Today we will update our public test server with our latest 'tiny' version 5.2 and its following changelog:
Enjoy testing & please send us your feedback!
Your OGame Team
[Feature Request] Info tooltip on moon in planet list
[Feature Request] Abandoned planets/Rename of Nickname: adjustment for Facebook users
[Feature Request] Setting: open some overlays as external windows (detailed combat report, notes)
[Feature Request] Galaxy: Show fleet icon while colonizing a planet
[Feature Request] new item order inside the shop
[Feature Request] Further Email change before validation
[Feature Request] Usability - Jumpgate Overlay (possible to click on picture)
[Feature Request] Usability: Adjustment for textfields
[Feature Request] Building queue - Hint for commander
[Feature Request] Cooldown time for Jumpgates in the description text
[Feature Request] Usability - Empire View (last column can be moved)
[Feature Request] Hint for expiration of officer
[Feature Request] (iPad) Wipe effect in the galaxy view
[Feature Request] new Interplanetary missiles attack overlay
[Feature Request] BB Code Editor
[Feature Request] Keep system in galaxy view (optional)
[Feature Request] Optimized usability - resource merchant
[Feature Request] Interplanetary Missiles overlay shows arrival time
[Polishing] Mobile View: Fleet pages - do not pre-select input fields
[Polishing] optimized message if not enough resources/energy for research & Buildings
[Polishing] change to fleet menu after using jump gate
[Polishing] (iPad) Galaxy: Usability - Colonization
[Polishing] Usability - Input fields(IE8/9)
[Polishing] Usability - Merchant (res type highlighted)
[Polishing] Adjustment of dropdown menus
[Polishing] Tooltip adjustment - resource settings - Engineer
[Polishing] Title adjustment (universe - ogame)
[Polishing] Icon for moon & debris fields on several pages
[Bugfix] (iPad) display problem with Crosspromotion Overlay
[Bugfix] (iPad) Galaxy view: Missing information
[Bugfix] (iPad) Fleet Movement: Local time shown instead of server time for return time
[Bugfix] (iPad) Missing information about why an item cannot be activated
[Bugfix] (iPad) Info text about why an item cannot be activated is partially invisible when the text is long
[Bugfix] (iPad) Phalanx: planetnames are not shortened properly
[Bugfix] Alliance > Manage Alliance > Member can only give rights, that he has on his own -> rights are deleted
[Bugfix] Alliance: Directly after saving rights for which you don't have the permission to set them, they are not ticked
[Bugfix] Alliance message: formatted text (size) covers the headline
[Bugfix] Alliance list - broken activity order
[Bugfix] Delete messages - display issue
[Bugfix] Messages: Deleting messages from inside the message does not work
[Bugfix] Galaxy: Tooltip stays open when using arrow keys to switch galaxy/system
[Bugfix] Galaxy: Problem with tooltips
[Bugfix] Auctionner: Two items given
[Bugfix] Auctionner: Number of items not updated
[Bugfix] Import/Export: problem with bidding honour points (turns green without enough HP)
[Bugfix] Combat Report: Detailed combat report does not contain information on repaired defense
[Bugfix] Combat reports in an extra window: small style problem
[Bugfix] Combat report: Display issue
[Bugfix] Tactical Retreat: Rounding issue
[Bugfix] Tactical Retreat: Missing thousands separators in message about own retreat
[Bugfix] Side-Effects when having a detailed combat report opened while clicking through the combat report overviews
[Bugfix] Phalanx: If you open your own flight to a planet in phalanx while having the eventlist open, row isn't removed after arrival
[Bugfix] Phalanx: Missing source planet names at acs attacks
[Bugfix] Phalanx Overlay does not show countdowns
[Bugfix] Fixes for OGame API (number of named universes shown)
[Bugfix] Player unable to remove vacation mode after a ban
[Bugfix] Missing resources when account is copied while being in vacation mode
[Bugfix] Empire: empty booster tooltips
[Bugfix] Search Overlay: first four columns are right aligned instead of left-aligned
[Bugfix] eventList: content shifted if there are long planet names inside
[Bugfix] Expedition mission missed on event list when a "delay" event is found
[Bugfix] Amount of ships of a type limited while sending them
[Bugfix] Incorrect Honour Points calculation for players in vacation mode
[Bugfix] Dishonorable battle against buddy, if one held with a small fleet
[Bugfix] Missing styles in IE 8 & 9
[Bugfix] Error at Research Points calculation
[Bugfix] Resources Booster on moons shown as permanent
[Bugfix] Happy Hour Banner visible on Fleet 3 and Movement though commander is active and the banner has been hidden
[Bugfix] Remaining time of the Commanding Staff defect
[Bugfix] Price for non-buyable items is shown
[Bugfix] Planet field items not sorted during special offer
[Bugfix] Rename Planets: Information about not enough characters is not removed while typing
[Bugfix] Settings > User data > Change Email-Address: Info text after changing Email-Adress incorrect
[Bugfix] Fleet2: Long moon names are not displayed properly for source / target
[Bugfix] Fleet page 3: When clicking in the Back-Button of Firefox, the error message "Document Expired" appeared
[Bugfix] Moon destruction mission doesn't work properly
[Bugfix] Incorrect Fleet findings in Expeditions
[Bugfix] Planetlist: Moon on the bottom is covered by footer
[Bugfix] Jumpgate - several issues
[Bugfix] Energy in tooltip not correct
[Bugfix] Buildings: Can't demolish buildings, if pre-requisites are not fulfilled
[Bugfix] Merchant: possible to open several submenus simultaneously
[Bugfix] Galaxy: missing activity for player in vacation mode
[Bugfix] Notes: time problem
[Bugfix] RSS-Feed: incorrect sorting of messages
[Bugfix] Wrong behavior of shipyard queue with vmode / non-activated accounts
[Bugfix] problem with research points calculation
[Bugfix] EventList: wrong behavior for ACS attacks
[Bugfix] Fleet pages: Add Key listener to submit the page on enter
[Bugfix] Broken vacation mode for players with active building queue
[Bugfix] Welcome message formatting
[Bugfix] errors in several menus
[Bugfix] Resources counter counts base production while being in vacation mode
Enjoy testing & please send us your feedback!
Your OGame Team
- - - WTH was here - - -
ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
yeah my girlfriend too :P
ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
yeah my girlfriend too :P