Multiple Accounts / Push offenders

    • Multiple Accounts / Push offenders

      Can anyone explain me, why top 3 players have such an enormous daily (points) income?

      My observations:

      392k points - number 3 - talhante - honest guy, i belive, spends a lot of time here, almost every single day crashes decent fleet, i have no doubt, he'd be number one atm here. :hail:

      458k points - number 2- aoueu - sure, active @ forum, but never rly here.. to be honest, i found only 1 HoF battle (published ofc), but still it is doable to hit those numbers. i have my doubts, that without serious battles you gonna grow so fast, and we simply don't hear about them... (no offence mate, im not accusing of anything, just wondering)

      555k points - number one - smoczek - proven cheater [ multiple accounts/push], banned for some time already, no battles whatsoever in HoF, 55k positive honour points :pillepalle: , about 100k points gained out of nowhere in last :pillepalle: 48 hours? For me it's kinda obvious, that he's pushing using at least 6-8 accounts. sry, it stinks miles away..

      Does anyone even bothered to check his actions? Filter some IPs? Even with DHCP, pool of similar IP addresses should be more than enough to rise some doubts, dear admins...
      Unless ofc, both push and massive multiple accounts are ok with the rules (in that case - why?)
    • I just got an info from player sitting few systems away, that he got some pusher working :)
      Wanna guess, who it was? ofc, our favourite - smoczek -

      I did check it myself account/planets in question with my antenna - and the result - every single one of 'em is sending/pushing resources to smoczek ofc.

      Account involved - janp from planet: jasiowo 5:80:4 to smoczek 2:245:10 moon / delivery at 00:28:24 / 27 L.cargo- mission: transport
      janp from planet: -1- 5:80:7 to smoczek 2:245:10 moon /delivery at 00:29:09 / 12 L.cargo- mission: transport

      Since you have done nothing yet, dear admins, please, treat this post and data as a formal complain.
      I hope you'll take care of it asap.

      If the push is tolerated here, maybe a proper announcement will be in place? Wonder, how many testers will remain ;) if it's legal.
    • Kapiszon, about me, i dont have do speak almost nothing, i have 62k points (i think) at honour point, but i only attack fleets of HP. the rest is mines, and raid inactives.

      I will lose my top 3 points position and my top 1 fleet soon, but i hope that i will recuperate those positions in 2 weeks, maybe 3

      Aoueu, i think that its a honest guy. he choose one strategy very different than mine, that makes him evolve more than me. I have to crash at least one fleet every day, and i cant do that.

      About Smozcek, he was banned before in this universe, and seems that in other universes too. and i like to know how he evolves so quickly, but i trust in the gos

      i play in this universe, only to have fun, and for me, it only matters crash other fleets. off course i have to build a big fleet, and for that i have to raid inactives.
    • Talhannte's lower stats have 2 reasons - one is, he always has a bank of resources simply due to a lot of fights. The second is that his mines are top30 level, while his fleet is top1. He's able to target more guys, but not that much more, than guys with top10 fleet(pretty much few fleet people difference and occasional big bunker). Also, he's on mobile planets.However, I'm currently mining 16kk/day, so if he's on ~12-9kk/day production, it requires a good hit per day just to stay even. Well, he's upped his astro lately and should be catching up / is catching up slowly.

      Mine are a little lower than usual, because there's a guy running around with a mobile planet / 300 destroyers, killing my defenses :wacko:. Well, about 10k lower than it could be. That, and another 40k in 15th astro, which is expensive in deut/crys....however, i'm on a low BC count and they're just as expensive in this regard, so i'll have to invest in that later.
      Still, I sure don't have insane growth rates. It's 16kk from mines, about 1-2kk from cheap deut suppliers(2 of them), about 7-10kk from farming (any target from +100k overall profit after deut/losses, bc/bs for low plasma / LF's for high plasma but still small bunk, free slots into inactives).
      And yeah, I'm not posting most combat reports, only ones where either the target is a good player or if the execution is hard. Here's an example of good profit that i didn't post from couple days ago:…f4b752da09dcad455cbda2d1f

      Now, as for smoczek...disclaimer: the following just describes my opinion, and if I'm wrong - hell, I'm sorry 8) . It's just that right now I feel like he's either having an insane stretch of luck, or is pushing/account sharing. Last time I felt like that about him, he was banned again, so I'm less inclined to trust in his growth now.
      However, I know for sure that smoczek's not publishing any of his HoF's. For example, he crashed one of my ally members recently, but he sure didn't publish any HoF's. So this speaks for him.
      His numbers, however, are insane. During the last 8 days, he's made 130k points more than me. He also has about 25-30kk more lying around right now.That's pretty much making 20kk per day more than top2. As in, catching 2-3 fleets per day. Nah, make it 2-3 fleets per day more than top2 guy, 'cause i'm also killing stuff you know. Okay, if you count my astro15, it's still 15kk/day more than me, and he's bound to have "points building" as well, too.
      So I went ahead in checking his playstyle/growth possibilities again, before saying that he's probably a pusher.

