OGame Farm Scanner

    • OGame Farm Scanner

      • Info : Scans, cleans, and saves info from espionage reports into a database for compact and quick viewing and quick espionage sending and attacking.
      • Author : Me (Hypermark)
      • Website : None
      • Support : None at the moment
      • Download : None
      • Screenshot : dl.dropbox.com/u/41003056/Misc/rockFarm1.PNG
      • Browser : Firefox and Chrome
      • Languages : English

        Scans espionage reports and saves defense, location, and resource information on a planet. Planets are added to the table after a planet is espionaged in game. Deleting a planet removes it from the table. Users can open the attack screen in another window with the planet already selected, and fill out ships from there on their own. Espionages are sent with one click from the table. This is meant to assist only with farming inactive planets.
      The script is not live online, but if the description checks out ok, I'll set up a live demo. Thank you for considering!

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Hypermark ().

    • Dunno if the tool is going to be approved but would be also nice to see a possible DF in that table and a player name. Does it have any search engine? What type of database server does it use? Looks really neat. Hope it gets approved =)
      sbc@above-rainbow:~$ sudo reboot
    • sbc wrote:

      Dunno if the tool is going to be approved but would be also nice to see a possible DF in that table and a player name. Does it have any search engine? What type of database server does it use? Looks really neat. Hope it gets approved =)
      I don't know what DF is, I can add a player name, there is no search engine, it uses MySQL. Thanks, if it gets approved, I might have to make a public release of sorts. :)
    • DF states for debris field. Metal and crystal that remain on the orbit after fleet clash ;) Search engine with few conditions would be nice, for example search for esp report with no defense, or with fleet with at least of 5kk DF, deuterium higher then x etc, etc. You know what imean. Also, lets say if espionaged same coordinates few times, what happens then? Newer esp report overrides older one or they all get saved? Having some esp history helps hunters like me, watching the deuterium changes etc gives some idea about targets fleet saves etc.
      sbc@above-rainbow:~$ sudo reboot
    • sbc wrote:

      DF states for debris field. Metal and crystal that remain on the orbit after fleet clash ;) Search engine with few conditions would be nice, for example search for esp report with no defense, or with fleet with at least of 5kk DF, deuterium higher then x etc, etc. You know what imean. Also, lets say if espionaged same coordinates few times, what happens then? Newer esp report overrides older one or they all get saved? Having some esp history helps hunters like me, watching the deuterium changes etc gives some idea about targets fleet saves etc.
      I've yet to espionage a planet that has a DF, so I'm not sure if this can get that. If DF's show up in espionage reports then I can. I can put in a search engine sometime later, but that would be much later. Yes, old reports get overridden and are not saved. As for helping with fleetsaving patterns, this isn't designed to do that; it's made to help in farming inactive planets, and really only inactive planets.

      Edit: Espionage reports don't show DF info, so I wouldn't be able to save that. Also, usually mods reply to these within the same day, is there a way to get a mod to notice this?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Hypermark ().