Update 5.1

    • Update 5.0 - OGame mobile

      During this week (possibly already today) we will update our international test server (Origin on pioneers.ogame.org/) with our new version 5.0. This version contains our new IPad App. The App itself is not yet available, but with a small workaround it is possible to activate the "IPad desgin".

      [Feature Request] OGame IPad App
      [Feature Request] App: several graphical / functional adjustments on all menues / screens
      [Feature Request] Honour points shown on overview
      [Feature Request] Amount of possible standard fleets changed (level computer tech +2)
      [Feature Request] Tooltips for shortcuts
      [Feature Request] Font size of event list adjusted
      [Feature Request] Confirmation message before closing not saved note
      [Feature Request] Commander: optimized research display
      [Feature Request] Commander: Drag&Drop sorting for planet bar
      [Feature Request] Several texts adjusted
      [Feature Request] Espionage reports in message menu opened with highest priority
      [Feature Request] Tutorial: Step 5 now without url input
      [Feautre Request] Display of alliance settings revised
      [Feautre Request] Replacement/Revision of all tooltips / overlay
      [Feautre Request] Revision of building queue
      [Bugfix] Several broken tooltips corrected / needless tooltips removed
      [Bugfix] Several error messages corrected
      [Bugfix] Several display problems corrected
      [Bugfix] Possibility to save too many probes as standard
      [Bugfix] Problem in tear down of buildings corrected
      [Bugfix] Jump Gate not working after termination of relocation
      [Bugfix] Security issues in fleet menu corrected
      [Bugfix] Problems with interplanetary missiles solved
      [Bugfix] Footer on mobile devices misplaced
      [Bugfix] Missing Impressum on validation email
      [Bugfix] Active "next" Button on fleet II even with no option on fleet III
      [Bugfix] Alliance member / buddies shown honourable
      [Bugfix] Problem with coloration of spy reports
      [Bugfix] Problem with external alliance page corrected
      [Bugfix] Missing limitation while input of title of alliance owner
      [Bugfix] Broken research queue corrected
      [Bugfix] Invited friend status in merged universes broken
      [Bugfix] Options for messages in wrong tab
      [Bugfix] Usability - Input fields in fleet menu for Firefox/Chrome
      [Bugfix] Performance optimizations
      [Bugfix] Cache problem in galaxy view corrected

      You can activate the new view with adding:


      ...to the url. This works in the browser as well but since it is optimized for IPad it is not the same 'look and feel'. If you want to check it out on your browser best would be Safari.External links and logout are out of function then.

      And we have to small screens for the news:

      Since we are still in development it will take some more time till the final release of this version. But we will be happy about every given feedback on our international test server.

      Also for sure it will be possible that we add other devices later on based on the given feedback. But for now only IPad will be supported by the app.

      Regards, your Ogame.origin team
      • galaxy.jpg

        52.61 kB, 658×640, viewed 2,444 times
      • IPCover.png

        1.15 MB, 1,015×755, viewed 968 times
      • fleet.jpg

        83.76 kB, 658×668, viewed 1,510 times
    • Dear players,

      Tomorrow we will update our servers to version 5.1, changes will be following:

      [Feature Request] Mobile switch in account settings
      [Feature Request] Possibility to upgrade items
      [Feature Request] Better display of premium details (Commander, officers)
      [Feature Request] Usability Moonrename (Moon)
      [Feature Request] 01100001 01101110 01101110 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110011 01100001 01110010 01111001
      [Bugfix] Alliance ranking not updated after player logged in
      [Bugfix] Firefox: Display error at shop animation
      [Bugfix] Messages: Usability
      [Bugfix] Error in message history
      [Bugfix] Display error in acs overlay
      [Bugfix] EventList: Deployment-Fleet is shown as returning in EventList after it reached the target
      [Bugfix] Phalanx-Reload-Symbol has black corners
      [Bugfix] Unpleasant behaviour when sending Expeditions from the moon
      [Bugfix] Overview - Display error - free relocations
      [Bugfix] Unnecessary scrollbar at combat reports (overview)
      [Bugfix] Phalanx: Missing arrival time if phalanxing own fleet with open eventlist
      [Bugfix] Tooltip at commander detailpage is not opened correctly
      [Bugfix] Phalanx: eventlist looks broken if you phalanx own acs with open eventlist
      [Bugfix] Usability: Tooltips fleet details
      [Bugfix] (iPad) Dropdown Buttons
      [Bugfix] (iPad) free relocations - display error
      [Bugfix] (iPad) Back arrows not readable
      [Bugfix] (iPad) Galaxie - line break at nickname
      [Bugfix] (iPad) Ranking - line break shown at nicknames with many negative honor points
      [Bugfix] (iPad) Galaxy - Problem with colonization
      [Bugfix] (iPad) Performance problem with enabled and permanently shown eventlist
      [Bugfix] (iPad) Missing colonization icon
      [Bugfix] error in resource settings
      [Bugfix] Eventlists - Tooltips not correctly positioned
      [Bugfix] Phalanx: Fleet tooltip above or below the fleet icon
      [Bugfix] Moon creation in Combat Report - though combat was placed on the moon
      [Bugfix] Jumpgate Overlay: when opening the overlay twice in a row the countdown is not shown
      [Bugfix] After renaming a planet it's impossible to re-order the planetlist
      [Bugfix] Tooltip at moonrename overlay corrected