      Take a look at this:

      Yeah. He must've decided to play fair here, in test universe. /sarcasm
      It'd be cool if administration checked him.

      A long post about why I currently think he's pushing in _this_ universe:
      Display Spoiler

      He was a planet down when x4 started, and placed his 8th only a day ago, so even with equal eco points(which also count nanite's and solar plants, those are higher for him etc), he'd be making less from mining per day. Now, he does have a big fleet, but I've payed attention and it looks like almost all of his combats are +hp. That means little to no farming. I'm currently targeting everyone I can possibly profit from, we have fleets separated by 20 systems so it's same targets, and I'm barely kept at the same amount of hp by moonshots. A lot of moonshots, each ~+1.6k honor points, like 5-6 every 2 days.

      He's also without jump gates so far, so areas are similar. If you want to observe, how much a top fleet, that is always online, and targeting everyone, is making - you should watch tallhante. That guy's online more hours per day than smoczek is, and has a bigger fleet. Except smoczek makes quite a bit more than that(not just mines difference, but same 15-20kk extra per day), and isn't targetting everyone. Seriously, I have a juicy outlaw+bandit moon maker some 80 systems from him, and he never even scannedthe guy.

      Technically this kind of growth is possible legally. There are like 2-3 guys total I know who can do that, and they usually end up with 2 times more points than top2 in a year or so of playing from the start of universe. They're usually targeting big fleets and still farming with whatever slot/fleet they have left, and are active for a ton of time on average, with perfect resource spending based on returns of investment. Even that they can show only after jump gates are up, and they still use cheap deut sellers. But smoczek isn't one of those guys. He isn't scanning very much, and a player with that name has bans for pushing/multi/sharing/scripts in like 10 polish universes. That makes me believe he's currently pushing. Possibly account sharing / automatizing script using.

      Now, as far as the ways he's currently pushing with...I've been observing his military points destroyed, and it isn't growing much faster than the moonshots he's getting. Yeah, he's attacking people, he's crashing fleets, he's raiding hp defenses when there's fleet/plenty resources(we raided each other a couple times, at that :rolleyes:).
      If you look at military points lost rating, you'll find most of them in HoF. From others, big part of them is known moon makers. So even if I assume that smoczek had caught every one of the other guys in top loss rating, that'll probably not be enough. Unless those targets also saved up a ton of resources on moons. For some reason. Like, "come kill me smoczek and take my res" reason.
      So either he has 12+ guys selling him all their deut on 1.8-1.2-1 ratio(legal), or he's pushing. If he's pushing, he's either not returning the debris from moonshots(easy to prove), or is creating targets with juicy fleets, and, most importantly, a lot of saved up resources to take after fight (harder to prove it's on purpose).
      I've also heard from INSANE a month or so ago that smoczek's offering people DM tickets for letting him crush their fleets. Since this is a test uni, I could see a lot of people agreeing to this and using that DM on their other universes. Unfortunately, this form of pushing is really hard to track., the guy who has multiple bans for pushing, multi, account sharing, etc on polish server is making nearly 2 times the growth I'm making at top2, while also without jump gates so far, scanning only nearby targets, and doing that occasionally? I'm pretty sure something's fishy.
      A throughout check should take care of this issue. If i'm wrong - mad skillz/props to smoczek for being so good. But I've said the same last time he's shown this kind of growth, and you know what happened.

      *added according to last post in the thread*
      That guy's smoczek's moon maker, and the resource sending could be all deut. Although, I doubt it's just trading, specially with them being sent from every planet. I'm more interested whether smoczek's returning the debris from moonshots.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Aoueu ().

    • @Talhante & Aoueu
      I know you have both different styles, you both have mastered them vide no need to explain yourselves here.

      About smoczek - even with insane eco, he won't be able to achieve such growth. He was banned already here, so let me ask - why did he was allowed to return?
      And im quite sure he's just an example, cause he's top1 atm, so attention is focused on him. Probably the problem is much more bigger.
    • I liked to have 9 to 12k of production but i only have this Produção 6.325 (3.261 / 1.903 / 1.161) Pontos por dia

      Minas 60.182 (NaN %) mines
      Outras Estruturas 58.272 (NaN %) other structures
      Pesquisa 55.603 (NaN %) researches

      6 k points of defence and the rest is my fleet "more than 230k points"

      in good days, (not weekend) i play at least 16 hours a day, with lots of inactive farming in 3 different places

      i can crash some fleets for week, but for that i have to move my fleet from galaxy to other galaxy. 1,2M at 20% of deut spend

      but i have to be lucky, because advanced techniques, are very difficult for now, because of the speed and lots of inactives and other players.

