Make all resources from scrapped fleet usable on the account the fleet was scrapped

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    • Make all resources from scrapped fleet usable on the account the fleet was scrapped

      Hi :)

      First of all i will explain the point that made me suggest this ...

      Being an ogame player for long years, more often in old universes I see accounts that get their fleet scrapped . The resources that they profit from the merchant are traded by deuterium and then sold at 2 1 1 to stronger accounts, that get the weaker ones in purpose of doing that. Imagine that an account is worth 300 kk metal, 200kk cristal and 100kk deuterium. This converted to deuterium at 3 2 1 merchant rates gives 300kk deuterium. Ok, now i send 300kk deuterium to a stronger account, the stronger accounts trades 150kk in the merchant and we get 300kk crystal thats is enougth to pay the deuterium at 2 1 1 rates. By doing this till we have no deuterium in the weaker account, the strongest account will profit all the deuterium that the weaker account fleet is worth, in this case 300kk deuterium.

      In these days i more often see people doing this, getting weaker accounts and then turning them into deut to make they grow even more. My suggestion is to make all the account's profit in merchant mandatory to use that profit in the account that traded the fleet.

      In my point this will turn the universes more fair. If any other solutions to avoid this BIG problem post them, this one was the one that i though was the best one

      Regards people and good game :D
    • But, in your suggestion I see one problem : All this players that now use merchant will not use it again. And If you don't get sources in order to get one research (lv 20 or more) you wont use the reducing time button again, so in the end, this suggestion means too much money lost by Game Forge.

      And this way, the merchant way , is the only way that can use a miner in order to get the same ranking that a fleeter. So this is not easy ....

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