rapid fire changes

  • rapid fire changes

    well, i suggest that we do some changes in rapid fire for some ships :)
    at the time when BC was introduced there was a lot of discussions about it, but at the end GF done what some dev thought will be the best.
    since bs become 'useless' same as hf..
    why not make those two ships worth building again?

    at this moment BC has rapid fire:
    Rapidfire from Destroyer: 2 >>> rise up to 3
    Rapidfire from Deathstar: 15
    Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5
    Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5
    Rapidfire against Small Cargo: 3
    Rapidfire against Large Cargo: 3
    Rapidfire against Heavy Fighter: 4
    Rapidfire against Cruiser: 4 >> reduce on 2
    Rapidfire against Battleship: 7

    and BS has atm:
    Rapidfire from Battlecruiser: 7
    Rapidfire from Deathstar: 30
    Rapidfire against Espionage Probe: 5
    Rapidfire against Solar Satellite: 5
    Rapidfire against Cruiser: 3 <-- add this to BS

    this is just an idea, and same should be done for HF, so players are forced to make them again.
    now we can see fleets like this one:
    500 000 lf
    0 HF
    100 000 cr
    5 000 - 10 000 bs
    1 000 bb
    10 000dess
    50 000 bc

    do not dismiss this idea, because this part of the game needs balancing.
    why do we have HF and BS in this game if players don't make it, or they prefer BC because of its rapid fire...
  • I support this idea mate. Why? Because I'm in love with you. <3
    lol, joke

    As you've stated, it's more than obvious today (about 5 years after implementon of BC) that BC pwns everything and is by far most useful heavy ship. Sure, you still need fodder, CR-s and some heavy ships but HF became useless and BS becomes synonym for bull***t. Yeah, believe it or not it's the way it is.

    This is good proposal and I hope it'll lead to some constructive discussion and further ideas. Today BS gets built only in the cases when you have more than enough LF-s and surplus metal and crystal deposits combined with low deut supply so you can't invest in more BC-s. This way you're adding some force to your fleet but not as much as you would do with building BC-s and overall usefulness of your ress is way lower than it would be if you just traded your metal and crystal, bought some deut and build BC-s instead.

    As I can see your main goal was to make BS more desirable to be built with adding RF against CR and in the same time lowering BC's RF against CR so CR doesn't get obsolete. Also destroyer would get bigger RF against BC and therefore be built in bigger numbers too. In the same time BC wouldn't be made obsolete and would get from "I pwn all" category to more "needed to be built for fleet balance" category. Also the cost of construction per resource would be at approx same lvl if you've chosen to build BS or BC-s, maybe BC would still have slightly bigger construction price but it would be mostly because of it's lower deut consumption.

    Ofc that for futher disscusion we would need to see some fight simulations with RF system you propose and upgrade it if needed. Not sure if there's anyone who's interested and knows how to do that.

    Also what about HF? That ship is even more useless than BS is nowadays. Once a long time before it was ship with a purpose because at the later point in the game you could build cannon fodder out of it instead of LF-s so your hit would be more profitable against players with bigger number of CR-s as they have RF of 6 vs LF-s. After BC-s were introduced with their RF of 4 vs HF-s they became completely useless and make less profit in crystal. Therefore BC-s RF vs HF should be either lowered or completely removed, on the other side HF-s price could vary in both ways to adapt it's usefulness and not make LF obsolete.

    Sry that I have to say it but it's proven in practice that GF really did a wrong decision 5 years ago with introducing BC and making him so superior to the other types of vessels. They literally introduced one new ship and retired two. And it's even more lame that they did nothing for this whole time (even when it became obvious) to change this unbalance. Sry, I'm aware that nobody likes whiners but criticism is needed in this case.

    Again... hope it'll lead to good discussion. Have fun people
  • I agree with some things here and I disagree with other things. i do think that the RF could need some kind of rebalancing and you might be on to something with the changes suggested, though it´s very hard to tell what the exact outcome would be without a lot of calculating, which I´m not really up to doing :P

    I do however not agree with the statement that the BS has become useless and obsolete. This is more due to dying universes than anything else. The BC is at its absolute best when facing fleets that are much smaller than your own. But in full fleet attacks (or close to that) for instance, you would in fact often get a better result having put all you res into BSs instead of any of the BCs. When facing BCs or destroyers, LFs + BSs is a very powerful combination. And as stated previously, unless you use the merchant alot, you can´t really expect to keep pumping out only BCs as the fast powerful fleet alternative, you need BSs as well. Especially if your opponent has a fairly large portion of his fleet in destroyers you would want to have a bunch of BSs with you to break the RF. This is of course in the scenario where you think you need to make a swift attack to succeed. The point is, the BS is not useless, it´s just rarely used in late game due to the size of your opponents´fleets.

