reduce the researching time

    • reduce the researching time

      Hello everybody.
      I wanted to say to you that it would be great if we found the way to reduce the time of researching.
      As all of you know (especially in the old universes), the time to upgrade a research is very huge: many weeks or months.
      Even if you have 10 planets and in each of them, the labs are at level 12 and also the Network Research at level 9 (as I have), the researching time is very very very very very very long!
      I don't know how, but if there's someone who knows how to reduce the time of a research, please, write it down!
      thank you
    • Whole OGame slows down as you progress. I like that, because it balances the game. Weaker players can catch up with stronger ones.
      As for your situation, why did you stop at lvl 12? I have 8 labs at lvl 13. If I had 10 labs, I'd surely raise them to lvl 14 at least.
      And of course, use technocrat, to cut down your research times for 25%.
      The longest research that I did took me 78 days with technocrat (104 days normal research time).
      Life? Don't talk to me about life...
    • Many people don't have the technocrat, because they dont' want to spend money (as me) and/or beacuse they dont' find enough dark matter to buy it.
      What about the labs, ok, you could upgrade them beyond the level 12, but don't forget that many people cannot do this because they don't have many spaces in their planets, because, for example, they upgraded other buildings, such as the mines.
      Then... you are speaking about 78 days.. does it seems to you a short time????????????????????????????? 8| 8| 8| 8| 8| 8| 8| ?( ?( ?( ?( ?( ?( ?(
      It's a very very very long time!
    • Research Time Formula enhanced

      Research Time Formula enhanced

      I was thinking how pointless it is to wait weeks for a research once you are advanced in game, I don't think there is a 'balance' reason or anything for this. Research basically comes to a level limit once it starts getting impossibly expensive anyways, however, when they are in the resource possibility, there really is no reason why they should take that long. Or any reason I can think of.

      I thought maybe just adding one more variable to the formula, then the time can be decreased to a much more reasonable time lapse.

      The current formula is: (Metal + Crystal) / ( X * 1000 * (1 + R) )

      X = Uni Speed
      R = Addition of Research Lab levels according to your Intergalactic Research Network level

      What I would add is:

      (Metal + Crystal) / ( X * 1000 * (1 + (E * R) )

      E = Number of Expedition slots available

      This wouldn't dramatically decrease the time, but would decrease it to a more reasonable time.

      For example (not a personal example), if you currently have level 16 astrophysics and want to upgrade to level 17, and you have Intergalactic Research Network level 7 with 8 planets, all with level 14 Research labs, then your current wait time in a 1xSpeedUni = 4 weeks 6 days 5 hours 41 mins 48 secs.

      With my tweak that would be decreased to 1 week 1 day 14 hours 47 mins 48 secs. Which is still a long time but a lot more reasonable than waiting almost 5 weeks.

      It would make sense that the astrophysics come into play to help reduce research time since its description says it develops better labs for ships, thus improving labs on planets :thumbup:

      H: Moved from: [Suggestion] Research Time Formula enhanced
    • Thanks for moving my post, I had made a thread on the suggestions forum. I had first posted this on my server forums but I thought the idea might get more attention here.

      Kebab wrote:

      Personally I like it how it is, it's a nice balancing feature for the game. Time is related to resources - the more resources the loner it takes.
      High waiting times really doesn't do anything to balance the game. Reducing the time of researches would not throw the game out of balance at all either. You see, decreasing research time will not make the research more available to players or less expensive obviously.
      The amount of resources needed for a research will always increase and maintain that "balance" you talk about, at some point a research is just not worth doing because it's simply too expensive for you at a given moment.

      On my server forums, someone said that the research time is part of the planning you have to do in game. What I responded was that there really isn't any planning involved when it comes to waiting times, one would just go like: "ummm, weapons or armor for these next 3 months? ...hmmm, ini mini miny mo...".

      So I really hope this gets somewhere, nice to have found this thread :)
    • I am not really convinced... The long development time for some researches is a challenge of the old universes... When you get your one, it's a real reward for your investment... Soon, you will be able to put the vacation mode and freeze your on-going research, that's enough in my opinion. I don't see the point to reach the high levels quicker, it doesn't bring anything more to the gameplay, just make the progression easier. At some point, you will be blocked anyway because the researches are too expensive.
    • NusaDua wrote:

      Soon, you will be able to put the vacation mode and freeze your on-going research, that's enough in my opinion. I don't see the point to reach the high levels quicker, it doesn't bring anything more to the gameplay
      I completely agree ^

      Le bonheur est souvent la seule chose qu'on puisse donner sans l'avoir,
      et c'est en le donnant qu'on l'acquiert ^ Voltaire.
    • NusaDua wrote:

      I am not really convinced... The long development time for some researches is a challenge of the old universes... When you get your one, it's a real reward for your investment... Soon, you will be able to put the vacation mode and freeze your on-going research, that's enough in my opinion. I don't see the point to reach the high levels quicker, it doesn't bring anything more to the gameplay, just make the progression easier. At some point, you will be blocked anyway because the researches are too expensive.
      Ongoing research while in vacation mode is different from what is being discussed here and is not a solution either to the suggestion in discussion here. So how is something barely related to the suggestion here, enough?? I didn't get your point with that.

