New Ship - Ion bomber

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  • New Ship - Ion bomber

    I think we need a new style ship brought to the game, one that uses the ion tech to a higher level than 5, and has some rapid fire on defences

    The Ion bomber, based on a small cargo

    Needs shipyard 6
    Ion tech 8
    Impulse drive 6
    weapons 6
    shield 6
    armour 6

    Base speed 7000
    Att strength 400
    Structural integrity 50000
    Shield strength 150
    Cargo capacity 3500

    rapid fire on rl 5
    rapid fire on ll 5
    rapid fire on hl 3
    rapid fire on espionage probe 5
    rapid fire on solar sattelites 5

    Rapid fire from bc 4
    rapid fire from hf 3
    rapid fire from deathstar 230

    Edit - I forgot to mention the build cost, it'd have to quite expensive, so i reckon about 20k metal, 20k crystal and 10k deuterium
  • First of all you left out fuel consumption altogether and second of all, the structural integrity is always the sum of the met and cry cost. If you don´t know the basics of how ships and def are constructed, you might not wanna try to introduce new ones to the game. Btw, introducing a new ship just to make use of a higher tech level is not really the way you´re supposed to think when trying to come up with a new ship. If a new ship were to be introduced (which is extremely unliekly), it would be because it´s actually useful, innovative and doesn´t shift the balance of other ships, not to use fancy techs.

    To actually come up with a half decent idea for a ship takes hours and hours of hard work and calculating. It´s very obvious that very little thought went in to this suggestion.
  • I apologise, i thought the structural integrity was sum of met, cry and deut, my bad, so the integrity drops 10k

    It is to help balance out the game, it is a small bomber, with a large cargo hold to send as an escort ship with bombers and dessies, but with far weaker armour, shields and weapons.

    It will help against those player who really like to mass build fodder defences, and i figured there was no better uni to test it in, than a test uni
  • Was wondering if anyone had any more comments to place on new ship design

    I left the fuel consumpion out because i figured it would be good for other players to maybe suggest a good fuel consumption for a light weight bomber style ship