New or generally updated FAQ

  • -- Moon - What is it and how do i get one? --

    Moons may arise randomly out of very big debris fields.
    For every 100.000 resources in the debris field, the chance of getting a moon is 1%.
    The maximum chance is 20%. Therefore debris fields bigger than 2.000.000 resources have no influence on the formation of moons.
    Also there is no guarantee for a moon.

    In the table below, you can see how many ships of each type will be necessary for different percentages of Probability.

    Probability 1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%
    Small Cargo 84167250334417500584667750834917100010841167125013341417150015841667
    Large Cargo 285684112139167195223250278306334362389417445473500528556
    Light Fighter 84167250334417500584667750834917100010841167125013341417150015841667
    Heavy Fighter 3467100134167200234267300334367400434467500534567600634667
    Cruiser 1325385062758799112124136149161173186198210223235247
    Battleship 612172328343945505662677378848995100106112
    Colony Ship 1223344556677889100112123134145156167178189200212223
    Recycler 21426384105125146167188209230250271292313334355375396417
    Espionage Probe 334667100013341667200023342667300033343667400043344667500053345667600063346667
    Bomber 59141823273236404549545863677276808589
    Solar Satellite 167334500667834100011671334150016671834200021672334250026672834300031673334
    Destroyer 47101316192225283134374043464952555861
    Deathstar 11111111111111111111
    Battlecruiser 510152024293439434853586267727781869196

    The tables below are valid for different types of special universes:
    50% Fleet into Debris Field
    Probability 1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%
    Small Cargo 501001502002503003504004505005506006507007508008509009501000
    Large Cargo 1734506784100117134150167184200217234250267284300317334
    Light Fighter 501001502002503003504004505005506006507007508008509009501000
    Heavy Fighter 20406080100120140160180200220240260280300320340360380400
    Cruiser 8152330384552606775828997104112119126134141149
    Battleship 47101417202427303437404447505457606467
    Colony Ship 714202734404754606774808794100107114120127134
    Recycler 13253850637588100113125138150163175183200213225238250
    Espionage Probe 2004006008001000120014001600180020002200240026002800300032003400360038004000
    Bomber 3681114161922242730323538404346485154
    Solar Satellite 10020030040050060070080090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000
    Destroyer 246810111315171920222426283031333537
    Deathstar 11111111111111111111
    Battlecruiser 3691215182023262932353840434649525558

    70% Fleet into Debris Field
    Probalbility 1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%
    Small Cargo 3672108143179215250286322358393429465500536572608643679715
    Large Cargo 1224364860728496108120131143155167179191203215227239
    Light Fighter3672108143179215250286322358393429465500536572608643679715
    Heavy Fighter 152943587286100115129143158172186200215229243258272286
    Battleship 3581012151720222427293134363941434648
    Colony Ship510152024293439434853586267727781869196
    Recycler 918273645546372819099108117125134143152161170179
    Espionage Probe 14328642957271585810001143128614291572171518582000214322862429257227152858
    Bomber 246810121416182021232527293133353739
    Solar Satellite 721432152863584295005726437157868589291000107211431215128613581429
    Destroyer 2346781011121315161719202123242526
    Deathstar 11111111111111111111
    Battlecruiser 357911131517192123252729313335373941

    Defense Builings in DiDF-Universes
    Probability 1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%
    Rocket Launcher 167334500667834100011671334150016671834200021672334250026672834300031673334
    Light Laser 167334500667834100011671334150016671834200021672334250026672834300031673334
    Heavy Laser 4284125167209250292334375417459500542584625667709750792834
    Gauss Canon 10202939485867778696105115124134143153162172181191
    Ion Cannon 4284125167209250292334375417459500542584625667709750792834
    Plasma Turret 47101417202427303437404447505457606467

    The composition of fleet/def in the debris field, the current time and also the On-status of the player has no influence on the moon chance.

    The moon size is established by the following formula. x is a placeholder for a random numeral between 10 and 20.

    Source Code

    1. moon size = Round down( (3*Probability + x)^0,5 * 1000)km

    A moon always belongs to the planet on which the fight it arose from took place. The moon can not be colonized or taken over.

    Moons carry some extra features.
    You can build special buildings on them such as the Sensor Phalanx or the Jump Gate.
    Other buildings like mines, the Research Lab or the Nanite Factory can not be build on a moon.
    You also can not phalanx a moon which is why people like to save from them.
    Moons can be destroyed by Death Stars.

    Warning: If you give up a Colony with a moon around it, the moon will disappear with it.

    If you give up a moon, a “given up” moon stays behind first. These type of moons are marked red in the Galaxy view. More information: Red Moon

    Still to do in this Post
    • Link to -> Red Moon (When Post is existing)

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Mario ().

  • -- INFO-BOX - What does the red flashing exclamation mark mean? --

    The red exclamation mark appears, when there currently is a hostile mission (espionage, attack, ACS attack, moon destruction) on its way to one of your planets or moons. The exact appearence depends on the remaining flight time:

    when the remaining flight time is more than 24 hours.

    when the remaining flight time is less than 24 hours but more than 6 hours.

    when the remaining flight time is less than 6 hours.