    So the main reason that BS aren´t used that much in late game is simply that the difference between the top players and the rest is so big that generally you wouldn´t need to send a large portion of your fleet and then the BC is by far the best choice in almost any situation. So I wouldn´t exactly say that this is a balancing problem per se.

    The HF being useless however is no doubt a balancing problem. The HFs job is mainly to protect the LFs against the CRs RF and the reason that most people don´t build it for that reason anymore is simply that they have realized that the SC does the exact same thing, only cheaper. The BC has RF against both these ships. Sure the RF against the HF is 1 unit higher, but that´s not the sole reason the HF is the worse choice. By completely removing the RF aginst the HF that problem would probably be solved, or even reducing it to a factor of 2 might work. Further balancing problem could arise from removing or reducing the RF though, I haven´t really given it alot of thought. My instinct tells me that it would probably be better to reduce the RF to 2, but some serious calculating have to be done to figure it out. I´m however absolutely certain that it wouldn´t make the LF obsolete even if the RF was completely removed, they´re simply not used for the same things and they never could be with just a simple change in RF against the HF.

    Edit: I´m tired and when I read through my post again, the HF thing seemed mostly like random sentences put together, lol. When I think about it again I´m fairly sure that the SC would still be a better choice for protecting the LFs even if the RF against the HFs was completely removed. However if the RF were removed and people started building HFs again, the HFs themselves in enemy fleets could render the SC useless as fodder once again due to the RF they have against the SCs. Very hard to tell the outcome ^^

    Edit 2: After some minor calculating I can almost say for sure that removing the RF against the HF would in fact not make it more useful than the SC as fodder. Resource for resource the SC would still be alot better to use it seems, even when facing HF-heavy fleets
  • zohar88 wrote:

    anything on this? or GF plans on ignoring this issue?
    if they plan to ignore it, i suggest to throw out BS and HF from the game...
    How long have you played the game, may i ask?

    Because i really get the feeling you never lived to massive RIP vs fleet battles.
    BS is great for those. Also BS is much more cost-effective than BS.
    But in the long run, BC is simply more preferable due to low deut consumption and the fact that in late game the number of battles falls singnificantly, but on average in late game Unis BS:BC ratio is around 1:3 or even 1:2 because of RIPs and the need to put something against BCs, which the BS+LF combo do great.

    Also it may seem like evey top player has craploads of BCs and no BS simply because the BCs fly more often.

    You really need at least some sort of statistic on the BC and BBs numbers build in unis, not bold statements.
  • 1alexey wrote:

    zohar88 wrote:

    anything on this? or GF plans on ignoring this issue?
    if they plan to ignore it, i suggest to throw out BS and HF from the game...
    How long have you played the game, may i ask?

    Because i really get the feeling you never lived to massive RIP vs fleet battles.
    BS is great for those. Also BS is much more cost-effective than BS.
    But in the long run, BC is simply more preferable due to low deut consumption and the fact that in late game the number of battles falls singnificantly, but on average in late game Unis BS:BC ratio is around 1:3 or even 1:2 because of RIPs and the need to put something against BCs, which the BS+LF combo do great.

    Also it may seem like evey top player has craploads of BCs and no BS simply because the BCs fly more often.

    You really need at least some sort of statistic on the BC and BBs numbers build in unis, not bold statements.

    i play a bit too long in my opinion, 5,5+years now..
    and i need to do bold statements bcs it seems everyone is ignoring this issue.
    when BC was introduced they made BS obsolete with it (almost)
    bs needs some tuning, same as hf, i dont say they are totaly useless, but with good fleet combo you dont even need to bother building them
  • zohar88 wrote:

    1alexey wrote:

    i play a bit too long in my opinion, 5,5+years now..
    and i need to do bold statements bcs it seems everyone is ignoring this issue.
    when BC was introduced they made BS obsolete with it (almost)
    bs needs some tuning, same as hf, i dont say they are totaly useless, but with good fleet combo you dont even need to bother building them
    You didn`t answer my question about how long did you played in one uni.
    The question of how do you destroy 100-1000 RIPs is very real, and BCs is not an answer. BS or Destroyers are.

    Then you simply ignored the fact that BS is more cost effective(you can pretty much build 2 for each BC).
    It is better than BC in balanced fleet combat.
    BCs are next to useless against high number of RIPs.

    So BC basically has it`s own league of steamrolling weak fleets, and fairly mobile support to your main LF+Cruiser ball,.. Other than that BS>BC.

    There are kinds of ships like Bombers, and Destroyers that are far less common than BS, and by far by BC. Does it indicates a problem as such?
    (well i may agree that there is a problem with Bomber, but it is because of it`s cargo capacity and deut use(or so i think), not just because their numbers are low)

    How about I just claim that with good playstyle you can only build BCs and never bother any other ship except cargoes and recycles?
    Now I need to make sure my voice is well heard to GF because there is a huge problem obviously.
    In fact it is so obvious that i will not even bother putting in any sort of proof to it. My personal feeling is enough.


