Testserver Update - Beta 17/18

    • Testserver Update - Beta 17/18

      Dear Community,

      today we will update our test server with version 4.0 Beta 17, including the following changelog:

      [Feature] double click option for items explained in tool tip
      [Feature] limitation for resource booster removed
      [Feature] third item slot now for free
      [Feature] research bot "Newtron" added
      [Feature] resource booster on moon deactivated
      [Feature] sender in topic of alliance message shown
      [Bugfix] accounts with active booster could be deleted
      [Bugfix] direct link to merchant not closing item details
      [Bugfix] Auctioneer: input field of deuterium partially broken
      [Bugfix] Auctioneer: next start not always shown
      [Bugfix] Auctioneer: info about higher bid not shown
      [Bugfix] Auctioneer: amount of bids increased if you raise an own bid
      [Bugfix] Auctioneer: larger time unit for longer waiting period
      [Bugfix] problem with "back" arrow on Auctioneer & Import / Export
      [Bugfix] Import/Export: missing update if item details after purchase
      [Bugfix] Dropdown in ranking broken if autofocus on
      [Bugfix] Ranking: missing autofocus on built military points
      [Bugfix] Ranking: player in vacation mode shown as honourable target
      [Bugfix] broken ranking after moon destruction
      [Bugfix] displaced status icon
      [Bugfix] rank icon in fleet menu cut off
      [Bugfix] acitivity display in galaxy view not correct
      [Bugfix] Hearts shown in RSS Feed messages
      [Bugfix] several problems in RSS Feed (Bandit, Auctioneer)
      [Bugfix] missing brackets for alliance name in alliance message
      [Bugfix] broken paragraph & BBCode in alliance application
      [Bugfix] Content in alliance menu displaced
      [Bugfix] missing fleet list in fleet menu
      [Bugfix] display problems in IE 7 / 8
      [Bugfix] text error in tool tips & explanation texts
      [Bugfix] .jp topic in recycler message empty
      [Bugfix] rank icon of bandit not shown properly
      [Bugfix] problem with events in galaxy view
      [Bugfix] problem with display of activation of construction accelerator
      [Bugfix] missing background on officer runtime
      [Bugfix] Duration of active officers displaced
      [Bugfix] Fleet escape: Probes & solar satellites counted
      [Bugfix] text problem on "purchase" button
      [Bugfix] Merchant: No reload of DM after item purchase
      [Bugfix] Building/Ships/Research: Amount & "x" button interchanged
      [Bugfix] Equipment: DM detail information - design of advantages not correct
      [Bugfix] grey marks for expired time on items broken
      [Bugfix] Item: missing distance between tool tip & explanations in merchant menu
      [Bugfix] missing dots in combat report
      [Bugfix] "share with alliance" not removed in message overview
      [Bugfix] missing chars in report window
      [Bugfix] no BBCodes in alliance application

      Enjoy our changes - we are happy about every feedback!

      Your OGame team
      - - - WTH was here - - -


      ogame has no bugs...only unbalanced features^^
      yeah my girlfriend too :P
    • Test server Update - Beta 18

      Dear Community,

      After some problems with cdn on testserver 671...

      We will now update our test servers with version 4.0 Beta 18, including the following changelog:

      [Bugfix] Problem with special chars and player-BBCode
      [Bugfix] Booster description
      [Bugfix] Problem with messages in RSS-Feed

      And also the fix for CDN.

      Enjoy our changes - we are happy about every feedback!


      Your OGame team
      Being a QA is sort of like being a goal keeper. People only talk about you when you’ve screwed up. We are the silent guardians of game development, and they will never have to thank us.