Pinned Fleet - capacity bar & send fleet button

    • Fleet - capacity bar & send fleet button

      "fl00ri" wrote:

      Because the capacitybar isnt shown in full length the concept in the 2nd post cant be used now... So i reworked the send fleet button and modified it to also show the mission. Ofc i can change some things like the icon size/color etc, if you wish - just tell me.

      Note that the point of using this button is to have a final clear button (that also provides sending info) still in OGame-style. All buttons appearing before are equipped with tiny mission-icons etc. This final clear button intends no more ongoing settings (end step)

      The color shows the load status as the following:
      red - nothing loaded
      green - enough capacity, full loaded (or needed amount)
      teal - enough capacity, a bit loaded
      orange - not enough capacity, full loaded
      yellow - not enough capacity, a bit loaded

      original button

      expedition button

      colonization button

      harvest button

      transport button

      deployment button

      espionage button

      acs defend button

      attack button

      acs attack button

      destroy button

      clean button:

      "fl00ri" wrote:

      [this is a not useable concept. just stored for a possible ogame patch]
      pls go to the 1st post

      Capacity Bar:
      [original - fleet], [original - rockets], [original - box]
      highlight colors for the kind of loading in the following ways:

      1)not enough ships for all res

      a) nothing loaded = red only →
      (e.g. just empty cargobay)

      b) a bit loaded = yellow only →
      (e.g. only a part from 'missing resources' calculator sending loaded)

      c) all loaded = green only →
      (e.g. all 'missing resources' calculator sending loaded)

      2)enough ships for all res:

      a) nothing loaded = red only →
      (e.g. just empty cargobay)

      b) a bit loaded = red+yellow
      (e.g. only a part from res with full fleet loaded)

      c) full loaded = red+yellow+green
      (e.g. all res with full fleet loaded)

      (each bar should have its own tooltip for explanation)

      additionaly a bigger box is needed:


      p.s. the highlighted part of the capacity bar can be animated. because the uploader stores the animation only for a short time I wont show it here, but i will provide them in the zip-file.

      note: Francolino is redesigning the whole fleetdispatch page III → see here. By changing the order of the resource boxes and loading buttons there will be enough space to use this concept.