Vacation Mode for speed unis.

  • Vacation Mode for speed unis.

    There is a raging debate on the ORG server about vmode abuse, people in speed unis dont have to wait 48 hours to come out, now it has been changed once from 12 hours to 24 hours, but i would like to see it moved to the same as normal unis, the reason people need to go into vmode is not related to speed therefore there is a good arguement to move all vmode to 48 regardless of speed of the uni.
  • 48hours is for normal universe x1
    for speed uni , MV has been cut at 24hours only , no 12
    you can see this in your options in game
    then , VM is a good technik =p

    Original message
    Les 48h obligatoires sont pour les uni non rapides
    Pour les autres , il y est indiqué dans les options que cela dure 2fois moins de temps ( 24h ) et non 12
    C'est clairement indiqué dans les options
    Et puis , chacun sa technique o:
  • 24 hours for speed unis is fine by me. In normal 1x speed unis, you can take a farely long fleetsave without flying serveral galaxies, if you want to take some time off ... to party for example. That is almost impossible in speed unies if you have "more than a few cargoes" due to the cost of deut, because you have to fly xxx-gal to make the time.
    So no, I don't like the idea of 48 hours in speed unies. (and i don't like 12 hours either)

  • But its the ones who abuse it and vmode is not there to fs its there for real life obligations, it hurts any speed uni especially when its times 5 or 4 when you can sit in vmode for 24 hours watching target pop out and MD and go back in before player can do anything about it. Im sure these players are not the ones making sure ogame is to be played long term but rather short term and kill anything without any personal risk, i believe this coming in and out of vmode to avoid being hit back is against what the game was designed for and all being said more than likely not the paying members to keep things moving.
  • I would like to see this implemented as well.
    I see far too many 'vmode warriors' in my 3-speed Uni.
    It makes it hugely unfair for others trying to get these players.
    The only way to keep them from vmoding is to send MD's but that's a last resort option as it's pretty damn easy to ninja a rip.

    +100 from me.
    It's abused far too much.
    It's a coward tactic imho.
  • How can you abuse the v-mode...? As I see it, you guys wants easy targets, when they are off line. If people in speed unis, needs a break, or some sleep and is willingly losing 24 hours of production. then why not. People always find ways to protect themselve. If they can't go in v-mode to "get some sleep", they either quit, OR build HUGE defences, you barely can get though, anyway. And then you don't have the change WHEN they're online either. If you take away the 24 hours v-mode fro speed unis - you just force people to either quit or "do the defence-thing"
    So work on trying to catch them, when they're not in v-mode, instead. There are many ways to catch a player, other than "prob n' smash"

    Arazern wrote:

    But its the ones who abuse it and vmode is not there to fs its there for real life obligations, it hurts any speed uni especially when its times 5 or 4 when you can sit in vmode for 24 hours watching target pop out and MD and go back in before player can do anything about it. Im sure these players are not the ones making sure ogame is to be played long term but rather short term and kill anything without any personal risk, i believe this coming in and out of vmode to avoid being hit back is against what the game was designed for and all being said more than likely not the paying members to keep things moving.

    If this is such a big problem, there could rather be some rules against it, instead: Lets say 5x v.modes of 24 hours in a month, would give you a 3 days ban - for exampel. Not sure this is the right thing either, but as I said above, - if you take away the opportunity to "get some sleep" for 24 hours, they just find new ways to be "unavailable"

  • I won't name names but there are are several high-ranking fleeters in my Uni who spy around for several hours, make crashes, then vmode again until they do it again 24h later. It's not about skill, it's about them abusing the system - I know for a fact they're not tired or sick or busy or whatever, they just want the easy route. If they really need rest then they can do what any other normal player does: set their fs for longer.

    Limiting vmode to a certain amount of days per month is not a good idea. I mean, I legitimately vmoded over Xmas and New Years purely because I wanted to spend time with family/get drunk with friends lol, and not have to worry about my fleet. This is, imho, what vmode is for - not for people to serially abuse every day or two days without fail. Therein lies the difference - I use it sporadically and when it's really needed, not as a defence tactic or to avoid fs'ing at all, which is exactly what they're doing. And real-life emergencies pop up... limiting it unfairly targets players who might actually have legitimate real-life issues to worry about... sickness and/or death in the family as a prime example.

    How can you hunt a player when the only time he's out of vmode is when they're definitely online? As soon as they vmode they're safe from any hunting tactics whatsoever. It's poor sportsmanship and ultra-cowardly. I'm frankly sick of it and so are a lot of speed Uni players I know.