      Discuss the news there : Update 5.1 - Discussion

      Regards, your Ogame team
    • Update 5.2.2

      Update 5.2.2
      Dear players,

      Tomorrow we will update version 5.2.2 in the first communities with the following changelog :

      [Feature Request] Fleet: Moon icon in target list
      [Feature Request] Possible to change email again before validation
      [Polishing] Additions OGame API
      [Polishing] IP-Check deactivated
      [Polishing] Not possible to open 2 notes at once
      [Polishing] Adjustments for tool devs
      [Polishing] Usability - Dropdowns
      [Bugfix] Vacation mode not reduced after changing ban duration
      [Bugfix] Warning for colonization not working properly
      [Bugfix] EMail validation stops vacation mode
      [Bugfix] Fleet pages: Change back to fleet 1 if opening notes
      [Bugfix] Attack lock: text in tooltip changed

      Your OGame.Origin team
    • Update 5.4.0

      Dear players,

      Today version 5.4.0 has been implemented on OGame.DE servers.
      Tomorrow it will be implemented on servers EN, ES, FR, GR, IT, PL, TR, US.
      On thursday it will be implemented on the rest of OGame servers.

      This is the version 5.4.0 changelog:

      [Feature Request] Performance optimizations
      [Feature Request] OGame API additions (extra fields setting)
      [Polishing] Better error messages
      [Polishing] Hint for Planet Item if using last planetfield
      [Polishing] Saving the Header fold function in the fleet menu
      [Polishing] Hint for Admiral if no more unused fleet slots
      [Bugfix] Sev. text issues solved
      [Bugfix] Planet sorting changed if using web & mobile
      [Bugfix] Some display errors
      [Bugfix] (HU) Footer Texts are not shown
      [Bugfix] Sev. security issues

      Since there're a lot of changes in the game background, some older tools won't work anymore. Also some problems with not updated AntiGame can appear.
      Please update all those tools to the lastest version in order to avoid any kind of incompatibility issue.

      Have fun!

      Your OGame.Origin Team
    • Update 5.4.2

      Dear players,

      During this week or latest next Monday, we'll have a game update to version 5.4.2.

      There will be no visible changes for you, just some internal changes to improve the game performance.

      Have fun!

      Your OGame.Origin Team
    • Update 5.5.0

      Dear player,

      The next update 5.5.0 is coming tomorrow onto the first OGame.de server, and all other communities follows.

      25/06: DE universes: 1, 81, 101, 111
      26/06: DE missing universes
      27/06: ORG, ES, FR, IT, PL, TR, US
      01/07: missing countries

      Changelog: Update 5.5.0

      Regards, your Ogame.origin team
    • Unfortunately due to some small issues with Internet Explorer the update to v5.5 has been delayed until next week. We'll provide a more exact date as soon as we know it.
      Probably starting with .de on Monday.

      Your OGame.Origin team
    • Update 5.5.2

      Dear players,

      Today, in ORG, ES, GR and MX communities, the game has been updated to the version 5.5.2.

      This is the version 5.5.2 changelog:

      [Bugfix] OGame API: universe.xml is updated every day instead of every week
      [Bugfix] IE8: Problem with fleet movements

      Have fun!