      Yes, better progression to the game would be the whole point of the suggestion, it would mean a lot to many players, as waiting for several real life months for a research has very little point to the game.

      And yes, as I mentioned in an earlier post and as you mention as well, this would not "unbalance" the game at all, as at some point you will be blocked from certain level of researches because they get too expensive. This is a good thing about ogame and this suggestion is not messing with it at all.

      iguypouf wrote:

      If the time of research is decreased because today some players are crying for astro 21, tomorrow the same players will cry for astro 23.

      Yes, it's long, it's expensive... it's logical.
      That is false logic in your post, just because we suggest for a more reasonable time wait for researches, doesn't mean that later on players will ask for less time for even higher level researches. This is because of what 'NusaDua' and I have mentioned about amount of resources blocking you from advancing in researches, they simply get too expensive, and that is fine, the suggestion is not about resources, it's about unnecessary time wait.

      Revising the twitched formula I suggest, time will not be significantly reduced to a day wait for example, neither would this happen to mid term researches, because the twitch I add progresses as the number of expedition slots increases, and these increase in correlation to your progress in game. Also, expedition slots cannot be increased by A LOT, so the decreased time to wait is in a way, balanced in the game's natural way of progressing.

      I hope I explained myself correctly. :P
    • Reducing the time of researches would not throw the game out of balance at all either.

      Lastian, I quote this from one of your previous message.
      Correct me if I am wrong, but I think most of the players are thinking "astrophysic" when we talk about research time, because it is the most interesting research to develop. I don't know if this is convincing but... astro was brought in the game and linked with the colonisation slots in order to slow down the beginning of the universe, and reduce the development of the top players (compared to the "mass"). You are proposing to reduce the time of research by 4, what would happen in this case ? Top players would get their new colonization slots much quicker than before, and would increase the difference with normal players the same way... Doesn't break the balance, but it is not a "neutral" idea.

      And... people who wants more more things in less time... they can play on x2 or x4 servers ! :phatgrin:
    • Lastian wrote:

      iguypouf wrote:

      If the time of research is decreased because today some players are crying for astro 21, tomorrow the same players will cry for astro 23.

      Yes, it's long, it's expensive... it's logical.
      That is false logic in your post, just because we suggest for a more reasonable time wait for researches, doesn't mean that later on players will ask for less time for even higher level researches. This is because of what 'NusaDua' and I have mentioned about amount of resources blocking you from advancing in researches, they simply get too expensive, and that is fine, the suggestion is not about resources, it's about unnecessary time wait.
      Absolutely not false logic.

      You say that the limit will be the amount of ressources, and not the time. But.

      If you are not able to spare the needed amount for level +1 during the time of research of the current level... Its exactly the same, excepts the fact that you don't see a chrono during the spare time.

      It's incredible because I've never heard any fleeter crying about the time research for weapon technology or engine researches. And today, the only technology useful for miners appears, and ... hop, the Complaint's Office is full -__-".

      Moreover, don't forget that tomorrow, for impatient players like you, you will have several paid solutions to decrease the time of research (officer + items V4 = 49% reduce time). Stop to ask to Ogame to be more easy each day...
    • NusaDua wrote:

      astro was brought in the game and linked with the colonisation slots in order to slow down the beginning of the universe, and reduce the development of the top players (compared to the "mass")
      Yes, astro was brought to bring some order to the progression of game, slowing down in a certain way the beginning of the game for a new player, it didn't however reduce the development of the top players as you say. If you think about it, when astro was introduced, top players were the first to be able to get more than the previous 8 colony limit, thus getting a certain boost in their development. We are not discussing astrophysics though.

      NusaDua wrote:

      Top players would get their new colonization slots much quicker than before, and would increase the difference with normal players the same way...
      The idea is to keep wait times of researches reasonable for a starting player and an advanced player. Yes, with the formula I suggest, in a way it is inclined to take more effect as you progress in game because as you progress, the wait times become insane, so this formula will keep the times reasonable when advanced in game. Also, since the formula will take barely any effect with a starter account, then it keeps these wait times reasonable as well. With reasonable I mean not too short nor too long correlated to a given moment of a players game progress.

      Also, please don't forget, as you and I have mentioned before, and let me quote you:

      NusaDua wrote:

      At some point, you will be blocked anyway because the researches are too expensive.
      So yeah, remember that reducing time will not make a research more available to players.

      It is important to look for flaws in a suggestion in order to improve it or discard it, but one must not try so hard to just look for the negatives in a suggestion. Just saying.

      iguypouf wrote:

      You say that the limit will be the amount of ressources, and not the time. But.

      If you are not able to spare the needed amount for level +1 during the time of research of the current level... Its exactly the same, excepts the fact that you don't see a chrono during the spare time.
      I didn't understand that.

      iguypouf wrote:

      Moreover, don't forget that tomorrow, for impatient players like you, you will have several paid solutions to decrease the time of research (officer + items V4 = 49% reduce time). Stop to ask to Ogame to be more easy each day...
      Sense to me would be finding a way in which ALL players can get better wait times while keeping them reasonable and 'balanced', like a small tweak in the formula that benefits everyone, fleeters and miners. Sense to you is saying this suggestion has no point because you will be able to pay to reduce research wait times, even though not everyone will be willing to pay for these benefits, thus benefiting only some players.

      I hope you can give it a try and see this through another point.