    But that's just my opinion.

    Raise vmode to 48h like normal speed Unis, I say.
  • I think you missunderstood a thing or two.

    1: When I say 5x v-mode a month I mean that you can go into v-mode ONLY for 24 hours x5 in a month. If ypu are in -v-mode 48 hours or 14 days - it doesn't count as a 24 hours v-mode. That means your top-players can't do that all the time - since they can only do this 5 times out of 30 days - that means they have to fs 25 days a month.

    2. Of course you can cacth a fleet, even when they're online.... return hit/blind lanx/ninja... But Yeah... You HAVE to work for it.

    samuraipizzacat wrote:

    I legitimately vmoded over Xmas and New Years purely because I wanted to spend time with family/get drunk with friends lol, and not have to worry about my fleet. This is, imho, what vmode is for

    Yes, exactly - that's what v-mode is for. But sometimes - not every day - you only need 24 hours to atend a party or what so ever. And in speed unis you have to go far to make enough time, if you have to fs. And not evryone have deut to fly several galaxies. I think that just because a few abuse the system, not everbody have to be punnished for it. Therefor I made the suggestion about 5x a month where you can use the minimum of 24 hours. It can also be 3x. But you can still be i v-mode for more that 24 hours - without risking ban.
    Beside. If they go into v-mode when they are done with the crashing for the day - they will fall behind very quickly, because they can't upgrade anything, as long as they go into v-mode every day. Beside, V-mode is not spesified to be only for emergencies or 14 days of vacation.
    And what about the players - miners for example, that have most of their planets close to each other and no moon... Are they not allowed to go to a party, or do anything else, where a fleetsave more that 6-7 hours is needed? They can't get a long fs, since they have to fs in deploy, otherwise they're dead pretty soon. The longest you can fs in system in a 4x speed uni is about 4 hours on deploy. About 6-7 hours if they have planets in the next system/close by. So because of a few players abusing the v-mode, a lot of players have to change theie playing style? - By having planets in different galaxies instead of in the same system or the next system, to be able to fs?

    Now, THAT i would say is unfair.

    But.. I do agree with you that "It's poor sportsmanship and ultra-cowardly" to use the v-mode as an everyday fleetsave.

  • I see and understand your points.
    It only takes a few bad apples to ruin it for everyone, unfortunately.

    How about this as a suggestion - not being able to vmode for at least 24-48h after their last vmode?
    That would make things interesting and would balance it out a bit, I think.
    It would turn the concept of vmode and non-vmode into a reciprocal relationship.
    Just a thought.
  • Yeah, of course - it could be like that - that you can't go into v-mode again until 24-48 hours has past, but that would still give the bad aples about 15 v-mode a month - instead of 3 or 5. So ... if you as you can't go into v-mode until after 7 days of you last v-mode - then those who needs a 24 hours break - can get it, and... you bad aples can't abuse it.

  • I dont want to change vmode for the ones who use it once or twice a month, its the ones who comes out probe like crazy and than vmode so they dont need to vmode, or worse they come out in system and MD the crap out of players and vmode before players get back online if the fleet is not on lanx.

    I have seen that IPMs are being thought on not allowing to IPM 24 hours after vmode, hell if they did that with MD i think players who dont abuse the vmode fs would be happier too.

    Its not about the ones who use it one off to have a night off, its about the ones who constantly use it instead of fsing like how your spose to, people that use relocation and spread right out and leave no where to fs deserve to be hit, using vmode to escape the use of deut is not right.
  • I totally agree with the idea to increase the v-mode time. As a Gameoperator for (4x), I must say that the number of Fleeters saving v-mode is huge. Of course there are people partying for a day, but these players are a minority in comparison to those, who haven't saved properly for months. The argument that those players can't build anything doesn't count either. For those hours, which they are active, they have their shipyards filled. And with the incoming v4.0 it won't even be a problem to do research, which is currently the only thing those people can't do. I definately think that a minimum 48h v-mode would strongly decrease the number of v-mode saves. And sorry, but if you aren't able to save properly over 24 hours, maybe a speeduni is not the right thing for you. If one can't handle the conditions of a speeduni, one should play differently or in a slower universe.
    Uni 70 TOP 1.000 Active Fleeter
    Uni Io TOP 1.000 Active Miner
  • I think I have a simple fix for this. What if v-mode was only allowed to be used twice per week? Then it wouldn't be a daily abuse issue but it would still be available for real life needs.

    EDIT: Make that 2 FREE uses per week, and you could pay for more with Dark Matter. This would be a win for Gameforge as well.