    You do not provide any proof on what is wrong with BS`s.
    You don`t provide any info on how much wrong is it.
    Which means you didn`t analyse the problem in the first place, or didn`t bother to share.

    So how can you provide constructive suggestion without analysing the issue?

    Now, okay you can make a suggestion, sure. But claiming that there is a long-standing and widely ignored problem without any sort of proof
    is way too much.
    Less :shit: more reasoning.
  • 1st of all i suggest reading course for you, i wrote you my answer

    you ask me why i think that, i think that because players in general do not make BS that much. you ask what do i do with 1000ripz, i call my buddies to kill that.

    few examples of what i'm talking about:
    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…s-gkp-assassin-td-7-50-g/ <-- kocic u25

    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…nlyfool-td-3-935-588-000/ <- this one is not such extreme, but as i know he will become

    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…en-vs-delk-opka-td-2227m/ <-- evil u27
    his whole fleet
    Small Cargo 30.000 Large Cargo 14.075
    Light Fighter 554.856 Heavy Fighter 101.000
    Cruiser 70.000 Battleship 45.000
    Colony Ship 7 Recycler 55.500
    Espionage Probe 617 Bomber 500
    Destroyer 3.000 Battlecruiser 100.000

    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…kor-a-i-td-5-036-935-000/ <--- than bibas u23

    there you go few examples, or you need more?
    you told me why i'm i not histerizing about dest? reason is, ppl build them, for coast of 2BC you can make 1dest, so it is logical that players dont have them much.
    and you said 2BS = 1BC, yea sure i agree, but why than players build double of BC in comparison to BS?
    bc has to big rapid fire against BS, and BS does not have almost any rapid fire. you can only drag it arround as a fooder, yes you can use it for figts, but in comparison to BC, BS has been made peace of junk.
    personaly i belive you need to have BS in your fleet, but lot of players think you dont need it because of that...

    and dude, if you are making BS's just for rip kills, there you have just proven my point, you are using them as fooder to cut your deut looses...
  • zohar88 wrote:

    1st of all i suggest reading course for you, i wrote you my answer

    you ask me why i think that, i think that because players in general do not make BS that much. you ask what do i do with 1000ripz, i call my buddies to kill that.

    few examples of what i'm talking about:
    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…s-gkp-assassin-td-7-50-g/ <-- kocic u25

    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…nlyfool-td-3-935-588-000/ <- this one is not such extreme, but as i know he will become

    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…en-vs-delk-opka-td-2227m/ <-- evil u27
    his whole fleet
    Small Cargo 30.000 Large Cargo 14.075
    Light Fighter 554.856 Heavy Fighter 101.000
    Cruiser 70.000 Battleship 45.000
    Colony Ship 7 Recycler 55.500
    Espionage Probe 617 Bomber 500
    Destroyer 3.000 Battlecruiser 100.000

    board.ogame.org/board706-game/…kor-a-i-td-5-036-935-000/ <--- than bibas u23

    there you go few examples, or you need more?
    you told me why i'm i not histerizing about dest? reason is, ppl build them, for coast of 2BC you can make 1dest, so it is logical that players dont have them much.
    and you said 2BS = 1BC, yea sure i agree, but why than players build double of BC in comparison to BS?
    bc has to big rapid fire against BS, and BS does not have almost any rapid fire. you can only drag it arround as a fooder, yes you can use it for figts, but in comparison to BC, BS has been made peace of junk.
    personaly i belive you need to have BS in your fleet, but lot of players think you dont need it because of that...

    and dude, if you are making BS's just for rip kills, there you have just proven my point, you are using them as fooder to cut your deut looses...

    /oftopicWell first of all org logs are such a crap to watch. Why not just make something nice like this:
    XOMJAK vs. ejblk (П:4.997.113.000)
    actually a log with 10k BS+20kDestrs and only 5k BCs on the attacker side. wantz more examples?
    I just opened ogame.ru hall of flame, largest logs. Here goes.
    13k BS+15k BC.
    50k destr+50k BCs.
    ~25 BS+25k BC.
    Want more?

    Then you complain about the fact that the ship with 3:1 met:cris is used as fodder?

    So you don`t complain that Destroyers and Bombers are specialised ships with little numbers, but when BS is build as specialised ship(for RIP destruction and to cut down loses) this is somehow indicates a problem.

    Then you complain that BC is a counter(large RF) to BS, so "BS became useles", but you don`t complain about Cruisers decimating LFs due to high RF, do you?

    Also you don`t provide any calculations on what is wrong with BS yet again. All you say is applied on various cases in game and nobody(including you) complains about them.