      Your OGame.Origin Team
    • Version 5.6.3

      Dear players,

      Today we will update to version 5.6.3


      [Feature Request] Commander: Empire View - Moons: Replace energy with diameter
      [Change] In-game URL change
      [Bugfix] Notices in the in-game patchnotes
      [Bugfix] Notices at the planet spawn event
      [Bugfix] Event messages of the planet spawn event are missing in the rss feed


      uni1.ogame.org -> s1-org.ogame.gameforge.com
      uni101.ogame.org -> s101-org.ogame.gameforge.com

      Regards, your OGame.origin Team
    • Update 5.7.0

      With this version a new feature will be implemented, this feature allows players to fill up their storages (with some restrictions), or get the missing resources to start building/ships/research orders (also with some restrictions) by paying Dark Matter.

      Here you have some general information about this version:

      • Fill up the storage by 10% of the current storage capacity (maximum 10.000.000 at once)
      • Fill up the storage by 50% of the current storage capacity (maximum 10.000.000 at once)
      • Fill up the storage until 100% of the current storage capacity (maximum 10.000.000 at once)
      • The respective storage on the planet can only be filled up until the storage capacity, not further
      • There must be enough DM and available storage capacity, so filling up works
      • If there is less than 50% or 10% of the storage capacity available, only the 100% variant is offered
      • Where does the player see the Feature: - in the storage slider (3 buttons) - in the resource merchant menu (extra buttons for resources and amount) - directly when building: buildings, ships, defense, research (button for using DM / Buy + Start building)
      • DM base values (10.000 resources) of the three options: - Metal: 45k DM - Crystal: 90k DM - Deuterium: 135k DM. That's the "base" price. The higher the amount you buy is, the cheaper it will cost (compared to the base value)
      • A limit can be set (especially at the beginning of universes) so players can buy only "stacks" of 10.000 (but unlimited times)
      • The maximum amount of resources that can be bought at once is: 10.000.000
      • If the player wants to fill up your storage by any % but the amount of resources you need to fill it is higher than 10.000.000, the button will turn in to "buy 10.000.000" button instead of "fill up by X%"
      • If the player wants to build ships or buildings and the amount of resources you need is higher than 10.000.000 the "build with Dark Matter" button won't be available and players will have to buy "packets" of 10.000.000 by filling the storage
      • The commander building list stays untouched (DM option is not considered when inserting elements - no automatic DM deduction)
      • At buildings/research/shipyard/defense the build up button is shown in green (in case the building queue is not full)
      • If there is a building being built and you don't have a commander, there is still an information about the commander
      • If you don't have enough resources and no building is being built, a dialogue is shown, which shows the amount of Dark Matter, that you would have to pay for the necessary resources, to start the building
      • You can build only a building/research/ship/defense unit, which doesn't exceed the storage capacity of the planet
      • If the player tries to build a building, which needs more resources than resources fitting into the storage, an error dialogue is shown, telling him, that his storage capacity is not large enough. If the user clicks on OK, he'll be forwarded to the buildings menu
      • If the player would try to build on the last planet field/moon field, the dialogue pointing out the field item has the highest priority. If the user clicks on OK (doesn't matter for him in this case), the premium dialogue is shown
      • When demolishing buildings, there is also a DM icon in the button, if the resources are not enough (same behaviour compared to build)
      • If you cancel the building/research, the resources (also the ones received with Dark Matter) are correctly added to the planet
      • The DM value corresponds exactly to the value, which would have been used, if the resources would have been bought normally
      • If you don't have enough DM and click inside the dialogue on "OK", the default DM dialogue is shown
      • In case the parameters for buying resources are fulfilled, the build/demolish/research Button has a DM icon, to point out the premium function

      Best regards, your OGame Origin team
    • "Phelan" wrote:

      OGame is still one of our most successful games, as OGame still gains new players everyday. However, in order to get new players, we have to invest in marketing. Over the years marketing got more and more expensive. The cost for a click on a banner or a sign up multiplied. In order to remain profitable, we can't spend more money on an average user than an average user is spending on the game. The option to buy ressources is most appealing to new players, especially in old universes. Of course this option will also be used in new universes, but here the noob protection will protect the non payers from the payers. In the end, the only substitute for skill is skill.

      Phelan is the head of the gameforge community management
    • Dear players,

      Version 5.7.0 will be introduced today in all communities.

      In addition to the changleog, we have also:

      [Feature] - adjustment on expedition reward: amount of found DM has been increased

      Edit: The version 5.7.0beta4 was planned as final release, only somehow this internal part of the number wasn't removed.

      Your OGame.Origin team
    • Dear players,

      All communities do have a new 5.7.0 update now with following changes:

      [Polishing] Shipyard: input shown too small
      [Polishing] Misplaced button fixed
      [Bugfix] Missing information about amount of resources in merchant view

      Your OGame.origin Team