Remove "destroy enemy turtle" button...

    • Remove "destroy enemy turtle" button...

      Yes, another complaint about dark matter - I believe the new ability to speed up production of interplanetary missiles turned this game unplayable for someone who focus on the defence.

      The ability to speed up other productions is more or less OK - it just save some extra time. But the interplanetary missiles - this putted whole game totally out of balance. Very strong defences were meant to be hard to destroy. It was possible - with deathstars, with coordinated missile attacks of many players, with ACS attacks. After this new update every defence in game can be destroyed in the matter of seconds.

      It's impossible to keep fleet beyond defence - it will always be profitable to use missiles against it. It's impossible to keep the death star behind defence to keep the other death stars away - once there's one behind defence, it's automatically profitable to use missiles. And since it's possible to produce thousand of missiles in no time, people like me, who can long once or twice a day and can't always log in time just can't play anymore.
    • I know the feeling , i was recently IPM-ed but I think is not necessary to impose restrictions. The attacker still needs to have the resources at hand to build IPMs
      The entire game is about being attacked or attacking. There is no fleet that can be protected behind defence and the best protection is to fleetsave together with the most important advantage : be online .

      Yesterday some random player decided to attack me and to clean with IPMs the defense before his fleet arrives. When i saw the IPMs coming at me I went mad with anger that my modest defence will be lost when i was fighting to break the rank 1900 barrier ( Yes i play as a noob ).

      Then i remembered the blessing of the scrap dealer : sold my entire doomed defence( I had no silo to build ABMs) and ordered cargoes to carry my hard worked resources all in a matter of seconds. I felt quite well. This instant building/ instant sell works both ways and serves the attacker and the defender as well, the balance is served . My loss was moderate .

      No DM can protect you if you are offline

      My advice to you is never to let fighting ships behind defence, they act as a magnet for occasional raiders, If you fleetsave fleet and ress , you will be safe even if you login once a day . All you need is to be online before the fleet arrives - and use deploy from moon to moon if possible
    • Yes, but keep in mind - with this update ONLY players that can be online all the time can play the game. All others can safely turn vacation mode, because they are wide open to attacks and they can do nothing to prevent it, as they can't be online 24/7.

      You can compare this update to "Destroy enemy moon" or "join other fleets from any planet in game", something that completely destroy equilibrum.

      In the other words, defence used to keep fleet / resources safe for players who can't control their online time (they are mature, or have families more important than ogame etc). It was safe because it take time to produce IPM's. Sure it was less effective (defence doesn't fly), it was still possible to destroy fleet behind turtle, but it was kinda safe. Now, it's impossible to play the game if you can't control your online time.
    • Valent wrote:

      No DM can protect you if you are offline

      Valent wrote:

      The entire game is about being attacked or attacking. There is no fleet that can be protected behind defence and the best protection is to fleetsave together with the most important advantage : be online .

      Well, at least one could build that much defense so the production time of the needed IPMs was high enough to bridge the offline time. Now that isn't possible, because you can build IPMs way faster now.