      So, i am fu****.
    • Account "jasiu83" 1 day ago had big day later was renamed for "janp" and fleet thats possible that smoczek earns in meantime so many hp points?? how it's possible that the new owner sending all ress to smoczek acc?:)
      So i explain u what happend... Smoczek bought that account like 20-30 others just to crash fleet and make some push. i even know that he offer about 25euro for account in top 200 and 50euro for acc in top 100...he saying that he has good fun with that! ofc i have no prove for it but i know that like other 20-50 people who got that offer and talked to him. Now i just wonder why admins dont see it!? I know that push is legal on some way here and i dont give a f..k about that. but when somebody is buying good acc from good players just for extreme push thats not fair at all! I just hope that pathetic human being "SMOCZEK" will be banned for life for killing that game and wasting good acc's! :puke:

      now i wish to hear something from admins...

      The post was edited 4 times, last by johnniewalker ().

    • Whoa, that means he's risen his prices. I've only heard one case of it, where he offered ~30 euros for a top 10 acc a month+ ago(and got denied obviously). Not that I talk with many non-russian players, so I wouldn't know of other cases.

      If that's his style...going to be tough to compete with that :lol:
    • Hello,

      As already said, we have still several eyes on smoczek's behavior here in - And yes, he pushed himself a lot.
      We try to find a balance between fair play and a testserver without usual game rules. So we ban those people to reduce their points only.

      During the next days we check top players again - Now everyone should rescpect what "fair play" does mean.

      About discussions about prices etc .. Have fun - This is a test server and everyone can read the information about possible server resets in the first news.

      Regards, Francolino
    • kapiszon wrote:

      in other words, push just has been legalized... ladies and gentlemen... time to register some new accounts

      Sorry you are wrong - pushing is not allowed.

      And you find all there Public Test Server - Simple Rules / Pillory Link

      We improve this text during the next days for better overview.

      johnniewalker wrote:

      Francolino wrote:

      About discussions about prices etc .. Have fun - This is a test server and everyone can read the information about possible server resets in the first news.

      So maybe we should open new thread with accounts for sell ???

      *lol* your turn .. but please use another board for those crap.
    • So i assume, smoczek has 3 brothers, 2 sisters, uncle, 4 friends and a dog playin' using same IP? :)

      Why bother with temp ban (to reduce their - push offenders - points)? Why it can't be permanent?
      Why using same IP address won't block any interferance between accouts using it?
    • "We ban only those who massively abuse the rules and we ban only for a few days as warning and to remove the advantage received (to give others a change again)."
      Francolino is it ur words?? coz if i remember properly NOOB smoczek first was banned for 1 day, like couple other players( no problem with that) than he got banned for 10 days for the same thing...and it was called the "last chance"( ok i understand) but now when we have exactly the same situation u sayin "As already said, we have still several eyes on smoczek's behavior here in - And yes, he pushed himself a lot. " and what??? 3 times and he still exist here instead of many good players who left this uni coz that noob bought their acc's! this is sick! :pillepalle:
    • guys, the rules will be made and ready for overview in few days, plz be patient, also as francolino said, players are being monitored, and soon if any actions should be made, they will be.
      be a little patient, remember that this isnt a normal universe, its a test universe, and its the first time a test server went public at such scale and things arent ready for such things, from the board to the rules.
      if you have noticed, it is now that the top-hits have been organized and ready with prefix and TD.
      so bare with us a little, if you are under stress ingame coz of some pushing,we are st stress here to keep everything clean and organized and keep improving things for you, so plz be patient :)
      thank you for your time to read this :)
    • ofc, it's a test server, we know, but still some rules should apply - one small moonmaker account won't be such a problem i think, but pushing with 8 or so accounts, while being top1, while being banned already in the past.. it's jsut like laughing in your face..
      and the only reaction we got so far is some "calm down" words with "it's being investigated".. almost like "democracy" in Belarus (no offence!).

      Just set the rule about push/multi accs and force players to obey it. Since serv isn't populated well enough, it won't harm us much, if we would be able to use moonmakers (as in 1 extra account per player), but any acc above that number - instant perm ban imho.
    • kapiszon wrote:

      ofc, it's a test server, we know, but still some rules should apply - one small moonmaker account won't be such a problem i think, but pushing with 8 or so accounts, while being top1, while being banned already in the past.. it's jsut like laughing in your face..
      and the only reaction we got so far is some "calm down" words with "it's being investigated".. almost like "democracy" in Belarus (no offence!).

      Just set the rule about push/multi accs and force players to obey it. Since serv isn't populated well enough, it won't harm us much, if we would be able to use moonmakers (as in 1 extra account per player), but any acc above that number - instant perm ban imho.

      as i said in my previous post, actions will be taken soon if needed and when needed, also, as i said again, rules will be ready for overview in few days, its the first public test server at such scale, and rules havent been made for such things so we are preparing new rules.
      bare with us and be a little patient :)

      thanks :)
    • I rly don't like this "actions will be taken soon IF NEEDED", but that's just me.
      I belive few weeks of patience is enough, we have right to count on some good will and some results, since we are aware, that this uni can be shut down any second and we keep playing and help developing the shape of OG3.0.