[Archive]Outdated and Useless

  • Moons

    Moons may arise randomly out of very big debris fields. For every 100.000 resources in the debris field, the chance of getting a moon is 1%. The maximum chance is 20%. Therefore debris fields bigger than 2.000.000 resources have no influence on the formation of moons. Also there is no guarantee for a moon.

    Moons arising out of a 20% moon chance have a diameter of at least 8.000km
    Moons forming out of an under 20% chance have a random diameter

    The following chart shows the different probabilities of getting a moon with different ship types.

    The composition of fleet/def in the debris field, the current time and also the On-status of the player has no influence on the moon chance.

    A moon always belongs to the planet on which the fight it arose from took place. The moon can not be colonized or taken over.

    Moons carry some extra features. You can build special buildings on them such as the Sensor Phalanx or the Jump Gate. Other buildings like mines, the Research Lab or the Nanite Factory can not be build on a moon. You also can not phalanx a moon which is why people like to save from them. Moons can be destroyed by Death Stars.

    Warning: If you give up a Colony with a moon around it, the moon will disappear with it.

    If you give up a moon, a “given up” moon stays behind first. These type of moons are marked red in the Galaxy view. More information: Red Moon

    :: Dependence Moon Chance <-> Moon Diameter is missing::
    ..::Edit by TheViking | New Post under construction::..
    ..::Edit by TheViking | New Post imploemented. -> Archive::..
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner

    The post was edited 7 times, last by TheViking ().

  • Same PC – My brother an I use the same computer and play in the same universe. What do we have to pay attention to?

    If for example two family members use the same internet connection to play in the same universe, they need to inform the responsible Gameoperator in advance. It is important to note that the IP counts, which usually correlates with the internet connection. Two PCs with the same internet connection almost always have the same IP. Once you informed the Gameoperator, wait for his answer. You can only play in the same Universe, if he allows it.

    Now that you have permission, what else do you have to keep in mind?
    Even after the application, no fleet contact is allowed. This means no attacks, transports, ACS, etc. Fleet contact using a third player is also forbidden. For example: you and your family member can’t ACS defend a buddy’s planet at the same time.
    Usually the same alliance is allowed.
    If you have any questions about what you can and cannot do, just ask your Gameoperator

    outdated - rules have changed / pat`
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner

    The post was edited 1 time, last by pat` ().

  • IP-Check

    On every click you make on your account, the IP-check compares your current IP address with your login IP. If they are not the same, the session-ID becomes invalid and you have to login again.

    relict of old design :) / pat`
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner