cost: 300.000 metal, 300.000 crystal and 15.000 deuterium ) after that you can commission interplanetary missiles, in the defense menu. A missile costs 12.500 metal, 2.500 crystal and 10.000 deuterium, per each level of the missile silo a maximum of five missiles can be stored at the same time. So a silo on level five enables you to construct a maximum 25 interplanetary missiles. As long as there are missiles in the silo it is not possible to tear down a silo, however the upgrading is possible. To destroy missiles (ABM's or IPM's) without launching on a target, just click on the loading capacity in the missile silo and tear the missiles down there.

    To build anti-ballistic missiles you only need missile silo on level 2 ( total cost: 60.000 metal, 60.000 crystal, 3.000 deuterium ), so the anti-ballistic missiles are easier to reach over the interplanetary missiles. Moreover a defense missile just takes half as much space; hence up to 50 anti-ballistic missiles can be stored in a silo on level 5. A defense missile costs 8.000 metal and 2.000 deuterium.(Mind you, ABM's and IPM's share the same silo after missile silo level 4) Although you cannot build a missile silo on a moon, the anti-ballistic missiles of the planet also defend the defensive structure on a possibly existent moon !

    Damage at the push of a button
    To attack a players planet or moon with interplanetary missiles you first have to switch to the galaxy view. If the target is within reach you will be able to attack the planet with interplanetary missiles by clicking on the missile icon symbol in the appropriate line. If the target is a moon, you will have to hold the mouse over the moon and click the appropriate link. After that a new menu will be opened in which you will have to enter the amount of mobilized missiles at the primary target, before affirming the attack. The primary target indicates the type of defensive structures, which shall be attacked - so you can set your interplanetary missiles selectively at rocket launchers, plasma turrets or each other type of defense, in which you want to destroy. If the primary target is destroyed or nothing was chosen, the defensive structures will be destroyed in the order, as they are in the defense, starting with the rocket launchers. If all defensive structures are eliminated then the interplanetary missiles will be destroyed also. The force of the attack tends to the weapon technology of the attacker and the armour technology of the defender.

    reach ( in systems ) = (level of impulse drive * 5 ) – 1

    Beware: When sent, the interplanetary missiles cannot be recalled. So you should not make any mistakes with the entry, and you should be sure that you want to go through with this attack. As most of the players retaliate towards interplanetary missile attacks with counter attacks, you should not battle with too strong of a player. By the way you do not get a combat report as the attacker, after the impact you have to spy on the target again to see the result. Only the defender gets a short report with the name of the attacker and the amount of deployed missiles and the destroyed defensive units.

    Anti-ballistic missiles are always ready. As soon as an enemy attacks a players planet or moon with interplanetary missiles each anti-ballistic missile will destroy one of the hostile missiles and will be destroyed itself in doing so. With a sufficient amount of anti-ballistic missiles, the damage on a players defensive structures, in case of an interplanetary missile attack, can be abated or avoided entirely.

    What do I have to bear in mind ?
    If you can see the interplanetary missile symbol next to the player in the galaxy view, it will be able to be attacked with Interplanetary missiles. Make sure to check your report to see if the enemy does not have any or only a few anti-ballistic missiles, which can absorb the interplanetary missiles that you send because than the attack will crackle inefficiently and the resources would be lost. If you want to attack a bigger bunker, you will have to build interplanetary missiles on several planets and fire them off at the same time, or to band together with several players, because also the defender can copy anti-ballistic missiles and thus slowing the damage down. However interplanetary missiles are importantly faster than battle ships.

    time of flight ( in seconds ) = 30 + ( 30 * distance in systems )

    You can calculate the number of missiles, which you will need to destroy the defense of your enemy, with a Combat simulator.