Idea from the german com: When a Officer expires, the player should get a warning message. (mail or ingame or both).
Here are some urgent points we should keep in mind:
- Possible and helpful "Options": Player can activate and deactivate it - choice between mail, ingame or both
- Message should appear few days before expiring, that every payment option for a renewal is possible
- Keep the "short term" officers in mind -> For one week hired officers other message times as for monthly hired officers for example
- Maybe there are some other points?
So what dou you think? Any additions?
(Here's the link to the original thread [in german]: board.ogame.de/board410-ogame-…uslaufen-eines-offiziers/ )
Idea from the german com: When a Officer expires, the player should get a warning message. (mail or ingame or both).
Here are some urgent points we should keep in mind:
- Possible and helpful "Options": Player can activate and deactivate it - choice between mail, ingame or both
- Message should appear few days before expiring, that every payment option for a renewal is possible
- Keep the "short term" officers in mind -> For one week hired officers other message times as for monthly hired officers for example
- Maybe there are some other points?
So what dou you think? Any additions?

(Here's the link to the original thread [in german]: board.ogame.de/board410-ogame-…uslaufen-eines-offiziers/ )